Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 6:25 a.m. No.20377924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8298 >>7530 >>7645 >>9846

Canadian Conservatives Slam Trudeau for Opposing Alberta’s Ban on Children’s Sex-Change Surgeries and Puberty Blockers, for Inviting Nazi to Parliament and Lying About It (VIDEOS)


To say that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is under fire equals to say that today is a day that ends in ‘y’.


Political survivor Trudeau goes from crisis to crisis always managing to remain in power, but lately he is getting weaker by the day.


This week, Trudeau is being slammed for a variety of reasons. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 6:40 a.m. No.20377979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8281 >>7457 >>9786

With King Charles Treated for Cancer, His Wife Kate Recovering From Surgery, Britain’s Prince William Is Back on Public Duty, Carrying the Torch for the Royal Family


While it is cushioned in incredible privilege, the job of the British Royal family – specially the King and his heir – is all about serving the people and the realm.


So, even if his father King Charles is being treated for cancer, and his wife Princess Kate is away from public appearances while recovering from abdominal surgery, William, the Prince of Wales, is back on public duty.


The heir to the British throne is set to take on a much more prominent role in his father’s absence.


Reuters reported: Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 7 a.m. No.20378106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7523 >>7639 >>9837

“Genocide Joe Has Got to Go!” – Biden’s Motorcade Met by Hundreds of Protestors in New York City (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to New York City to attend three private fundraisers.


He lumbered up the stairs to Air Force One after ignoring reporters.


Traffic was at a standstill to make room for Biden’s day in Manhattan. He attended events on the Upper East Side and Upper West Side.


“Drivers are advised to avoid traveling in Midtown or the east and west sides because there will be rolling street closures throughout the day.” WABC said.


Biden’s motorcade was met by pro-Hamas protesters.


81 million vote recipient Joe Biden doesn’t even have any supporters in bright blue New York City.


“Genocide Joe has got to go!” the pro-Palestinian protesters shouted Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 7:11 a.m. No.20378163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8290 >>7513 >>7631 >>9804

Open Border Allows Chinese Special Operators to Infiltrate America


Across the open Southern Border, a mass of humanity is flooding America. The new phenomenon is large groups of Chinese Nationals. Even legacy media is now acknowledging the Chinese invasion across the Southern Border. They land in Ecuador by air from China, then move on bus, foot through the Darian Gap in Panama, and back onto buses after a quick stay at Department of Homeland Security Camps in Panama. 5,000 a day total migrants, equating to more than 100 buses northbound daily.


Some are fleeing the Chinese Communist Party, some are escaping the collapsing economy, but some are very different. Watch for the younger-ish males with good teeth, flat stomachs, military haircuts, and the avoidance of eye contact. Those are the initial discriminators that begin to indicate a military connection. Teeth? Yes, one of the major reasons for non-deploy-ability of U.S. soldiers is dental issues. China mimics everything American Military, and that likely includes deployment standards. Michael Yon, former Special Forces Operator has documented the Chinese invasion at length. I spent some time with him and Ann Vandersteel and others documenting this in Panama. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 7:29 a.m. No.20378263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8300 >>7531 >>7647 >>9850

Polish Conservative MPs, Targeted by PM Tusk and Pardoned by President Duda, Struggle With Security To Enter Parliament, as Courts Issue Contradictory Rulings (VIDEO)


The constitutional crisis in Poland is ongoing, with new Globalist Eurocentric PM Donald Tusk fighting to dismantle all vestiges of the conservative PiS rule.


Tusk’s mandate and objective is to make Poland bow to every failed EU policy; from the LGBT agenda to unchecked mass migration, passing through the crippling ‘green’ policies.


In Tusks path of destruction are pwo Polish opposition politicians that have been pardoned TWICE by the same alleged offenses from 10 years ago.


Former interior minister Mariusz Kaminski and his deputy Maciej Wasik are mixed in a controversy over whether they can sit in parliament after their criminal convictions.


Today, (6) they scuffled with security outside the assembly as they tried to enter the building.


Reuters reported: Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 7:45 a.m. No.20378342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netherland’s Coalition Talks Led by Geert Wilders in Disarray as Minor Party Steps Away From Negotiation


Europe is shifting politically to the right, polls have shown, and the Netherlands are a shining example of this.


The Globalist left has long tried to paint Dutch right wing politician Geert Wilders as their ‘boogeyman’, and now they are celebrating, along with the MSM, that the coalition talks led by Wilders have hit a major snag.


There is nothing new about this, as government formation in the Netherlands traditionally takes a long time. Talks following the previous election (in 2021) took a record 299 days.


Reuters reported: Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 8:32 a.m. No.20378597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8293 >>7521 >>7637 >>9830

Elon Musk Roasts American Journalists for Coddling Zelensky: “It’s Hard for Them to Talk While Giving a Blowj*b”


Elon Musk dropped another truth bomb on the state of American journalism earlier today on X.


On Tuesday Glenn Greenwald asked an important question to American journalists, “Who were the American journalists who conducted even minimally adversarial interviews with Zelensky?”


X owner Elon Musk later responded: “To be fair, it’s hard for them to talk while giving a blowjob at the same time.”


Of course, the same could be said of US reporters covering Joe Biden.

When will they ask him about the business emails on Hunter’s laptop?

When will they ask him about Secretary of State Tony Blinken organizing the letter of intel leaders who lied about Hunter’s laptop?

When will they ask him about the showers he had with his 8-year-old girl?

When will they challenge him on his policies to open the border on day one of his administration?

When will they confront him on sniffing kids?


And for the record, it’s not just the journalists who are swooning over Zelensky.

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 8:49 a.m. No.20378704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8300 >>7531

The Great Reset Is Dead, Long Live The Great Reset


“The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace.


It failed.”


– Susan Ivanova, Season 3 Opening Sequence, Babylon 5


When the World Economic Forum rolled out their advertising campaign for The Great Reset it was supposed to be the victory lap for Globalism.


Coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent global financial crisis unleashed a flood of government funny money that was supposed to buy our way to their perpetual prosperity.


It failed.


Don’t take my word for it. Take the word of one of the chief architects of the Great Reset, Klaus von Commie Schnitzel’s right hand man, Yuval Noah Harari.


Spoken like the true authoritarian that he is, Harari can only see violence and chaos. He’s not wrong. The violence and chaos coming, however, have their roots in his attempts (or complicity) in trying to force, through violence, a global order on humanity which humanity doesn’t want.


This push towards violence, however, can stop tomorrow. All that has to happen is for cretins like Harari, Soros, Schwab, Gates, and all the people behind them, to truly accept the fact that they have failed and cut a deal with us.


If they do that we can minimize the violence on the horizon. But that’s not going to happen because they’ve already told us over and over that the abuse will continue until morale improves.


The impending chaos and violence is coming precisely because of Isaac Newton’s 3rd law, popularly summarized as “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”


It’s not coming because we ‘don’t have any answers.’ We have plenty of answers, Harari and his ilk simply don’t like them.


For decades we met their violence with a kind of silent resignation as the cost of upsetting this system far outweighed the benefit of being the first 2nd lieutenant out of the foxhole in No Man’s Land. But the costs for so many today for going along to get along far outweigh the benefits accruing to them.


And that’s why the protests all across the West are intensifying. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 9:04 a.m. No.20378794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8339 >>7579 >>7669 >>9872

Over 35 Killed In Pakistan Election Mayhem, Cell Service Suspended, As Imran Khan Languishes In Prison


Voting has ended in Pakistan's general elections which have been among its most tense in modern times, as popular former prime minister Imran Khan sits in a jail cell—his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party (PTI) banned and with members forced to run as independents—and as violence has erupted in various corners of the country.


Throughout the day the government and security services took the drastic and extreme step of suspending mobile services, and at least nine people, among them two children and six security officials, were killed in attacks by armed groups. The day prior, scores were killed and wounded in election-related terror attacks and bombings, including instances of hand grenades thrown at polling stations. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 9:10 a.m. No.20378836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These Are The World's Richest Countries, Across 3 Metrics


How do you measure the economic success of a country?


By one classic measure, GDP per capita shows individual economic prosperity. But comparing countries simply by this metric doesn’t tell the whole story. To get a better idea of living standards, it helps to look at how far your money will go along with adjusting for labor productivity.


This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Niccolo Conte, shows the world’s richest countries by three different measures, based on data from The Economist and Sondre Solstad. All figures are in U.S. dollars. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 9:12 a.m. No.20378851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8298 >>7529 >>7642 >>9838

Zelensky Fires Top General, Appoints New Commander, In Major Shake-Up


It's official: as we predicted even starting last month Ukraine's top general and commander of the armed forces is now out.


President Zelensky has confirmed that Gen. Valery Zaluzhny has been dismissed, in what appears part of a broader shake-up of top military and government leadership. Zelensky said it is "time for renewal".


Zelensky said Thursday he met with his army chief and that while it's time for significant "changes" - Zaluzhny should remain "on his team". Though the decision had been rumored and reported for over a week, presumably the stall was to negotiate and ensure peaceful transition of the top defense post. There were also widespread reports that Zaluzhny had refused to step down.


"We discussed what renewal the Armed Forces of Ukraine need. We also discussed who could be in the renewed leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The time for this renewal is now," Zelensky announced in an English statement on X and Telegram.


Zaluzhny had just before the announcement confirmed he had an "important and serious conversation" with Zelensky which focused on changing battlefield tactics and strategy.


The now former top commander has huge popularity among military ranks and especially far-right, ultranationalist and neo-Nazi elements. Will his firing result in mutiny or rebellion among some units?


Very quickly on the heels of news of Zaluzhny's dismissal, Ukraine announced the appointment of Oleksandr Syrskyi as the new commander-in-chief the armed forces. Until now, Gen. Syrskyi was Ukraine's ground forces commander.


According to Ukraine's FT correspondent:


Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov thanked Zaluzhny for his “achievements and victories,” saying that the general “had one of the most difficult tasks - to lead the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the Great War with Russia.”


A new military leadership team is expected to take over as of today.

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 9:24 a.m. No.20378921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Map Shows Germany's Political Divide Follows Former 'Iron Curtain'


A map recently published by German poll aggregator Wahlkreisprognose shows that in the former East Germany Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has a clear lead in almost the entire former German Democratic Republic while the western part is overwhelmingly dominated by the conservative CDU and its Bavarian sister party CSU.


In other words, the country is sharply divided along what was once formerly West Germany and East Germany (GDR). Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.20378983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1070

Panama Canal Traffic By Shipment Category And Tonnage


Daily Panama Canal traffic has been steadily restricted to start the year, with an expected peak reduction of over 40% by February 2024 due to severe drought. The problem is already affecting supply chains for U.S. and Asian importers.


In the graphic below, Visual Capitalist's Omri Wallach illustrates the number of shipping crossings by market segment at the Canal and the net tonnage carried during the Annual Fiscal 2023 (October 2022 to September 2023). Data is from the Panama Canal Authority. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 9:44 a.m. No.20379023   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5.5 Tons Of Radioactive Water Leaks Out Of Damaged Fukushima Nuclear Plant


Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has been discharging batches of treated radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean for six months. A new report, however, has brought to light a newly discovered leak that caused tons of contaminated water to seep into the ground.


Local media Kyodo News reports that on Wednesday morning - at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear power plant - workers found water leaking from an exhaust port on the outer wall of a high-temperature incinerator building.


According to the plant operator, TEPCO, the contaminated water treatment equipment connected to the exhaust vent inside the building was being cleaned, and water containing radioactive materials leaked out.


TEPCO estimates that 5.5 tons of water, with over 22 billion becquerels of radioactive material, leaked into the soil outside the building.


The leak brings to mind the large amounts of radioactive wastewater accumulated at the facility since the plant was damaged in 2011 by a massive earthquake and tsunami. Since August, TEPCO has been releasing treated radioactive water into the ocean, which is expected to take decades.


Local fishing groups and neighboring countries, including China, have been concerned about the dischargers. Beijing has banned all imports of Japanese seafood.

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 10 a.m. No.20379081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8298 >>7529 >>7642 >>9838

Medvedev Warns Russia Has 'No Choice' But To Unleash Nuclear 'Apocalypse' If Attacked By NATO


Not for the first time, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned that a direct war between Moscow forces and NATO would lead to nuclear apocalypse.


The current deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council issued the warning on Telegram Wednesday, in response to recent statements and reports that some European leaders are telling their populations to 'prepare for war'. For example, just last month UK Army chief General Patrick Sanders called on authorities to "mobilize the nation" to prepare for war with Putin, and that the population needs a "shift" in thinking to be ready.


Medvedev mocked this and other examples of NATO leaders accusing Moscow of seeking a broader war as but "dangerous drivel". He said that this all about trying to bolster support for sending more weapons to Kiev amid what's become war fatigue among Western publics. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 10:07 a.m. No.20379105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

REPORT! Zelensky set to flee Ukraine to live in Dubai after Nuland visit | Redacted News


A new report says Ukrainian President Zelensky has purchased a $17 million dollar apartment in Dubai where he'll live after leaving Ukraine. Viktor Medvedchuk published an article claiming Ukraine's corrupt leader is killing an entire generation of Ukrainians in order to support his corrupt regime.

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 10:13 a.m. No.20379120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8339 >>7579 >>7669 >>9872

The Faulkner Show | Arctic Sovereignty: Canada’s greatest challenge?


You likely don’t think much about Canada’s Arctic territory, but you should. For the first time in human history, an ocean which has largely been unusable is revealing itself to the world. This is set to have profound impacts on the future of Canada.


Canada will find itself in the middle of new and extremely powerful global trade routes. More consequentially, Canada’s enemies are rapidly building up Arctic defence and military capabilities creating an Arctic arms race with the power to turn Canada’s backyard into an arena of war.


On this episode of The Faulkner Show, Harrison is joined by one of Canada’s leading Arctic defence experts, professor Robert Huebert.

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 10:20 a.m. No.20379144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8339 >>7579 >>7669 >>9872

CAF members charged for trafficking cocaine on military base


Two members of the Canadian Armed Forces face drug trafficking and weapons charges, according to a statement released by the Department of National Defence.


A complaint was filed with military police against the two individuals on Dec. 14, 2023, which alleged that the two men were dealing cocaine to other CAF members as well as local residents in Petawawa, Ontario where the base they were stationed at is located.


The Canadian Forces National Investigation Service was charged with investigating the complaint and the following day the file was assigned to the Hateful Conduct, Extremism, Drugs & Gangs Enforcement team.


The investigation led to the arrest of Bombardier Nathan Saunders and Cpl. Rickardo Bryce, both now facing drug possession and trafficking charges.


Saunders faces additional charges of possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose and careless storage of a firearm.


At the time of the arrest, the two were in possession of cocaine, crack cocaine and methamphetamine, worth a combined “street value of $35,000.”


The DND also reported finding $5,000 in cash and a handgun.


Both men were charged on Wednesday in civilian court.

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 10:25 a.m. No.20379161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8298 >>7529 >>7642 >>9838

Ukraine free trade deal passed as Canadian support for war wanes


An updated free trade agreement with Ukraine was passed in the House of Commons on Tuesday, despite objections from the Conservatives, who took issue with the bill’s reference to carbon pricing.


The bill includes a provision stating that Canada and Ukraine will cooperate to “promote carbon pricing and measures to mitigate carbon leakage risks.”


The Liberals passed the bill with the support of the NDP and Bloc Québécois, which will now be reviewed by the Senate.


The Trudeau government has accused the Conservatives of abandoning their support for Ukraine, while a recent survey found Canadians’ support on the issue has started to wane.


“He is choosing to not stand with Ukraine, not stand with Ukrainians, and not stand with Ukrainian Canadians,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during Question Period, referring to Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre.


Poilievre responded by saying that his party does support Ukraine, just not the carbon pricing provision of the bill.


“In order for this trade deal to be implemented, Ukraine must agree to promote a carbon tax. That is not something we can support,” said Conservative House Leader Andrew Sheer on Tuesday. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 10:31 a.m. No.20379180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8281 >>7461 >>7616 >>9791

Five climate activists arrested after vandalizing Trudeau’s office with pink paint


Five people have been arrested and are facing mischief charges for splashing pink paint on the Prime Minister’s Office and blocking a road on Wednesday.


Last Generation Canada demands that the government establish a national firefighting agency that employs and trains 50,000 firefighters to combat wildfires it contends are being caused by the “climate crisis.”


“In addition, the group demands the government implement legally-binding citizens’ assemblies to tackle the climate and ecological crisis within two years,” said the organization in a press release.


Firefighting is a provincial responsibility in Canada; however, Ottawa can send support when requested.


Last year, some Canadian Armed Forces members were sent to the Northwest Territories to support firefighting efforts.


Canada had 126,000 firefighters in 2022, according to the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs’ report. 90,000 of these firefighters were volunteers, and only 36,000 were considered career firefighters.


Last Generation Canada confirmed in its press release that five of its members were arrested for blocking Wellington St. and painting the PMO, which followed a symbolic burning of a stroller on Tuesday Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 10:55 a.m. No.20379294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8281 >>7457 >>9786

Chinese “influence scheme” possibly linked to Trudeau Foundation donors: report


A law firm hired to investigate donations received by the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation from two Chinese businessmen said it “could not exclude the possibility that the donations in question may have been part of a wider influence scheme.”


Additionally, the probe concluded that the foundation violated the Income Tax Act regarding receipts related to the Chinese donations.


The law firm Norton Rose Fullbright was hired by the foundation to investigate the intentions behind several donations received in 2016 and concluded that they were not intended to influence the foundation themselves but instead Prime Minister Justin Truduea’s government.


“We could not exclude the possibility that the donations in question may have been part of a wider influence scheme,” reads the report. “It is important to emphasize the fact that this potential scheme, if any, would have intended to target the Canadian government rather than the foundation itself.”


Findings from the investigation also revealed that Trudeau’s brother, Alexandre, broke internal policy rules by accepting the $200,000 donation without authorization.


“Alexandre Trudeau was not specifically allowed to sign the donation pledge unless authorized to do so,” reads the report. “We did not identify any records or evidence that the Foundation’s board of directors authorized Mr. Alexandre Trudeau to do so. This being said, in our view, the donation pledge is valid.” Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 1:23 p.m. No.20380026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8300 >>7531 >>7647 >>9850

University of Waterloo bars ‘straight white men’ from applying for recent job openings


The David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, at the University of Waterloo, is inviting academics and real-world professionals to apply for the tenured rank of full or associate professor. But only the 'gender-fluid' and racial minorities may apply. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 1:29 p.m. No.20380073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8298 >>7530 >>7645 >>9848

Health Canada uses shoddy science to disregard biodistribution and fertility concerns with COVID-19 vaccines


Canada’s drug regulator clings to shoddy science and rejects safety concerns around bioaccumulation, biodistribution and intergenerational repercussions associated with the novel COVID-19 mRNA injections. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 1:37 p.m. No.20380108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8339 >>7579 >>7669 >>9872

Former RCMP intelligence official handed 14-year prison sentence for disclosing 'classified' information


Formerly of the RCMP, Cameron Ortis, 51, collected classified information on terror cells, cybercriminals, and global criminal networks. He pleaded guilty to three counts of violating the Security of Information Act and must serve 14 years in prison. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.20380147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8339 >>7579 >>7669 >>9872

Pastor beats trespass charge and fine for praying inside Calgary City Hall


Rebel News’ Angelica Toy reports from a Calgary court, where she provides an update on one of the many charges laid Pastor Derek Reimer. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 1:55 p.m. No.20380203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8287 >>7465 >>7621 >>9792

Federal report alleges deleted emails, bribes as part of ArriveCan boondoggle


Liberal MPs expressed shock Monday afternoon as Conservative MP Larry Brock read a report alleging 'serious employee misconduct,' including a 'solicited bribe' in the ongoing scandal surrounding the ArriveCan app. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 2:04 p.m. No.20380264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8293 >>7516 >>7634 >>9824

Should Bonnie Henry be fired for BC's failed 'safer supply' program and lingering vax mandates? BC United weighs in


Kevin Falcon, leader of BC United, weighs in on the party's stance on Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 2:13 p.m. No.20380323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8298 >>7530 >>7645 >>9846

Malice or stupidity? Canadian military in shambles under Trudeau | Lorne Gunter


'I don't give them that much credit for that kind of intelligence,' Lorne Gunter tells The Ezra Levant Show. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 2:33 p.m. No.20380433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8287 >>7507 >>7627 >>9794

Joe Rogan, Aaron Rogers discuss Rebel News' Trans Madness coverage


Joe Rogan labelled the situation as 'utter complete insanity,' pointing out the absurdity of a 50-year-old identifying as a teen. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 2:55 p.m. No.20380588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feb 8 - Gaza War Expanding into World War—ww3-slide-aaccelerates.html


Netanyahu Rejects Hamas Offer: Middle East Set To Explode in Wider War

See Hamas Proposals here.

Col Douglas Macgregor - WW3 is the NeoCon Game plan

Ceasefire elusive as Gaza genocide enters fifth month

Blistering Saudi Statement Slams Door On Normalization With Israel

John Kaminski has died at age 80

Brad Salzberg—Church Organizations In Canada Get Political About Euthanasia

Tim Fitzpatrick- Everything you wanted to know about the JQ but were afraid to ask


"Money Making Machine" - Did Colony Ridge Developers Pay Off Texas Governor Greg Abbott?

Putin walked a diplomatic tightrope in interview with Tupper

The four RINO traitors who saved Mayorkas' ass

New York City to hand out $53 million in pre-paid credit cards to migrant families: report

Documentary: The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2, by Dennis Wise


1st Half


2nd Half

In 2010, Jimmy Carter referred to israel as an Apartheid State

Exposing Corruption in Law Enforcement and the Judicial System, w/Donald Best

Former Toronto Police detective Donald Best discusses corruption in law enforcement and in the judicial system in Canada, Freemasonry, living in Asia, and more.

Not enough they kill or maim you and your loved ones. They need to make a financial killing as well


Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 3:41 p.m. No.20380845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8339 >>7579 >>7669 >>9872

Meet Canada’s Next Prime Minister: Pierre Poilievre. I Mean Really Really Meet Him.


Say hello to Pierre Poilievre! The leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.


Current Name: Pierre Marcel Poilievre (Adoptive Name)


Birth Name: Pierre Martineau (Original birth name, Surname is biological mothers maiden name, and the mother gave him the same first name as his biological father).


Age: 44


Who are his biological parents?


His biological mother was 16 years old at the time of his birth and was forced to give up the child for adoption due to the situations surrounding the pregnancy. Rumors have it that the biological mother (a 15 year old girl at the time) was having an ongoing affair with a very prominent Canadian politician, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (who was known to be having many affairs with young women during his time in office). While it seems shocking to many right now, you have to remember that the official age of consent in Canada at the time was 14 years of age. Rumors also claim the biological mother wanted to keep the baby but that it was Pierre Trudeau who pushed for her to place him up for adoption. Which was common at the time for teen pregnancies (especially ones involving affairs with married men).


So wait, does that mean Pierre Trudeau is his biological father?


According to rumors, apparently so. Pierre Poilievre is Justin Trudeau’s half-brother.


Who are his adoptive parents?


It is claimed that his adoptive parents are just simple folks, just public school teachers. But that is far from the truth. Rumors claim that Pierre Trudeau didnt want any sort of publicity regarding the affair and the pregnancy, so some strings were pulled and he was able to get the Poilievre’s (people he knew and could trust) to adopt the baby and to make sure no one would do any background digging into the childs biological origins. There are many stories surrounding the adoptive parents (the Poilievre’s) and their connections to various Canadian organizations and corporations, such as Magna International.


His adoptive parents divorced when he was younger and later his adoptive father came out as a homosexual man.


Nickname: “Skippy” (His nickname in Parliament since the late 2000’s)


Why the nickname?: MP’s and staffers gave him the nickname because he skipped nearly all important meetings and appointments. It became a running gag in Parliament and people began using the nickname “Skippy” to refer to anyone who missed a meeting or an appointment. They would tell interns and new staffers to “dont pull a Skippy” and “dont be like Skippy”. Eventually his reputation of not being reliable stuck with him for a long time as an MP.


What year was he first elected into politics?: 2003-2004


Career before politics: None.


He is a career politician. He has never held any other job, ever. At 17 years of age he became a delegate in the Reform Party of Canada. During his time as university student he had written a few articles for the university paper, but most of his extracurricular activities involved embedding himself into as many conservative and PC clubs at the time.


Also during his university days he became tied to Ezra Levant (of Rebel News) and several sitting and former cabinet ministers. Questions began to swirl at the time that the young Pierre was in fact being groomed to become an MP and potentially as a puppet Prime Minister. Continue…

Anonymous ID: fbceb4 Feb. 8, 2024, 7:40 p.m. No.20382234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8300 >>7531

WEF elites tout ‘safety’ of digital ID technology used to control people during COVID lockdowns


While biometric digital identity is being touted for its convenience and cyber-resilience, it was also used by governments and corporations for population control and compliance during lockdowns.


The globalist agenda for every citizen to have a digital identity has yet another crisis to exploit – AI deepfakes, and the solution uses the same tech that kept people in lockdown with selfie check-in apps.


The push for digital identity and digital ID comes from a variety of fronts, for example:


  • Climate: To track individual carbon footprints and prove climate refugee statuses.

  • COVID: To mandate vaccines passports leading to mass compliance while providing the digital framework to enact similar policies in the future.

  • CBDC: To adopt identity verified solutions in order to eliminate anonymity and record every transaction.

  • Cybersecurity: To exploit cyberattacks as a means to kickstart national identity systems and to create a passport to the metaverse.

  • Convenience: To create an all-encompassing, interoperable framework in order to enable all life situations.


Now, the digital identity agenda is turning its head towards AI-generated deepfakes, with biometric digital identity and “liveness” detection as the solutions.


According to a World Economic Forum (WEF) Agenda blog post published on January 4, 2024: Continue…