That's just the mimic. The tiny troll desperate for attention. Starve it of (You)s and it spergs
Can't beat Foxy Brown
> when they start whining about echo chambers and censorship that's usually a good indication that they don't have a comrade in the kitchen
Agree with that one 100%
> I would expect to see them wearing the King's portrait this time next year."
King William IV?
That's nice
Nissan was supposed to have a car powered by a ceramic turbine
Never got further than the NX-21 concept
No doubt the /halfmind/ crew of doar faggots comes by now and then to try and stir shit up
You already did the AI Mother Code with the MAGA Patriots larp
But ty for at least using a new image
MAGA Patriots/MAGA Riots/MAGA Extractions/MAGA Civil War/MAGA Ex-Military/MAGA Mercenary/MAGA Code Red/MAGA Black Ops/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Point Blank/MAGA BlackOut Ops/MAGA Patriots 100% Cowboy/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Internet Key/MAGA Patriots Matrix Algebra/MAGA Patriots USA COMMAND CENTER/MAGA Cyber Warfare/MAGA AI Algorithms/ MAGA PATRIOTS CONSTITUTIONAL Americans/ MAGA AI Code Writers/MAGA Command Center/MAGA Cyber Technology/MAGA Patriots High Value Extraction/MAGA Super AI/MAGA Patriot Mercenary/MAGA AI mother code/MAGA WARZONE/MAGA Patriots Private Contractors/MAGA Skunkworks/MAGA First Responder Angels/MAGA Crusaders/MAGA Detonator/MAGA Warfare Landscape
Maga Patriots, the Patriot Front of 8Kun
Bring back legal dueling and watch how quickly people are less offended and more polite to each other
Oh look, so much VD spew