Anon was ponderin’. If some anon raised a posse in Texas (or any state) to help with a formally declared emergency and declaration of INVASION of one of the states, (at least I didn’t red text) and asked for private property owners approval to patrol the border hot and 100% focused on repelling the invasion, could that be legal? In Texas you can shoot someone on your property after dark with no legal (yes civil) concerns, so at least at night I believe you would be safe legally without the protection of repelling a declared invasion as a properly raised and declared posse. Maybe there are still laws or constitutional rules for posse’s in some jurisdiction.
I sure know some folks that could with their cell phone contacts raise a posse of razer riding cowboys that would love to protect their border. Property owners would only need supply access and a place to rest our mounts and cook some beef we’ll buy from him. Then we’ll ask for lady anons to come cook for us. Then we’ll ask the farmer if we can build a small platform on a humble part of his land in the shade so we can have anon chads and TOGTFOs weddings. Then Trump will be president and all the anons can go home and make baby anons.
Anyway, the point. As I started my research, I came across this very interesting file. The first page led me here immediately to share. I’m on a long flight tomorrow and will get through a bunch of it and report back.
.mil document about posse comitatus