I haven't been checking in here as often as I used to, so I may have missed a discussion about this. But have we dug into the "Khazarian mafia" as this guy calls it… https://youtu.be/YwbkyEzYBHI?si=r-dZbsbawCESNGLl
I know it's a long video, and there's a second part too… But everything he's describing is basically what we amd Q have talked about, but going in depth and adding a the historical context. If what this guy is saying is true… Which I thinking might be… Then holy shit… What Q said about the truth hospitalizing people makes sense. Given what we've learned and how what's explained in this video seems to line up with everything, I've been having a hard time the past few hours just thinking it might be true. I mean I knew things were bad, but not to the degree described in that video.