dafdf ID: 9bc5e4 Feb. 5, 2024, 8:33 p.m. No.20364819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do you know what a nemesis is?

cause you do know i was controlling the weather a year ago, right…..

so yeah, minion.nah…

but i'ma all peace and love, as of now.

i don't tend to get angry anymore…..

…………kinda want the old me back though.

i thinnk it will be better.

as for chump, maybe that fat fuck biggie

was him good for him, maybe you used the script with nelly good.

that blonde fuck, i don't give a rats ass about anymore….that deep state minion has had the cures for all diseases for months and didn't release them.

HES A TRAITOR. same as hillary though, or biden, they all have them. but he has hundreds of thousands of lives hanging on him already….

should have changed the script when you had the chance

dafdf ID: 9bc5e4 Feb. 5, 2024, 9 p.m. No.20364888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4953


next time you go travelling or gambling, or both think of this.

there's people in countries like honduras, el salvador, guatemala, mexico, brazil, peru, bolivia, a bunch of African countries, who litterally live in the city dumpsters….mostly thanks to US policies and Europe….last time i checked Intel, Microsoft, Nike, Samsung, Apple, are all publicly traded companies in NYC. ….not the vatican…..

maybe since you got so much game…..ya'll can do something about world poverty…..

dafdf ID: 9bc5e4 Feb. 5, 2024, 9:06 p.m. No.20364921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4937


wow, digital maturity, truth is shilling?

is that it?



how sad. What ever happend to unity, freethought, and respect….

spade is a spade.

but thats the Q narrative, free thought as long as it agrees with Q….absolute truth, as long as "we don't tell it":, peace and unity, as long as it is the Q way….. "reliigions divide" jezuz jezuz jezuz…..

nah…..less and less interested by the minute.

its not really shilling, i already told ya'll.

nothing happens "outside the lines"

shilling is actually forcefully refusing to change the code in poison….. cause you could, and you'd do so much good….. but that's not what love means right….