Anonymous ID: fdf3a0 Feb. 6, 2024, 5:09 a.m. No.20366018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6022

the creepy shill personae that they send here latey act like we are tied up and victims.

they do their imitation of villains from movies that anon probably think aren't good movies.

They have their 'bond villian' personas.

And no one believes a thing they say.

they have a false narrative that they use.

they assume that most ridiculous psyops are the truth, and thus word-bomb noun-clauses that when one sees those noun-clauses in their narrative one immediately kjnows 'ah, a team shill player, a persona of the false narrative, someone who thinks tht their board is their dungeon and that the anon are captive.'


it's like going into a house of horrors at an Autumn carnival near Halloween: it's all marked up with creepy scarey stupid demonistic cartoon presentation, but it's not even a little bit frightening.

it's sad, really, tht they think the treatment that they do has any effect at all.

they discuss magic but know nothing of it.

they discuss the various forces and principalities and know nothing of it.

they are working from a script, in a bad play, using phrases and words that they pretend have power, however, they are just like the squeek from the hinge of a door in a wall that no one ever open, and no one cares what's on the other side of it.

and if you did open the door and look in there, you'd find props and fakeness and nothing of substance.

and yet this is what fills up these breads from time to time, when the breads too long and everyone else gets deleted.