Anonymous ID: 5fafab Feb. 6, 2024, 9:09 a.m. No.20366971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7095 >>7120

Wonder why Biden Admin is trying to appear tough on the border all of a sudden, but actually letting in hundreds of thousands of illegal voters?

Illegals need to be funneled into places where they can be used to harvest ballots, using adress confidentiality voter programs. As if an English as a second language foreigner knows anything about US election proceedure or even has any desire to participate. Their name will be taken, put into the confidential system and that's the last you hear from them… but their ballot will be ready to fill out by fraudsters.


Ready to see fired up MAGA Trump supporting far right extremists (undercover Feds) heading to the border to protect America?

Illegals need to feel threatened in order to claim "victim" status to receive a confidential voting adress/ballot.


California:"Safe at Home" voter program is not about protecting victims safety… it's about ballot harvesting, and putting those ballots in a safe, ready to be removed by the thousands and counted as needed by fraudsters.


California is not the only place illegal alien/"victims" can be used to harvest ballots… there are many states that use confidential ballots. -


"Safe at Home is a confidential address program administered by the California Secretary of State's office and is most effective when used as a part of an overall safety plan. Safe at Home offers victims of domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, human trafficking & elder and dependent abuse, as well as reproductive health care workers, a substitute mailing address to receive first class, certified, and registered mail. This address is also accepted by California state, county, and city government agencies in lieu of a residential or other mailing address where a victim can be tracked down, keeping the residence address confidential and out of the hands of someone who might want to harm the victim." -


This is how thousands of ballots will be harvested

Anonymous ID: 5fafab Feb. 6, 2024, 9:25 a.m. No.20367042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7064



>Hiring 10,000 more police


>Better training, Better gear


>Give them indemnity from lawsuits


>& Unleash the Police on the Gangs, Cartels & Criminals


Yeah bruh, Bigger Governmennt is what we need to protect ourselves.

Just follow the herd to the safe places and pay more taxes to hire more government employees because we don't know how to do the hard work required.

Anonymous ID: 5fafab Feb. 6, 2024, 9:33 a.m. No.20367084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7093


I think we would be better off if we formed local groups of concerned citizens who focus on doing whatever necessary to pay less taxes, then after all the non essential Big Government corruptocrats are jobless… we hire only our friends and do whatever it takes to protect ourselves.

Anonymous ID: 5fafab Feb. 6, 2024, 9:52 a.m. No.20367157   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You think it's bad now?

Watch what happens when the electricity gets shut down.

Power to the people.

We will sort it out without Big Brother telling us we can't.