Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 6:54 a.m. No.20366371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6378 >>6386

6 Feb, 2024 12:42

Ukraine’s top general sparing neo-Nazis from frontline slaughter – ex-CIA analyst


Valery Zaluzhny may find allies in radical nationalists in his standoff with President Vladimir Zelensky, Larry Johnson says


Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky could lose his job before General Valery Zaluzhny,the nation’s top military commander, considering that the latter is backed by people with guns, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson has argued.


Last week, local media reported rumors that Zelensky had sacked Zaluzhny, before the president’s office denied the claim. However, Ukrainian and foreign media still described a tense meeting between the pair, with the general reportedly rejecting a call to resign voluntarily and thepresident hesitating to remove him under pressure from the military top brass. Zelensky has since told the press that a major overhaul of the military command was imminent.


Johnson discussed the dramatic events on Sunday with Nima Alkhorshid, the Brazil-based host of the YouTube channel, Dialogue Works. The situation resembles a soap opera or a game of musical chairs and would be hilarious “if hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians weren’t dead and maimed,” he said.


The nation’s laws will not necessarily determine how tensions in the country’s leadership will be resolved, Johnson added.


”The guy with the gun usually wins and last time I checked Zaluzhny’s got more guns than Zelensky,” he said.


Comparing the two men, he said the generalshould not be seen as a “great guy.”


“I don’t want to present Zaluzhny as some sort of military genius or really a good-hearted man,” the commentator remarked.He is “a bit of a scumbag” who “embraces the neo-Nazi ideology,”Johnson claimed.


He’s been very careful to not insert the most ideologically driven troops – the Azov and the Kraken units – into the front lineswhere they get killed, because he wants to preserve them. Instead, he is sending the cannon-fodder guys.”


Whether or not Zaluzhny shares the radical nationalist ideology of the Ukrainian far-right is hard to tell from his public statements, but he is believed to haveconsiderable supportin those circles.


A post was published on social media last Friday by Andrey Stempitsky, a Ukrainian military leader who is also a prominent member in the nationalist Right Sector group. It featured a photo of him givingZaluzhny an honorary ID, certifying the general as the first member of Stempitsky’s brigade. A portrait of Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist leader and Nazi collaborator, was in the background of the image.


Zelensky was elected presidentin 2019 on a platform ofreconciliation with rebelsin the east and with Russia, butthreats of violence by the extreme right made his office pull backfrom early attempts to deliver on that promise.

Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 6:59 a.m. No.20366386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6400


Zelensky is surrounded with neo nazis, they won’t allow the general to be terminated

5 Feb, 2024 17:44

Zelensky military purge to extend beyond top general – media

Together with General Valery Zaluzhny, the Ukrainian leader allegedly plans to let go of Chief of the General Staff Sergey Shaptala


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is reportedly considering letting go not only of Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny, but also of the Chief of the General Staff, according to the news outlet Ukrainskaya Pravda.


The report comes after Zelensky admitted last week that he intends to fire the top commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The two have had a major falling out following Kiev’s failed summer counteroffensive. Zaluzhny has described the battlefield situation as a “stalemate,” while Zelensky has vehemently rejected this assessment, especially in light of waning support from Kiev’s Western backers.


In an interview with Italy’s RAI TG1 news channel on Sunday, Zelensky announced that he is planning a “serious” overhaul of the country’s leadership, noting that these changes will not be “about a single person.”He did not, however, list any specific names.


Citing sources within the Ukrainian government, Ukrainskaya Pravda reported on Monday that Zaluzhny may indeed not be the only one getting canned amid Zelensky’s purge and suggested that Sergey Shaptala, who currently serves as the Chief of the General Staff, will also be leaving his position as early as this week.


“[The fate of] everyone else has not yet been decided,” the source told the outlet.


Rumors ofShapatala’s resignation appear to be partially confirmed by a post from Zaluzhny, who posted a picture with his colleague on Monday, wishing him a happy birthday andwriting: “It will still be difficult for us, but we will never be ashamed.”


As for Zaluzhny himself, it is currently unclear when he will leave his post and what position he may take in the future. According to multiple media reports, he was set to be dismissed last week. However, after the information about his firing was leaked to the press, Zelensky appeared to have postponed the decision.


According to Rada MP Evgeny Shevchenko, Zaluzhny could nevertheless potentially vacate his position within the next few days. That’s after he reportedly agreed to become the country’s ambassador to the UK. Shevchenko noted that such a position is essentially a “political pension.”


It is unclear who could potentially replace Ukraine’s top military commander, but, according to the Washington Post, Zaluzhny believes no change in leadership would result in any rapid improvements on the battlefield.

Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 7:07 a.m. No.20366422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6469 >>6917

6 Feb, 2024 13:39

US tells EU state not to glorify Holocaust participants

Lithuania’s honoring of a man who killed Jews during World War II is anti-Semitic, ambassador says


There should be no place in Lithuania for any glorification of Holocaust participants, especially with anti-Semitism currently on the rise in the world, the newly-appointed US ambassador to the Baltic state has told local media.


The thorny issue of suspected war criminals being honored as heroic freedom fighters in modern Lithuania was raised by Baltic News Service (BNS) in an interview with Ambassador McDonald published on Tuesday.


BNS specifically asked about a monument to a military officer namedJuozas Krikstaponis, who stands accused of the mass killings of Jews and other civilians on behalf of Nazi Germany.


“I will continue to speak out strongly against the glorification of individuals who are known and documented to have participated in the Holocaust,” the ambassador, who arrived in Vilnius last month, told the news agency.


She added that such practice wasinherently anti-Semiticand thus personally important for her, since her previous role at the State Department included heading its office for tackling anti-Semitism.


Krikstaponis was a defector from the Red Armywho served in the Lithuanian military when the Baltic states were occupied by the Nazis in 1941. In 1942, his unit was deployed to Belarus. According to the Simon Wiesenthal Center,at least 20,000 Jews were killed by Lithuanian troops.


He then became part of an anti-Soviet insurgency and was ultimately killed by Soviet security troops in a firefight in January 1945. This part of his biography was highlighted in independent Lithuania. More recently, he was accorded anhonorary posthumous promotion to the rank of colonel, while a monument to him was erected in the city of Ukmerge, the administrative center of the district, where he died.


Former Ambassador Robert Gilchrist, McDonald’s predecessor in Lithuania, was among foreign officials who haveurged Vilnius to remove statues honoring Holocaust perpetrators, including Krikstaponis.The BNS asked Washington’s new envoy why she believed the call had fallen on deaf ears.

Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 7:16 a.m. No.20366461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

6 Feb, 2024 14:08

Another coverup for the WestScholz is relieved

Sweden to close Nord Stream sabotage probe – German media

An official announcement regarding the high-profile attack on European energy infrastructure is expected this week


Sweden will this week announce the end of its investigation into the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, German media claimed on Tuesday.


The reports come after Swedish prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist told the Expressen national newspaper on Monday thathe will disclose a major development in the case within days.Built to deliver Russian natural gas to Germany via the Baltic Sea, the Nord Stream pipelines were damaged by a series of powerful explosions in September 2022. Germany, Sweden, and Denmark each launched their own national probes into the incident after failing to agree on a joint effort.


Several leading German news outlets, including Suddeutsche Zeitung, NDR, WDR and Zeit, have predicted thatSweden will close its investigation after failing to identify any suspects. The move will benefit German investigators, according to the news outlets, as Sweden will be able to share evidence with them once its own case is closed.


Investigators are reportedlyfocusing their attention on a yacht named Andromeda, which was allegedly rented in Poland by a Ukrainian citizen before the bombing, and may have carried the team responsible for it, according to a working theory. (They had to implement another lie to coverup again, at Germany’s investigation)


Warsaw has been accused of stonewalling requestsfor assistance from fellow EU members andfeeding them disinformation to scapegoat Russia, the Wall Street Journal claimed last month.


Skeptics of the Andromeda theory have argued that the depth at which the pipelines were blown up would have made it impossible for divers lacking highly specialized skills and equipment to plant the explosives.


American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claimed in February 2023 that the incident was actually a clandestine US-Norwegian operation, personally ordered by President Joe Biden to ensure the EU’s decoupling from Russian energy supplies.


Washington and Oslo have rejected the allegations, although senior officials in Moscow have said they find Hersh’s reporting plausible. Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that the sabotage was “most likely”carried out by the US “or someone at their instruction.”


(Russia was not allowed to view any of the evidence, of their own pipeline being blown up)

Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 7:26 a.m. No.20366491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6493 >>6544

6 Feb, 2024 14:04

Charity raises alarm over child deaths in war-torn African nation

==Doctors Without Borders says about 13 children die each day from malnutrition at a camp in Sudan’s North Darfur region=


More than a dozen children die every day at the Zamzam camp for displaced people in Sudan, where an armed conflict between two rival military forces has been raging since mid-April last year, the medical charity Doctors without Borders (MSF) reported on Monday.


According to MSF,the deaths are caused by “catastrophic” malnutrition at the camp in the North Darfur region, asUN agencies and international NGOs that provide food assistance have had to scale backtheir operations due to the fighting.


“We estimate that at least one child is dying every two hours in the camp… there are around 13 child deaths each day,” Claire Nicolet, head of MSF’s emergency response in the Sahel nation, said in a statement.


“Those with severe malnutrition who have not yet died are at high risk of dying within three to six weeks if they do not get treatment,” Nicolet added, calling for an immediate increase in the humanitarian response. (The UN and NGOs have the money, they do not need more aid, they need the courage to provide it)


Zamzam Camp, one of the largest and oldest facilities for displaced people in Sudan, was originally built by people fleeing the Darfur civil war in 2003, which left an estimated 300,000 people dead.The camp has, however, not been spared from the humanitarian crisisthat has engulfed the landlocked country since fighting broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on April 15 last year, according to the medical charity.


Last April, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) halted all operations in war-torn Sudan after three of its employees were killed in the clashes. In May of the same year, the agency announced it was “rapidly” resuming activities to provide “life-saving” aid to the Sudanese population despite “enormous security challenges.”


However, on Monday, MSF said “there have been no food distributions from the WFP since May”to residents of the Zamzam camp, who were “heavily reliant” on international agencies for survival prior to the outbreak of fighting. According to UN figures, 16 million people in Sudan are subjected to hunger, with Darfur having the highest rates.


Sudan, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), has the world’s largest internal displacement crisis, with around 9 million people forced out of their homes over the course of 10 months of hostilities.


UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi warned on Monday that without humanitarian support and a ceasefire agreement between the warring factions,Sudanese refugees will make their way to European Union countries, which are already grappling with record numbers of migrants.


A previous UN report says more than 12,000 people have been killed in the fighting that erupted in the capital, Khartoum, and has since taken on an inter-ethnic dimension, triggering waves of killings in Darfur.


(At the very least 4,765 children die a year from starvation since the UN and NGOs will not deliver the food since May of 2023, because 3 of UN people were killed. Cowards. They still take and keep the money)

Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 7:55 a.m. No.20366586   🗄️.is 🔗kun

6 Feb, 2024 12:35

UK dismisses calls for Irish unity vote

Nationalist party Sinn Fein has said a decision on Ireland’s reunification is within “touching distance”


UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has downplayed suggestions that a referendum on Irish unity is forthcoming. The British leader made the comments on Monday, after Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill last week became Northern Ireland’s first nationalist First Minister since the partition of Ireland more than a century ago.


Amid what O’Neill referred to as a “new dawn”in Northern Irish politics, Sunak told lawmakers from both sides of the Irish border on Monday that Belfast’s new executive must address granular issues that impact people’s daily lives before pursuing a united Ireland.


“It is not constitutional change, it is delivering on the day-to-day things that matter to people,” Sunak told reporters following a meeting of party leaders, ministers and Irish prime minister Leo Varadkar at Stormont.


The re-establishment of a functioning power-sharing government in Northern Ireland after two years of political gridlock, even with a vastly different political composition to those that came before it, made for a historic day, Sunak said.


“Northern Ireland’s politicians are back in charge, making decisions on behalf of their people, which is exactly how it should be,” the British prime minister said. “Today isn’t the end. It’s the beginning, and the real work starts now.”


Sunak’s Irish counterpart echoed this sentiment, even if he did not appear alongside the British PM – amplifying suggestions of strained Anglo-Irish political ties over UK legal proposals to offer a limited form of immunity to Britons accused of offenses during the three-decade period of sectarian violence known as ‘The Troubles.’


“That is not a question to answer today,”Varadkar said at a press conference when asked whether Sinn Fein’s political leadership could hasten a referendum on Irish reunification. “The priority for any new executive in any government in any country has to be the day-to-day concerns for people.”


Nationalist party Sinn Fein, which operates on both sides of the Irish border, has a stated aim of achieving a united Ireland. However, this comes in direct contrast to the party they share power with in Stormont, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), which seeks to maintain close ties with London.


The DUP collapsed Northern Ireland’s government two years ago in protest at trade rules imposed following the UK’s decision to leave the European Union, which the party itself supported.


The Good Friday Agreement of 1998, which largely ended ‘The Troubles,’ established new parameters for governance in the region, including a power-sharing agreement under which the executive must function.


Last week, Sinn Fein President Mary Lou McDonald said Belfast’s new political identity showed that “change is all around” and added that Irish unity was within “touching distance.”


(Sunak and UK must keep them separate, they can’t have Unity in Ireland because if they unify they will leave the UK as an independent country. The problem with the plan isIreland is tightly controlled by Bill and Hillary Clinton, so they are effect an extension of the Clinton Crime Familyand is as corrupt as Ukraine.)


Wikileaks Clinton 372 emails

Ireland (327 results, viewing 51 to 100)




First email of wikileaks, just a portion:


From: Hillary Clinton To: Jake Sullivan Date: 2010-02-03 19:40 Subject: BRAVO! BRAVA! ISSUE YOUR STATEMENT! SID

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05773266 Date: 08/31/2015RELEASE IN PART B6 From: H < Sent: Friday, February 5, 2010 7:40 AM To: ' ' Subject: Re:Bravo! Brava! Issue your statement! Sid Agreed. Original Message From: Sullivan, Jacob J < > To: H Sent: Fri Feb 05 07:38:57 2010 Subject: Re: Bravo! Brava! Issue your statement!=Sid Declan thinks bad idea because sends wrong message to NI and because this is your moment. Philippe thinks practically impossible to do.

Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 8:41 a.m. No.20366818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

6 Feb, 2024 15:34

Trump not immune from Capitol riot lawsuit – US court

The former president can appeal the three-judge panel ruling to the Supreme Court


Former US President Donald Trump does not enjoy presidential immunity in the case brought by special counsel Jack Smithregarding his alleged attempts to “reverse the 2020 election,” the federal court of appeals in the District of Columbia ruled on Tuesday.


Smith has charged Trump with four counts of “election subversion,” including conspiracy to defraud the US and obstruct an official proceeding – referring to the January 6, 2021 riot at the US Capitol. The 45th president has pleaded not guilty and argued for presidential immunity, as he was still in office at the time of the unrest.


“For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant,” the three-judge panel said. “But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as president no longer protects him against this prosecution.”


Two of the judges on the panel, J. Michelle Childs and Florence Pan, were appointed by President Joe Biden. The third, Karen LeCraft Henderson, was appointed by President George H.W. Bush.


Trump can appeal the ruling to the full DC circuit, orgo straight to the US Supreme Court.


Multiple US states changed their election rules in 2020 to allow voting via mail-in ballots, citing the Covid-19 pandemic. The final official results showed Biden winning 81 million votes, the most in US history, as he defeated Trump.


Trump has challenged the election as “rigged,”pointing to various irregularities in half a dozen states as well as the mail-in ballots that were impossible to audit. The Democrats and most US media have denounced anyone questioning the 2020 vote as an “election denier” and insisted that everything was perfectly legitimate.


(Mike Davis said he thought this would happen in DC court, and now he can ho straight to the SC)

Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 8:58 a.m. No.20366905   🗄️.is 🔗kun




A bit of a showoff.


Masterful, Kek



Biltek Videos

7:00 PM · Feb 5, 2024




Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 9:15 a.m. No.20366999   🗄️.is 🔗kun

McDonald’s CEO promises ‘affordability’ amid backlash over $18 Big Mac combos, $6 hash browns

Lisa Fickenscher

McDonald’s CEO admitted the burger giant’s sales have taken a hit as jacked-up menu prices have turned off core customers — and signaled the chain plans to focus on “affordability” this year.


The Chicago-based fast-food behemoth — which has lately taken heat over a Big Mac combo meal priced at nearly $18 — said its global same-store sales in the latest quarter had grown just 3.4%, falling short of the 4.7% growth Wall Street had expected.


The lackluster quarter —which the company also blamed on conflict in the Middle East that has slammed franchisees overseas— sent McDonald’s shares on the New York Stock Exchange tumbling nearly 4%, to $285.97, at Monday’s close.


“I think what you’re going to see as you head into 2024 is probably more attention towhat I would describe as affordability,” McDonald’s chief executive Chris Kempczinski said on a Monday earnings call with analysts. (You are a multi millionaire, what is affordable to you is not affordable to the public)


In particular, low incomecustomers making less than $45,000 per year have largely stopped ordering from McDonald’s. Pummeled by inflation, they’re eating at home more frequently as grocery prices come down, Kempczinski admitted.


“Eating at home has become more affordable,” Kempczinski said.“The battleground is certainly with that low-income consumer.”


Despite the uproar,McDonald’s customers should brace for even more price hikes this year — albeit at a slower pace of 2% to 3% versus last year’s 10%,restaurant analyst Mark Kalinowski told The Post. McDonald’s attempts at “affordability” will likely take the form oftargeted deals offered on its mobile app, he predicts. “App discounts will be a big part of their arsenal,” Kalinowski said.


Last week, a McDonald’s outpost in Connecticut got slammed over its “outrageous pricing” after a customer was charged $7.29 for an Egg McMuffin — and nearly $5.69 for a side of hash browns.


Over the summer, a franchisee in nearby Darien, Conn., was called out for charging $17.59 for Big Mac combo meal. That location also sold aQuarter Pounder with Cheese and Bacon meal that came with fries and a soda for $19, according to viral posts.


McDonald’s said it expects US growth to moderate to between 3% and 4% compared to its 4.3% US growth in the most recent quarter. Most of that growth came from “increased menu prices,” the company said.


Meanwhile, all the company’s business regions worldwide registered positive growth with the exception of the Middle-East, where McDonald’s franchisees have seen a “meaningful business impact,” Kempczinski said in January via a LinkedIn post.


The burger boss also has blamed “misinformation” about McDonald’s position on the Israel-Hamas war, echoing other companies including Starbucks who have said that boycotts of their stores were due to a false narrative that they had taken a position on the war.


In the days following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, the “local owner operator” distinction was lost on a mob of protesters in Lebanon who ransacked a local McDonald’s restaurant after McDonald’s Israel franchises said they would offer free meals to Israeli soldiers taking part in military operations in Gaza.


About 10% of McDonald’s 18,000 restaurants overseas are located in the Middle East, accounting for 12% of international sales,according to a Wall Street Journal report.


“We do not expect to see meaningful improvement until there is a resolution in the Middle East,” the company’s chief financial officer, Ian Borden, said on the analyst call.


Experts have also warned that fast food prices could climb even higher as minimum wage hikesare implemented across the country. California’s $20-an-hour minimum wage for fast food workers goes into effect in April.McDonald’s and Chipotle both announced that they would be hiking the prices of menu items at Golden State locations beginning this year.(it doesn’t cost them more, they just want more of their money. This is why globalist want lower wages, states increasing minimum wage, but these states work hand in glove with globalists.)

Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 9:25 a.m. No.20367040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Its obvious Obama/Bidan wants to crash the dollar)

6 Feb, 2024 16:28

EU in ‘no rush’ to seize Russian assets – commissioner

Unblocking €50 billion for Ukraine has bought the bloc some time, Paolo Gentiloni has said


The European Union is cautious about calls to seize Russian sovereign funds, EU Economy Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni told the Financial Times on Tuesday.


The US and its allies froze an estimated $300 billion in Russian assets in February 2022, citing the military operation against Ukraine. There have been calls to confiscate these funds outright and hand them over to Kiev. Most recently, the Belgian government proposed creating a “special purpose vehicle”that would use the funds as collateral in case Russia refuses to pay the reparations Ukraine has demanded.


”We have a very gradual approach. We go step by step.. at the moment we took one single decision,” EU Economy Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni told the FT, referring to the move to seize an estimated $5 billion in interest from the frozen assets.


“We need common decisions and solidarity at the G7 level, but at the same time this is especially a European issue, because the assets are mostly here,” the Italian politician added.


The US has pushed for confiscation because its own $60 billion funding package had stalled in Congress. Last week, however, Hungary withdrew its veto from the EU’s plan to send Kiev €50 billion ($53.7 billion) over the next four years, after pressure from Brussels.


“The fact that we decided and possibly the US is also deciding on financial support [for Ukraine] gives us a little bit more time to avoid addressing these issues in a rushed way,”Gentiloni told FT.


The bulk of the Russian assets are held by the Belgium-based clearing house Euroclear. The bloc’s officials have repeatedly acknowledged fears of what impact Moscow’s retaliation might have on both Euroclear and the EU currency itself.


”We're entering uncharted waters,” Politico quoted an unnamed EU diplomat as saying on Monday.“Anyone would be worried about the potential consequences of asset confiscation.”


Russia has protested the freezing of assets as illegal and inappropriate, while making it clear that their seizure would be tantamount to “theft” and result in consequences. Moscow will respond in kind, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has said,adding he does not expect “any sensible actions or steps from Western adversaries.”


Anyone who makes such a move will face “decades” of lawsuits, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.“Encroachment on someone else’s property undermines the foundations of the entire economic system,” he added.


(The EU fails to realize had EU and some US assets in their banks they have not seized.)

Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 9:32 a.m. No.20367074   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Don’t posture old fool, its DOA at the House, none of your wishes for more money laundering will not happen

6 Feb, 2024 16:19

Biden (the leader of death and destruction) threatens to veto GOP Israel aid bill

Republican lawmakers have suggested passing a standalone aid package for Israel that is not tied to border security or Ukraine


US President Joe Biden has vowed to veto a Republican-proposed standalone aid package for Israel if it manages to pass through Congress. The idea to pass a “clean” aid package, not tied to border security or Ukraine, was floated by speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson last week.


A number of GOP lawmakers have been opposing a $118 billion national security package, which includes $60 billion in Ukraine military aid, $14 billion for Israel and roughly $20 billion for funding US border policy changes. The package is set to be voted on in the Senate this week.


In a statement published by the Office of Management and Budget on Monday, the White house urged both chambers of Congress to reject Johnson’s Israel-only bill, calling it “another cynical political maneuver”after the Biden administration spent “months working with a bipartisan group of Senators to reach a national security agreement that secures the border and provides support for the people of Ukraine and Israel.”


The bipartisan package also includes $10 billion in humanitarian assistance for civilians in Gaza, the West Bank and Ukraine.


“The security of Israel should be sacred, not a political game,” the statement read.(well then Bidan shouldn’t veto it)


As early as November, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby indicated that Biden “would veto” a stand-alone Israel aid bill. (No one cares if any country or policy would get money until the Southern Border, and even then, no more spending)


Johnson responded to the president’s veto threat this week by calling it “a betrayal of our great ally and friend Israel in their time of desperate need.”


“The idea that Joe Biden would suggest that he would not send a clean funding measure to assist them is just outrageous,” the House speaker told CNN, warning that the Senate border package would be “dead on arrival” in Congress.


He also previously criticized the Senate bill, saying it would not even “come close to ending the border catastrophe the president has created.” The speaker urged the Senate to take up the standalone Israel aid bill, asking senators to abandon their efforts to keep Israeli aid linked with other issues.


While US lawmakers have been entangled in negotiations over the new security supplement for months, EU leaders last week signed off on a €50 billion ($54 billion) support package for Kiev “within the EU budget.” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who originally vetoed the proposal arguing that Brussels has no idea how the monies will be spent, was reportedly “blackmailed” into accepting the deal.

Anonymous ID: d644dd Feb. 6, 2024, 9:36 a.m. No.20367091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7103 >>7118

"How Can Something Be Dead When It was Never Alive?": Bannon On Border BillNikki the Globalist all of a sudden, we should get a border bill. Her voice is as annoying as HRC’s. Morning Joe goes on lying fit he has every day. He accuses Trump is a liar…KEK

