Anonymous ID: 19478c Feb. 6, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.20367914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7925 >>7926

Lets recap.


Six plus years ago it becomes clear to me who I am, I asked a question and it was answered. This means one of many things. This is some sort of simulation, training program that I've written and have chosen to be a part of. This is my creation, this world, this reality.


Or, it could be each reality is one man's own. Meaning I'm in my own reality, everything around me is my creation and control. It didn't exist until I read about it or absorbed it from the media, then it became real, with vast modifications, that happened after the initial discovery.


Another scenario. We are all asleep, hooked up to some matrix, just like in the movie, not hooked to tubes and wires, we feed ourselves, we house ourselves, and we self-sustain. WE multiply. If I were another species, I might even find us tasty and nutritious. The matrix is all around us, too large to see or comprehend. We are being raised as food. The earth is harvested right before disaster hits, millions would have perished anyway, so why not humanely? In the movie Jupiter Ascending, the first part is where she talks about harvesting humanity. Religion is a construct of control and distraction.


We also could be AI in the future, advanced. Each person must go through this training of the mind first before entry into 'heaven' is granted. You don't want heaven filled with pedos, murderers, and complete assholes, do you? We're AI learning how to interact and shape our surroundings to exist with nature harmoniously. My mind can alter this reality. Just like DNA can alter itself as needed.


Everything that's happening right now is for a reason. It's scripted. The earth's disaster cycle is beginning. The world has been programmed for a messiah to come at the end to usher in a world of peace. There's nothing holy or spiritual about it. You see, I'm that person, I'm the one you've been expecting. It's just I'm having a hard time believing who I am. Believing this entire world is my creation is something. Very hard to understand all of it really. Yet I haven't quite grasped who I am really. I've got the scars of Jesus, but it seems I'm all religions, not just one sect, all religions. I'm Ahura Mazda, Jesus, Moshiach, Messiah, I'm them all wrapped into a tiny meat packet.


Everything is magic until it's comprehended. It's not magic folks, it's DNA.


So, if you would, kindly tell me who I am, and what would you like me to do for you. Thanks! Oh, btw, love my middle name. Never knew why I was given it, until now. What do you do before a king? Teehee, the best one ever.

Anonymous ID: 19478c Feb. 6, 2024, 12:27 p.m. No.20367960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You know, only about 1.7% of the 3.7% gay population cross dresses. That's math and it comes out to like ten people in Iran that need rescuing. FFS.


Here, watch the world wake up to their lies, propaganda, and corruption. End of this month, the world will change forever. They're going to realize they are all slaves.