Anonymous ID: a9fd33 Feb. 6, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.20368037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8047 >>8418 >>8483 >>8573 >>8631 >>8668 >>8682 >>8719

Senate Border Bill is Worse Than Existing Immigration Law


February 5, 2024 | Sundance |

The Senate immigration bill, aka border security bill, is only designed as thecover for the Senate to send $60 billion more to Ukraine. The Ukraine money is the priority (corps/lobbyists) the border “security” bill is the technique to create and spend it.


That said, they certainly would not want to let a created and purposeful border crisis go to waste, and they didn’t. The latest version of the Senate Immigration Reform Bill is now public [SEE HERE]. The proposed Senate border security bill provisions are actually worse than existing non-secure border provisions.




America First Legal did a great job hitting on the top-line issues created by this new bill. In many ways, multiple ways, this supplemental “border security” bill makes things worse. The bill codifies into law the loopholes currently being used to increase the number of illegal aliens.By this design the bill makes things worse.


Link to thread taking the bill apart section by section – SEE HERE

Anonymous ID: a9fd33 Feb. 6, 2024, 12:47 p.m. No.20368047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8054 >>8418 >>8483 >>8573 >>8631 >>8668 >>8682



America First Legal


Feb 5 • 11 tweets • 5 min read • Read on X

🚨The new Senate border bill is out () and we are evaluating it, but here areTEN things you should know to start with (there are more).


In sum, it appears to be WORSE THAN the current law.


Read this 🧵and decide for…

  1. It does not end catch and release.Instead, it facilitates catch and release for certain populations. This should be a MAJOR red flag for all.

Image 1


2.It exempts UAC from the new "break glass" removal authority. Which means it is worthless, as UAC remain a gaping loophole, and we have seen the largest child smuggling operation in history during the Biden Administration. For context, more than 476,000 UAC have come during the Biden Admin. None of them ever go home.

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3.It does nothing to end perpetual settlement agreements like Flores, which have undermined border security for decades.

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  1. The bill effectivelycodifies the Administration's absurd "asylum officer rule"that dozens of state Attorneys General are currently challenging in court. They might as well call thisthe "Asylum Officer Empowerment Act,"meaning more and more aliens will get asylum based on lax adjudications. And asylum = path to a green card and citizenship.


5.The new "break glass" emergency authority is a disaster. The Secretary"may"use it if there are 4,000 or more aliens encountered each day (28k per week, 121k a month, 1.46 mil a year). But he "must" use it when there are more than 5,000 a day over a week or 8,500 in a single day. Those are insane numbers and totally unacceptable to the American people.…

Anonymous ID: a9fd33 Feb. 6, 2024, 12:49 p.m. No.20368054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8062 >>8418 >>8483 >>8573 >>8631 >>8668 >>8682



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  1. AndNon-Mexican UAC are NOT counted in the total that triggers the emergency authority.

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  1. But if that wasn't bad enough, there is a provision that allows theBiden team to essentially opt anyone outfrom the new supposedly expedited proceedings.

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  1. And if that weren't bad enough, it allowsBiden to SUSPEND the new authority if he wants to,rendering it meaningless:

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2 more pics on next post

Anonymous ID: a9fd33 Feb. 6, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.20368062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8418 >>8483 >>8573 >>8631 >>8668 >>8682



  1. Oh, and the authority islimited in time duration, going down each subsequent year, making it even more worthless:

Image 10


  1. Thebill wastes a ton of taxpayer money.


Billions here and billions there for more "processing."Including $1.4 BILLION for more FEMA grantsthat provide shelter and other services to illegal aliens.


There are even nuggets like$36 million to provide attorneys for "incompetent" adult aliens.

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Anonymous ID: a9fd33 Feb. 6, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.20368385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I had no idea Eli Caine was so tall. He must have long legs and a short torso. He’s taller than all the congressman there


announcement of “Resolution of Trump Did Not Engage in Insurrection”