Anonymous ID: 223945 Feb. 6, 2024, 4:54 p.m. No.20369547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20369227 /lb

99.99% of people have no idea the Federal Reserve Act was planned in Rockefeller's parlor built directly over a known Timucuan indian human sacrifice altar, where babies were ritually slaughtered. Sound familiar? Sacrificing babies as an offering. Can anyone say Mol*ch? Actually don't say it's name. Just understand what it is we're actually doing. Why did Rome go three times to Carthage to wipe out these abominable practices in the Punic Wars? This evil predates men; we are just its current pawns. Darkness and Light. The Tao.


The Timucuan indians were tall and represented as frequently as lighter skinned than the europeans in the pictures. Whiter than whites…hmmm.


Look into Windover Man an archeological finding of a community of tall whites near Crescent Beach, FL (just south of Jekyll Island) dating back to around 8,000 years ago.


Very different indeed. And then there are the wicked bankers gathering to keep doing evil in those infernal shrines.


We are all slaves together with the whole world because of what was done there.


This will not stand. God was watching and is none too happy, but these things must occur to fulfill all righteousness.

Anonymous ID: 223945 Feb. 6, 2024, 5:51 p.m. No.20369840   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Moore (UT) isn't a traitor…he's one of the sponsors. The vote ended in a tie, so he switched his vote to allow the impeachment to be reopened by the Speaker. The other three…yeah, treason.