Anonymous ID: 3861dd Feb. 6, 2024, 5:29 p.m. No.20369698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9727 >>9947 >>9951 >>0046 >>0131 >>0178 >>0201

Hawaii Democrats Pass Bill to Remove President Trump from Ballot


The Hawaii State Legislature has passed a significant bill that could potentially bar former President Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s ballot for future elections.


The legislation, introduced by State Sen. Karl Rhoads, centers on the application of the 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause as grounds to disqualify a candidate.


After its initial reading last month, the bill was subject to a public hearing by the Judiciary Committee.


SB 2392, which passed on Tuesday, does not mention Trump by name. However, its language clearly aims to prevent any candidate deemed to have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, as outlined in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, from holding office. Similar interpretations have been used in other states, such as Maine and Colorado, to challenge the former President’s eligibility.

Anonymous ID: 3861dd Feb. 6, 2024, 5:32 p.m. No.20369715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9727 >>9732 >>9770 >>9951 >>0046 >>0131 >>0178 >>0201

Kristi Noem: "Somebody's Running The White House. I Don't Believe It's Joe Biden"


South Dakota governor Kristi Noem said President Joe Biden is not running the White House, but someone else is governing the country as she raised concerns over the border crisis that is “an extreme remaking of America.”


During an interview on Fox News on Feb. 4, when asked by host Maria Bartiromo why President Biden is providing free housing and health care to illegal immigrants, Ms. Noem said,


“He’s weak. Somebody’s running the White House. I don’t believe it’s Joe Biden. He’s never been this extreme. This is an extreme remaking of America.”


“It is a socialist-communist agenda. I think that they’ve so infiltrated the Democrat party that it’s no longer the Democrat Party of 20 years ago; it’s now a socialist party that does not want a strong America,” she added.


Ms. Noem is one of over a dozen GOP governors who have visited Texas to show their support for Gov. Greg Abbott in his fight with the Biden administration over the influx of illegal immigrants crossing the border in Eagle Pass.


The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) estimated throughout the 2023 fiscal year, 2.4 million people illegally crossed the border, up from 2.3 million the previous year. In contrast, between Oct. 1, 2019, to Sept. 30, 2020, before President Biden took office, there were only 458,000 encounters with illegal immigrants by border patrol agents.


In the interview, South Dakota’s governor criticized the Biden administration for the border crisis. “We see the president undermining our country by allowing this invasion at the southern border, and it’s destabilizing our country,” she said.


For weeks, the Biden administration has clashed with Mr. Abbott after the National Guard took control of the 47-acre Shelby Park area in Eagle Pass, Texas, to stop the flood of illegal border crossings.


The Texas National Guard has been accused of denying Border Patrol agents access to the park, leading to multiple legal battles. The Texas state government has cited its constitutional right to exercise its authority to protect the borders.


Ms. Noem has previously sent South Dakota National Guard troops three times to support Texas border control efforts. Last month, she indicated that she would continue to deploy her state’s troops to the border.


Ms. Noem’s border visit comes after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last month that the federal government could remove razor wire and other barriers the Texas state government had placed along the border with Mexico to deter illegal crossings.

Anonymous ID: 3861dd Feb. 6, 2024, 6:37 p.m. No.20370066   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thousands Fill Dublin Streets in Protest Against Migrant Invasion


Thousands filled the streets in Dublin, Ireland, on Monday in a protest against the migrant invasion plaguing the island nation.


Protesters carried Irish flags and signs and banners with slogans such as “Ireland is full” and “Irish Lives Matter.”


The phrase “Irish Lives Matter” has come under fire by leftist globalists as “hate speech”


Ireland’s “Media Minister,” Catherine Martin, has called on the public to report any hate speech online for potential prosecution under new speech laws.

Anonymous ID: 3861dd Feb. 6, 2024, 6:39 p.m. No.20370082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0099 >>0131 >>0178 >>0201

Moderna Scientists Warn mRNA Vaccines Carry Toxicity Risks


The technology used in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine carries toxicity risks, scientists with the company said in a new paper.


“A major challenge now is how to efficiently de-risk potential toxicities associated with mRNA technology,” the scientists wrote in the paper, which was published by Nature Reviews Drug Discovery on Jan. 23.


The Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 shots use modified messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology. The mRNA is delivered by lipid nanoparticles (LNP).


The toxicity risks include “lipid nanoparticle structural components, production methods, route of administration and proteins produced from complexed mRNAs,” the authors of the paper said.


Authors of the paper include Eric Jacquinet and Dimitrios Bitounis, Moderna employees, and Maximillian Rogers, who was working at Moderna when the paper was being done.


Moderna didn’t respond to a request for comment.


The mRNA vaccines have multiple known side effects, including heart inflammation and severe allergic shock. Those may stem from hypersensitivity reactions, which can be elicited by “any LNP-mRNA component” but are most likely triggered by PEGlyated lipid nanoparticles, which is “the most potentially reactogenic component,” the scientists said.


Polyethylene glycol, or PEG, an ingredient in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, is known to cause allergic reactions. Outside scientists are divided over the mechanism behind the heart inflammation, while Pfizer has posited that the LNPs are behind the issue.


The new paper drew from prior publications and other data. The authors didn’t carry out any new experiments.


Some of the papers cited included those that have found mRNA and the spike protein delivered by Moderna’s shot in various parts of human beings weeks or months after vaccination, despite health officials claiming when the vaccines were rolled out that such materials would exit the body within days.


The scientists said that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine is “safe and effective” and hailed the development of an updated shot as “demonstrat[ing] the rapid timeline for modifications with mRNA technology in the clinic.” Due to the “transient nature of mRNA,” though, “repeat administration may be necessary,” they said.


The scientists added later that reducing risks of toxicities with mRNA-based vaccines and drugs is necessary but “complicated.” That can be accomplished through a multi-pronged approach that includes advanced testing in laboratories and adjusts preclinical, animal trials to better account for “differences in human and animal physiology.”

Anonymous ID: 3861dd Feb. 6, 2024, 6:48 p.m. No.20370146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0178 >>0201

'Misuse of corporate power': Price gouging report finds big businesses exploiting Australians


The former chair of the ACCC takes aim at electricity providers, banks, airlines, supermarkets, and other big businesses in his new report on price gouging and unfair pricing practices.


The blistering report also stated that excessive pricing is not unlawful in Australia and called for the government to act, especially as many Australians struggle with cost of living pressures.


"There is currently a gap in government policy," Professor Fels wrote.


"It does not pay sufficient attention to high prices. It needs to.


"It needs to investigate and expose their causes and, as far as possible, remedy the problems, [which are] ineffective competition, vulnerable consumers, and exploitative business pricing practices."


His 80-page report, commissioned by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), found that many Australian consumers were being overcharged, and "profit push" pricing had added significantly to inflation in recent times.


The report examined various sectors including electricity, aviation, banks, food and groceries, childcare, medical specialists, electric vehicles, pharmaceuticals, and shipping services in far northern Australia.


The inquiry found that a rise in corporate profitability in the wake of COVID corresponded with the acceleration of inflation.


"The power of corporations to unduly lift prices had been a central factor in the recent cost-of-living crisis affecting so many Australian households," Professor Fels found.


"Companies have been able to leverage the disruptions and uncertainty that followed the COVID pandemic into unprecedented profitability.


"The ability of companies to charge unfair prices, amidst the unprecedented economic and social dislocation ensuing from the COVID pandemic, has significantly undermined the well-being of the Australians we heard from."


Professor Fels also stated in his report: "Adding insult to injury, numerous of the individual allegations of price-gouging received by our inquiry dealt with unfair behaviour by large commercial banks, which have used their market dominance to extract even more profit from customers through higher interest costs and other charges.


"Consumers have been hit twice by the misuse of corporate power. First, they experienced general inflation largely caused by profit-seeking after the pandemic, then were gouged again by financial companies leveraging their market dominance to make extra profits even under higher interest rates."


Professor Fels chaired the ACCC from 1995 until 2003 and his inquiry for the ACTU received hundreds of submissions from members of the public – mostly with concerns about prices in the supermarket, energy and banking sectors.

Anonymous ID: 3861dd Feb. 6, 2024, 6:54 p.m. No.20370171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0178 >>0201

After outrage, IDF chief apologizes for drill simulating settler kidnapping attack


Herzi Halevi says scenario shouldn’t have been practiced, ‘we are sorry to anyone who was hurt’; remarks come after Netanyahu demands investigation


Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi on Tuesday apologized for a drill the military carried out a night earlier, in which troops simulated a kidnapping attack carried out by settlers in the West Bank.


Halevi’s apology came following harsh criticism by far-right lawmakers and activists against the drill, which they described as “unrealistic,” despite such acts by Jewish extremists occurring in the past, notably the kidnapping and murder of teenager Mohammed Abu Khdeir in 2014.


“The IDF fights in all arenas, and in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank], forces face brutal terrorism in a complex environment. The exercise carried out yesterday was designed to prepare the forces to deal with a wide variety of scenarios, with the aim of improving their readiness,” Halevi said during a visit to the Gaza Strip.


“However, the scenario in question should not have been practiced and is an error,” he said. “We will investigate and learn, and we are sorry to anyone who was hurt by this.”


Halevi said troops in the West Bank, led by Central Command chief Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox, “work around the clock while risking their lives for the security of the residents.”