Anonymous ID: 4e3e9b Feb. 6, 2024, 5:01 p.m. No.20369576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9609

Mike Davis Discusses DC Court Ruling That Donald Trump Doesn't Have Immunity In J6 CaseIt was predictable! Excellent explanation


They did a "Trump Derangement Syndrome" judgement, only on Trump's case, not all the other Presidents, but in effect it is applied to every President



Anonymous ID: 4e3e9b Feb. 6, 2024, 5:24 p.m. No.20369675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9725 >>9727 >>9951 >>0046 >>0131 >>0178 >>0201

Harnwell: EU Commission Blinks — Offers Key Concessions To Assuage Farmers’ Escalating Wrath


Harnwell is funny and very insightful




The BIG news today on Ukraine there is NO BIG NEWS in Ukraine!


“Sociopathic Overlord” Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission, offered some important concessions to EU farmers in her attempt to halt an industry-wide defection from the “center-right” to the “far-right” at the European Parliament elections in June this year.


Having enthusiastically pumped Zelensky for the past two years, it was interesting to note how smoothly she just threw him under the bus as she attempted to save her own political skin.


European farmers demanded a stop on cheap Ukrainian agricultural imports entering the EU — and the “EU Politburo” chief instantly complied.

Anonymous ID: 4e3e9b Feb. 6, 2024, 5:45 p.m. No.20369797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9951 >>0009 >>0046 >>0131 >>0178 >>0201

6 Feb, 2024 22:35

Carlson reveals Musk’s Putin interview pledge

The X (formerly Twitter) owner will not censor the American commentator’s much-hyped sit-down with the Russian president


Billionaire owner of X (formerly Twitter) Elon Musk has pledged not to censor Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin when it is posted on the platform, the American journalist claimed in a video he posted from Moscow on Tuesday.


Carlson has been in Moscow for at least 4 days, sparking rumors that he planned to interview the Russian president. He confirmed his intention in the video, which has received over 260,000 likes.


He praised Musk for his pledge “not to block or suppress the interview once we post it on his platform X,” confirming that the video would be available without a paywall to anyone who chose to watch it on the journalist’s own website as well.


“Western governments, by contrast, will certainly do their best to censor this video on other less principled platforms, because that’s what they do - they are afraid of information they can’t control,” the journalist continued, encouraging Americans to watch the interview in order to educate themselves on the “history-altering developments” unfolding in Russia and Ukraine.


After assuming control of what was then called Twitter in late 2022, Musk famously partnered with a group of journalists to release internal communications that were widely accepted as proof that multiple US government agencies had been unconstitutionally suppressing the spread of narratives, they found undesirable on social media.


Musk’s decision to allow numerous prominent banned users back on X – including former US president Donald Trump and, more recently, Infowars host Alex Jones – was praised by free speech advocates, including Carlson. The former Fox News host launched an independent talk show streaming on X last year after he was unceremoniously fired from hosting the number-one prime-time show in the US for reasons that have still not been made public.


While Musk presented himself as a free-speech absolutist when buying the platform, X has significantly increased its compliance with government content takedown requests since his takeover,honoring 80% of such orders compared to 50% under his predecessors, according to a report published last year by tech outlet Rest of World. This has not stopped western governments, including the EU, from demanding he crack down on “disinformation” and “hate speech,” threatening severe penalties for noncompliance.


Like Carlson, Musk has been a vocal advocate for peace in Ukraine, repeatedly warning Washington against provoking a direct conflict with Moscow that could spiral into a third world war. Accordingly, while he provided Ukraine with free access to his company SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet service, he has refused to enable the system near Crimea, lest Kiev use it to facilitate attacks on the Russian fleet, arguing in September that to do so would render his company “explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation

Anonymous ID: 4e3e9b Feb. 6, 2024, 5:59 p.m. No.20369878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9919 >>9963 >>0046 >>0131 >>0178 >>0201

6 Feb, 2024 19:27

Biden demands Congress pass Ukraine funding

“The clock is ticking,” the US leader has said, (Who’s Clock is Ticking?)


US President Joe Biden called on the Senate to “immediately” pass the supplemental funding bill that includes more than $60 billion in aid for Ukraine, additional aid to Israel, and “reforms” to border security and immigration.


Arriving almost two hours behind schedule, Biden pointed to his Ukraine lapel pin and necktie in the Ukrainian flag colors to argue that Kiev is “in dire straits right now” without urgent funding.


“The clock is ticking,” he said, arguing that Russia does not intend to stop with Ukraine and “the cost to America and our partners and allies will rise” unless more money, weapons and ammunition are sent right away.


“Supporting this bill is standing up to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, opposing this bill is playing into his hands,” Biden said. “History is watching. Failure to support Ukraine will never be forgotten!”


The $116 billion supplemental “national security” funding bill was proposed by the White House in October and bundled aid to Ukraine and Israel with “border security.” Republicans, who have a razor-thin majority in the House and enough votes to block the bill in the Senate, have proposed separating the three issues. Biden and his Democrats have refused, however.


“We need it all,” Biden told reporters.


He blamed “MAGA Republicans” and former President Donald Trumpfor not wanting to “secure” the border and hoping to use it as an election issue in November. He urged the opposition party to “show some spine and do what they know to be right,” and not be intimidated by Trump.


Millions of illegal immigrants have shown up at the US border with Mexico since Biden became president, claiming asylum and being released into the country because the Democrat had rescinded Trump’s immigration policies by executive order.


Biden called the proposed bipartisan reforms “most fair [and] humane” and intended to “finally” fix the system he described as “broken” by hiring more Border Patrol agents, asylum officers and immigration judges – while expediting asylum claims and issuance of work permits.


Critics of the proposal have called it a de facto amnesty for millions who entered the US illegally and noted that Biden has all the necessary authorities and tools to close the border now, should he actually wish to do so.


The Senate intends to call a vote on the bill as early as Wednesday. It is scheduled to go into recess on Saturday and not reconvene till February 26. The House leadership has said it would be “dead on arrival” if it passes, however.


(He’s losing his mind now, if Ukraine doesn’t get the money, what happens to him?)

Anonymous ID: 4e3e9b Feb. 6, 2024, 6:06 p.m. No.20369919   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Was he giving a go signal to leftists

>Arriving almost two hours behind schedule,Biden pointed to his Ukraine lapel pin and necktie in the Ukrainian flag colorsto argue that Kiev is “in dire straits right now” without urgent funding.


>“The clock is ticking,” he said, arguing that Russia does not intend to stop with Ukraine and “the cost to America and our partners and allies will rise” unless more money, weapons and ammunition are sent right away.


>“Supporting this bill is standing up to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, opposing this bill is playing into his hands,” Biden said. “History is watching.Failure to support Ukraine will never be forgotten!”(by who???)