Which is the question, and where it was always headed. Will they rule for the constitution or against it. My guess is they will rule against him as it only helps the demolition. This is why Haley is still in the fucking race, Rona getting booted now is interesting though in terms of timing. The SC is the last branch that must fall. All the boughs break all the deep state falls.
How do you restore the constitution? Restore each state, How do you restore the trust in the broken system. When every branch and system has been tainted how do you restore anything. What laws will be kept, restored, removed. The level of absolute restructure is insane and to just say restore the constitution, great, how.
how long would you guess the military would need to be in control to facilitate that and put people in place who can run it till a certain time. It needs to be thought out more than just automatic shaving. Will constiutional amendments be kept? Why or why not? Were they put there by corrupt people, how far back does America have to go to preserve its ideology? Remove amendments, shit women can not vote, not a bad thing, but idiots will cry. How fix?
running on fumes into the station. All they will be shown to be are fuck ups every side every one of them internal bickering and stupid letters. March is when the Trump j6 trial starts.
neck yourself.
good on most. securing the rights of voters is only part of the problem. While this is all happening a massive deportation will have to also happen at the same time, many of the politicians are only in office because illegals are housed in their cities creating new seats. New judges good idea, how do you ensure you get quality ones not filled with brain cancer? How do you justify the people in jail now who had corrupt trials also? Do you rehear every case? Private education, good. anti monopoly good. bring back manufacturing in all sectors so its cheaper to create here, may not have to even import much, commercial farming is not the issue, food waste is though. We could easily solve many of the basic problems like housing and food once you start securing the border. Quit funding foreign wars. There need to be more conversations like this about how to do this.