Anonymous ID: 6cb673 Feb. 6, 2024, 7:19 p.m. No.20370340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Assuming we don’t get the extraordinary election rigging of 2020 and 2022, Trump wins in a landslide, and brings in a horde of Maga Republicans riding his coat tails into the legislature.


At which point the irrelevance of the president and legislature is going to become a point of tension. The radicals have demonic paladins. Thermidor has no Paladins. As I keep saying, Thermidor needs reaction to give it steel. Last time around Trump did not include anyone from the alt right, the reaction, or the Christian right in his administration. If he makes the same mistake again, the radical left will continue on its current course, just a bit slower, and with some minor setbacks, which it will soon overcome. They will absorb and build upon their Trump retreat, as they absorbed and built upon their Reagan retreat.


In past Thermidors, the Thermidoreans encountered a ride sufficiently rough that they let reaction off the leash to take some effective measures against the radical left.


Thermidor is always fragile, shaky, and unstable – sometimes it staggers on for a long time while everything crumbles, but usually it turns left or right – normally right. In the Soviet Union, Thermidor nailed Beria, and with the radical left having been eradicated by the likes of Beria, was now seemingly securely in power. But the faith that animated the Soviet Union had died, and they had killed it.


The Washington kleptocrats are counting on Trump for a Soviet Style denoument, where the kleptocrats remain stably in power, without the radicals destroying everything. We shall see.


The trouble with this plan is that they think Trump is their Beria, their General Monk. No, Trump is a 1980s leftist, a mere two score years behind the current year. He is going to need his General Monck.


The radicals are worried by Trump’s plan to punish those that weaponized the justice system and purge the FBI. Thermidor is less troubled, because it needs the leftists who think Thermidor is their enemy purged. (It is not their enemy. It thinks the radical left are good people being foolish, and the officially unofficial state religion is good, if not taken to extremes.) But unless Trump takes the reaction on board, the purge is not going to get very far, and the punishment will merely be a decade or so of a slightly less central position in the halls of power. To fix the FBI and the spy agencies, Trump needs to hire a General Monck.