Anonymous ID: ce0489 Feb. 7, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.20372473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2507 >>2686 >>2974 >>3107



>>20370596 pb

will make the Liberals' heads explode.

Good Idea.

Pressler is a hard worker, is good with people and is smart.

Will properly block the haters who claim Trump is intolerant and anti-gay

Gay vote is pretty huge.

Dems think they can count on that?

What is the Dems platform?

"Dumpft hates gays and will take away abortion"

"Drumpt?" what else?


Oh Right, "Children can cut off their dicks payed for by government"

"we need better workers. americans are lazy. We need to import anybody who wants free stuff, so they can work for us"


Pressler is such a hard worker. Stalwart, loyal, great with the facts and with debate; Able to convince.

If they try to attack him, it will look bad to their followers.


What was HRC's platform?

"Vote for me. I am a woman. What is more outsider than being a woman"

It's all identity politics for them and Pressler is perfect.


Rhinos likely hate him.

Rhinos get paid to sit on their ass.

Pressler, gosh darn, moves like a powerhouse - focuses on the goal of winning.

Would he be up to the Administrative chores involved?

Couldn't do worse than what they do now?

But this year is critical; someone as energetic as Pressler, getting the vote out, could do it!?

He should try it. Could galvanize grass roots.

No one is more grass roots than Pressler

Trending on Twitter?

Anonymous ID: ce0489 Feb. 7, 2024, 7:44 a.m. No.20372598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2625 >>2648 >>2757 >>3036


BS / mis-direction from somebody who didn't study it much.

Like the people who never studied JFK killing (studied intensely by citizen journalists and experts in various fields for over 50 years) then go ahead and claim you've got a new lead - a blurry video shows Jackie killed Jack.


No need to re-invent the wheel,

People have been all over it, and their blogs, videos, forums all infiltrated, erased and posters blocked.

But the work still survives(try or Continuious Pieces series on Tiger Network?)

People have done thousands of hours of work on this already.

No need to start from scratch without getting up to speed?


Now start over on 9/11 attack, twenty years on, without studying the subject?


there's book you can read on it.

I can't begin to unwind all the BS here.

Planes in D.C. ? wut.

BTS bureau of online stats.

followed up by confirming phone call

Two flts never took off. Were canceled the week before.

(FBI involved with "incestigation" just as with flt 800)

There were only enough named passengers to fill one flight.

That in itself (passenger lists) is one huge research project.

Check - there much info there. Links, resources, vids on free speech platform

Anonymous ID: ce0489 Feb. 7, 2024, 8:15 a.m. No.20372757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2780 >>3036


have no idea what this might have to do with China?


If the truth doesn't out and these people (who did the 9/11 attack )(The American commondeered and permanantly installed government) are still in charge, isn't that as if a gone-mad killer dog is loose in the family home?

Now we are seeing the consequences of no one listening to us back then.

Some said back in the day "You Deserve what will be coming, because you did not listen and turned away"

I semi-agree with that.

There's a guarantee they would do more; if not stopped? And some people back then knew it, with all their heart. Me, I was always an optimists and unsure what would happen;

I just kept with my work in the case someone would see it, some day, and it could do some good.

Search "Octopus" on tora3 and find more info 9/11 attack related;

If the truth doesn't out and these people are still in charge, isn't that as if a gone-mad killer dog is loose in the family home? There's a guarantee they will do more; if not stopped?

That was foretold, years and years ago.


Think of this; If the despots NWO planners, would come to be successful in their open attempt for an ORDER to mute free speech, if this went on for a generation, no one would even remember that they had it or what it meant.

They don't even know it, now!

People failed to use it?

Even now, the Liberal Democrats have no ideo what it means, nor the injuries sustained from blocking information (millions dead and injured from the eugenics injections - lives cut short) and They revile those who think different on cue, having no idea they themselves have been injured and robbed.

Those who actually check out validity of data / mainstram storytelling. i.e. who are The authentic fact - checkers are "domestic terrorist" according to the label attached to them by the psychos.

Just as authentic whistleblowers are shunned and only the fake ones ever get seen or heard, the real journalists (if they aren't outrigh murdered - which happens often, along with jailed) are shouted down by FakeNews which blankets the airwaves and saturates Internet broadcasts with garbage, to make sure nothing of actual long-term importance gets through.




Octopus 9/11 by anon 'FRED' bsregistration

Anonymous ID: ce0489 Feb. 7, 2024, 9:11 a.m. No.20373036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3080 >>3091



The taped phone call to the Bureau of Transportation Stats. is part of the sound track here.

"Caesar did 9/11, (Goldman Sacks Mix)"



"China did it?" I would need moar sauce for that.

I had an informant leave a long message for me, on a place from where I'm blocked now. (so can't make a copy of it)

the idea 93 was on it's way to D.C.?

I think that's unproved, but possible, based upon what I was told

On the ground witnesses saw a plane crash. Their statements are in the Shanksville Coninuous Pieces vid I emedded in this bread.

My informant said a very fast place came from Area 51 … and shot it down. He said something crazy, like Mach 2

The perps in their government (prviously ours) let it happen that day; but even more made it happen.


It would've been much worse but the intervening of some Patriots, so I was told.

Somebody screwed up the ANTHRAX part of the op?

But they did use that to blackmail the few members of Congress who stood against the Emergency Act.

So maybe it wasn't a complete screw-up after all?





Anonymous ID: ce0489 Feb. 7, 2024, 9:21 a.m. No.20373080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3086


"My informant said a very fast plane came from Area 51 … and shot it down. He said something crazy, like Mach 2 [cant rememver, maybe more.) but only took a short time to cross the Country" And a very fast, very special aircraft?

Anyway, I think the informant wanted me to know that I wasn't alone.

Foreigners have commented, like people have about the recent attack on Israel "How come defenses were down"

No aircraft scrambled?

Anyway, at the time it was put down to "Drills sending aircraft to northern Canada"

"Incompetence of Dubya Bush"

But his Military was asleep?

Now, of course we know Media was in on it. That was their "ace in the hole"

It was a merging of Military with Media "Future Combat System"

a test of the FCS.

There's other reports on FCS but this is the easiest to find at the moment

"Coney Island Research, aka FCS did 9/11"

Anonymous ID: ce0489 Feb. 7, 2024, 9:27 a.m. No.20373097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3106


doean't matter.

Chinese plan to invade, their Generals have announced (privately) But transcripts have been shared.

We're under no obligation to put our security at risk for the benefit of stangers.

Why would we?