Anonymous ID: 5d4f94 Feb. 7, 2024, 1 p.m. No.20374116   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They can't say they haven't been given fair warning. But they know they can't just give up now, either way will end them. So I'm sure they will remove Trump immunity and aim course for burning it all down.


Little do they realize, we're quite happy for them to burn.


We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn…

Anonymous ID: 5d4f94 Feb. 7, 2024, 1:30 p.m. No.20374239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4310 >>4434 >>4527 >>4584 >>4686 >>4718

Why MSM says Trump wants to buy Greenland…


Here’s why Trump wants to buy Greenland



Jordan McDonald


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President Donald Trump has floated the idea of buying Greenland multiple times. Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has called the notion “absurd.”

Yet Trump’s interest in Greenland is just the latest indication of the island’s increasing geopolitical importance. It is even drawing the eye of China.

Greenland’s growing strategic value is linked tightly to new North Atlantic shipping lanes opening up due to melting polar ice caps. Its largely ice-capped land mass is also rich in untapped natural resources.


Trumps likely real interest in pointing out Greenland…


Inside ‘Project Iceworm’ 3km mega bunker built to survive WW3


Although the government has since denied planning to conscript the public, they have not denied planning for war. But the icy Greenland site is not without its dangers – it continues to store nuclear waste. Assuming the site would remain frozen in perpetuity, the US army removed the nuclear reactor installed on site but allowed waste – equivalent to the mass of 30 Airbus A320 airplanes – to be entombed under the snow

Anonymous ID: 5d4f94 Feb. 7, 2024, 1:44 p.m. No.20374310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4434 >>4527 >>4584 >>4686 >>4718



likely: NOTABLE


Project Iceworm and the under-ice labyrinth

In 1959 the US Army began building a network of tunnels under the ice in Greenland's remote north-west.


The tunnels were to house a military base, and form an under-ice labyrinth connected by railway tracks.


The US Army plan, known as Project Iceworm, was to stash nuclear weapons in the ice tunnels, which were within striking distance of the Soviet Union.


In the event of nuclear war with the Soviets, the weapons could be moved undetected under the ice via the railway, popping up to launch in a kind of nuclear Whac-A-Mole.


The staging post was Camp Century, an under-ice base powered by a portable nuclear reactor, that the US claimed was purely an Arctic research station.


In the end, around 3 kilometres of tunnels were built — falling far short of the ambitious hundreds to thousands of kilometres slated in the plan. There was a kitchen, dormitories, cafeteria, theatre, chapel, and library, as well as the power station.


The nuclear weapons never made it, nor was permission sought from the Danish government to go ahead with the nuclear plan, declassified documents show. But some good science did actually get done.

Anonymous ID: 5d4f94 Feb. 7, 2024, 2:24 p.m. No.20374505   🗄️.is 🔗kun




.salvation is of the jews… WHY?


Do any of you ever look into the context of what Christ is saying when he speaks this passage?


Without the sacrifice of the lamb, there is no salvation through grace.


Without the Edomites, (who are in control of Solomons Temple. Jerusalem and Judah during the period circa 600 BC to 70 AD) forcing Pilates hand in killing Christ, there would be no salvation.


Additionally none of you Muh Jew faggots even know that Biblical Jews are not Biblical Israelites.


In fact Jews don't even belong to any of the 12 tribes, they're descended from Esau, Edom.