Anonymous ID: 7e4ae7 Feb. 7, 2024, 1:45 p.m. No.20374316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4434 >>4527 >>4584 >>4686 >>4718

Internal Docs Obtained by CBP Sources Prove DHS Aware Illegals Coming to US Through Darien Gap NOT Asylum Seekers


Ali Bradley, who covers the southern border for NewsNation, interviewed Border Patrol Union president Brandon Judd.


Bradley and Judd discussed the influx of illegals from the Darien Gap and how asylum seekers were not a major factor in these people coming up to the border. Most of them were in poor conditions and wanted to reunite with relatives already in the States, according to DHS documents.


“Why are we repatriating those individuals right when they say we don’t have a valid claim out of their mouth? You’re using way too much common sense. You can’t do that when we are talking about politics. You can’t look at common sense and say hey, how can we stop this when this administration actually wants this crisis to go. That’s what their base support wants. The base support wants open borders.” Brandon Judd said in an interview with Ali Bradley.


“We could do exactly what you just said but it comes down to politics. Why don’t we do it? Politics,” he said.


The DHS documents posted to X show that asylum was not a factor in these illegals coming up to the southern border.


The Darien Gap is a very dangerous path that many of the illegals have taken to continue their journey to the southern border of the US. This area is in Central America and connects North and South America.

Anonymous ID: 7e4ae7 Feb. 7, 2024, 2:17 p.m. No.20374468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4479

World entering ‘age of chaos’ – UN chief


The intergovernmental organization is more divided at present than it was during the Cold War, its leader has said


United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Wednesday that the world is moving towards an “age of chaos” as a divided Security Council struggles to adapt to critical geopolitical issues and ongoing global crises.


In his annual address presenting his priorities for 2024 to the Security Council in New York, Guterres said that conflicts and wars across the globe are creating a “dangerous and unpredictable” reality for innocent civilians.


“For millions of people caught up in conflict around the world, life is a deadly, daily, hungry hell,” Guterres told the UN’s General Assembly. This “age of chaos,” as he described it, has created a “dangerous and unpredictable free-for-all” at a time when the United Nations Security Council “is deadlocked by geopolitical fissures.”


Among the issues dividing the UN, Guterres said, is Israel’s war in Gaza. He added that he was “especially alarmed” by reports that Israel intends to focus its military offensive in the southern area of the besieged enclave, where more than a million people have sought shelter from aerial and ground bombardment.


“Such an action would exponentially increase what is already a humanitarian nightmare, with untold regional consequences,” he warned.


The secretary-general was also critical of states seeking to bolster their arsenals of weapons of mass destruction, measures that, he said, serve only to increase global insecurity and inflame regional tensions.


“After decades of nuclear disarmament, states are competing to make their nuclear arsenals faster, stealthier and more accurate,” he said. The weapons are being developed without guardrails, he added, “creating new ways to kill each other – and for humanity to annihilate itself.”


Guterres stated that, while the Security Council has experienced division in the past, “today’s dysfunction is deeper and more dangerous.”


“During the Cold War, well-established mechanisms helped manage superpower relations" he said. “In today’s multipolar world, such mechanisms are missing.”


The UN chief also called on member states to “make peace with the planet” by committing to reducing harmful emissions and working to phase out fossil fuels, pointing out that humanity’s “war with nature” is a “crazy fight to pick.”


Amid the bleak global outlook, Guterres called on world leaders to come together for the ‘Summit of the Future’ to be held in New York in September, adding that it was an opportunity for global leaders to “shape multilateralism for years to come.”

Anonymous ID: 7e4ae7 Feb. 7, 2024, 2:31 p.m. No.20374540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4584 >>4686 >>4718

Kentucky trans pedophile receives no jail time after pleading guilty to sex abuse of a baby


Maria "Mark" Childers was charged with one count of first-degree sexual abuse of a victim under 12 and three counts of first-degree criminal abuse of a child under 12.


A Kentucky trans-identified biological male who has been charged with sexually abusing a baby will not face jail time after reaching a plea agreement with prosecutors.


Maria "Mark" Childers, a transgender daycare worker in Kentucky, had been charged with one count of first-degree sexual abuse of a victim under 12 and three counts of first-degree criminal abuse of a child under 12.


On January 29, 2024, Childers struck an agreement with prosecutors which included entering a guilty plea in exchange for his charge of first-degree sexual abuse of a victim under 12 to be amended to sexual misconduct, which is a Class A misdemeanor. The remaining abuse charges were also dropped, according to Reduxx.


Childers, who first began identifying as a woman seven years ago, was represented by prominent trans activist lawyer Madison Leach.


Childers had been sentenced to 12 months in prison, but the judge postponed sentencing in favor of a 6-month conditioChilders had been sentenced to 12 months in prison, but the judge postponed sentencing in favor of a 6-month conditional discharge. In addition to avoiding incarceration, the defendant may be able to clear his criminal record if he adheres to the conditions of the conditional discharge, per the outlet.nal discharge. In addition to avoiding incarceration, the defendant may be able to clear his criminal record if he adheres to the conditions of the conditional discharge, per the outlet.

Anonymous ID: 7e4ae7 Feb. 7, 2024, 2:54 p.m. No.20374676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why Americans are no longer governed by the Constitution


Most conservatives view the U.S. Constitution as the central element that binds the identity of the nation together, but constitutions do not make peoples; peoples make constitutions.


The Catholic political theorist and enlightenment skeptic Joseph de Maistre believed that no true constitution can ever be written by human hands but can only be inscribed on the hearts of a nation’s people by the almighty God. For Maistre, the notion that a constitution would, in and of itself, create the character of a nation was absurd. The values and norms contained in a constitution reflect the traditions and folkways that organically emerge from the character of a people.


The shared moral vision of the people, which serves as the real force of the constitution, pre-exists the written document itself. Any rights enumerated in the document are only a written formalization of that which is already held deeply sacred by the people, and their protection is entirely dependent on the continuance of that tradition.


Maistre did not push for a universal form of government but instead believed that the best government would be one that naturally fit the needs and traditions of the people over which it ruled. An artificially imposed regime with no connection to the ways in which different communities lived their lives could not hope to govern them well. Virtuous leaders had a duty to guide their people toward a better future, but that could only be done in the context of a shared understanding of the common good. A constitution could not enforce this vision; it could only represent the spirit that already existed within the polis.


America is a vast and complicated nation. It has always been a collection of very different regions, cultures, and traditions separated by the kind of geographical distances that would have formed individual nations in a place like Europe. This is why the country was originally governed as a confederation of separate states instead of one unified whole.


Due to its divergent ways of life, geographical separation, and intermittent waves of large-scale immigration, America never truly achieved ethnogenesis. Instead, it relied on one consistent factor that most of its residents shared: protestant Christianity.


While Catholic, Jewish, and eventually Muslim waves of immigration would all arrive, America’s initial population were protestant Christians, and it is from this firmament that the moral vision of America arose.


America was founded by those who chose to leave their homes and strike out for new lands rather than compromise their way of life, and that deep instinct to prefer exit over assimilation persisted well into the nation’s history.


Due to its size and regional diversity, America never truly formed a single national culture or identity. Whenever two or more groups disagreed, rather than being forced to reconcile and become one people, they simply split, venturing farther and farther into a seemingly endless frontier. A federal model allowed individual communities and states to operate very differently as long as they held to the shared moral framework of protestant Christianity. Subsidiarity, the idea that the political problems should be resolved as close to the locality where they originate as possible, meant that the traditions and folkways of each region could be maintained while still working inside the larger system of the nation.


The religious character of America’s people may have changed, but the bedrock of its founding document has not. In modern America, the Constitution is held up as a secular procedural blueprint for objectively navigating disagreements between groups with vastly different moral visions, but nothing could be farther from the truth. As John Adams explained, the Constitution is made for a moral and religious people, and it is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.