Anonymous ID: 8ebd53 Feb. 7, 2024, 3:41 p.m. No.20374934   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>20374440 Nikki Haley lies (PN)


It’s almost as if she thinks, millions of anons saved everything that she said and did from the day she announced to betray Trump. Nothing is ever truly lost on the internet.Her scrub team must really suck

Anonymous ID: 8ebd53 Feb. 7, 2024, 4:01 p.m. No.20375032   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5038


Bannon just reported Jason Smith of house revesled;


OMG WH logs prove that Fani Willis and prosecutor had multiple hours long at with the President


Judge Cannon released that the FBi had another investigation on Trump that no one knows about that Jack Smith wanted to keep sealed. She said No you have to give it to the Defense Council


Must listen

Anonymous ID: 8ebd53 Feb. 7, 2024, 4:58 p.m. No.20375330   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5370 >>5442

Harnwell’s reporting is spot on since he lives in Rome and has access to all the London and EU news and papers

Harnwell: Ukraine’s Parliament votes to extend martial law for a further 90 days




Few MSM news operations have reportedthe tenth extension to Ukraine’s martial law regime, as approved by Ukraine’s Parliament yesterday. And none have mentioned the significance of this specific extension in particular.


Martial law will now be extended from February 14 until 13 May 2024. The significance is that presidential elections were set for 31 March — but under Ukraine’s constitution, elections while martial law is in place are prohibited.


So in less than two months President Zelensky’s democratic mandate will have expired, and he will officially be an unelected dictator.


Zalushny is still not fired


Why isn’t MSM yelling and screaming about Marshall Law in Ukraine and Zelensky being a dictator, when they accuse Trump of being a dictator if he invokes Marshall Law here!

Anonymous ID: 8ebd53 Feb. 7, 2024, 5:12 p.m. No.20375402   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5442 >>5466 >>5494 >>5497 >>5505

Update, Biggest Kek Ever

Feb, 2024 23:48

US Senate fails to back more funding for Ukraine

The motion to proceed the package was defeated by a 49-50 vote on Wednesday


Republicans in the US Senate have blocked a bill that would have allowed for more funding for Ukraine on Wednesday.


Most GOP legislators voted against the bill, according to the Hill. DemocratsEd Markey, Bob Menendez, Alex Padilla and Elizabeth Warren, as well as Bernie Sanders– an independent from Vermont –joined the Republicanswho refused to back the legislation.


The $118 billion package included $60 billion in military aid for Ukraine and $14 billion in military assistance for Israel.


The bill was touted by Biden as a compromise with the Republicans who have been refusing to greenlight more money for Ukraine unless the president agrees to a comprehensive border security and immigration reform.


Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, warned before the vote that there was “no real chance” that the bill would pass, as the GOP has been arguing that Biden’s offer was not enough to effectively end “the border crisis.” Other Republicans insisted that a border bill should not be tied to Ukraine aid.


“This is the most outrageous thing that I have been a part of in my 16 years in Congress,”Senator Chris Murphy told NBC News shortly after the vote. “We’ve learned that Trump is fully and completely in charge of the party, and they are rudderless otherwise.” (Of course he is Murphy, is that a bad thing? He’s saying if McConnell was in charge they’d betray the American people with no money to Ukraine.)


Murphy was referring to former president Donald Trump’s staunch opposition to Biden’s bill. Trump, who is on track of becoming the GOP candidate to challenge Biden in the presidential election in November, has described the proposed deal as “a sophisticated trap” and urged Republicans to oppose it.


The voting occurred as Ukraine desperately needs additional funding following its failed 2023 counteroffensive against the Russian troops. Officials in Kiev have been urging Western government to provide more ammunition, warning that the Russians could gain an upper hand on the battlefield.


Last month, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin pleaded with the GOP, insisting that Congress would “only invite even more bloodshed and more chaos” if the aid to Kiev is not secured. Biden warned this week that “the clock is ticking” in terms of funding Ukraine, and that a further delay would only help Russia. (It turns out Putin is a lesser threat in real life, than Bidan. Bidan’s hysterical lying threats are falling on deaf ears now.)

Anonymous ID: 8ebd53 Feb. 7, 2024, 5:21 p.m. No.20375435   🗄️.is đź”—kun


The movie has won all kinds of awards.

Will be on Amazon Prime on March 1st


A documentary film about Saint Michael the Archangel.


Writers, faithful and clergy of the Catholic Church, in the places of revelation and veneration of Saint Michael the Archangel, discover the mystery of the first among the Angels of Light. The testimony of faith, the history of the Church, architecture and art in Christian culture bring viewers closer to the extraordinary figure of Archangel Michael.


The documentary stimulates reflection on the reality of the world of the Angels of God and the eschatological mission fulfilled by their leader.


It already premiered

The premiere in Poland, UK and USA is on September 29!


Viiew the Trailer