God Has set the Hearts of Man Against them
His Ire is fixated on them
It Began with One, It'll End with the Other
All shall Witness the Destruction
Those that were Deceived
Will seek out the Truth
Be Kind
God Has set the Hearts of Man Against them
His Ire is fixated on them
It Began with One, It'll End with the Other
All shall Witness the Destruction
Those that were Deceived
Will seek out the Truth
Be Kind
We are at the Cusp of Dark to Light
Fearlessness is a Powerful Virtue
There will be Kicking and Screaming
Everything the[y]'ve built will turn to Ash
Why do the[y] -all- hate Putin?
Dark to Light
They Can't Control Putin
& They Lost Control of Tucker
Let the Sun Shine Bright
The Sun will always Rise
& That's why the Great Awakening Can't be Stopped
God Has joined the Game
& God doesn't play to lose
Pizzagate Marked the beginning of the End
The Destruction of NATO is the Final Chapter
The pages are not Numbered
So I can't say When it'll be
I peeked at the last page
the Happenings are Happenings all around you
Happenings the likes of which no happening has ever happened in the history of all happenings
Good-B[y]e Old Guard
Trump is a Chosen One
He gave [you] a Chance
Should have taken it
The[y] thought it was just a LARP
It was just a Game
Poor bastards
Nikkies got nothing to boast about
a debate with her would be all "Orange man Bad"
and he won't bite
The Natives are Fleeing Babylon
New York & California won't have any tax payers
they'll be filled with Illegals, Homeless, Criminals, Gangs, Cartels & Pedophiles
The only way NY will make it
is if they get Federal Funding
or Clean House…
And remember
It's ugh Illegal to watch the Tucker Putin interview
so everything you are learning you will learn from us
Unless there's a Pandemic and then the WHO shuts it all down