Anonymous ID: ea0755 Feb. 7, 2024, 6:10 p.m. No.20375628   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Champagne Joshi


Fresh off the presses over at JAMA. Take a guess what the conclusion was?


Here is how scientific studies should be presented moving forward. Instead of starting with an abstract, objective, methods and the conclusion, the Authors COI’s and the funding should be the first thing you see. Let’s have a dry run shall we?


Here are the Conflict Of Interest Disclosures for this study:

•Dr Caban-Martinez reported receiving grants from the Florida Firefighter Cancer Initiative and the Florida Department of Health.

•Dr Chu reported receiving personal fees from AbbVie, Vindico, Ellume, Medscape, Merck, Clinical Care Options, Cataylst Medical Education, Vir, Pfizer, and Prime Education.

•Dr Englund reported receiving personal fees from AbbVie, AstraZeneca, Merck, Meissa Vaccines, Moderna, Sanofi Pasteur, Pfizer, Ark Biopharma, GSK (formerly GlaxoSmithKline), and Shinogi.

•Dr Hegmann reported being the editor of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine practice guidelines.

•Ms Jeddy reported being an employee of Abt Associates.

•Dr Lauring reported receiving personal fees from Roche and Sanofi and receiving grants from the Flu Lab and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund.

•Dr Martin reported receiving grants from Merck.

•Dr Monto reported receiving personal fees from Roche.

•Dr Newes-Adeyi reported being an employee of Abt Associates.

•Dr Olsho reported being an employee of Abt Associates and a study participant in CASCADIA.

•Dr Phillips reported receiving personal fees from Novavax.

•Ms Rai reported being an employee of Abt Associates.

•Dr Vaughan reported being an employee of Abt Associates.

•Dr Yoon reported receiving personal fees from Novavax.

•Dr Gaglani reported serving as co-chair of the infectious diseases and immunization committee and the respiratory syncytial virus taskforce lead for the Texas Pediatric Society and the Texas Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.


I counted at least 12 Pharmaceutical Companies, a couple major medical associations and the Wellcome Trust at first glance. So who funded this obvious industry funded.


Here is the Funding/Support:


This study was supported by the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under contracts 75D30121C12297 (Kaiser Foundation Hospitals), 75D30122C13149 (University of Michigan), 75D30120C08150 (Abt Associates Inc), and 75D30122C14188 (University of Arizona) and by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (contract 75N93021C00015).


The Role of the Funder/Sponsor Section:


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but not the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, collaborated with partner sites to design and conduct the study; managed, analyzed, and interpreted the data; prepared, reviewed, and approved the manuscript; and had a role in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication.


Wouldn’t it have been nice to know this before wasting 10 minutes reading their garbage propaganda study? They bank on the fact that 99% of readers will never even bother to look.


This study pulled out all the stops and got the entire band together in order to convince you to inject your children with mRNA.


The funder of the study, the CDC who also happens to be the agency that explicitly recommends the mRNA vaccines and markets them to the public, concluded that the mRNA vaccines boosters protect kids. I’m shocked and would have never have guessed that.

11:39 PM · Feb 6, 2024

Anonymous ID: ea0755 Feb. 7, 2024, 6:14 p.m. No.20375645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6027 >>6125 >>6334






talks about the migrants in New York City beating cops, getting released without bail, and flipping off the cameras as they leave.


He points out that the city provides luxury hotels and free meals to illegal immigrants while many Americans face financial difficulties.


Rogan also brings up Intro 1867, known as the “Our City, Our Vote” law, approved by the New York City Council in December 2021.


This law would allow approximately 800,000 non-U.S. citizens with green cards and temporary work visas to vote in the city's municipal elections.


Mayor Eric Adams allowed it to become law on January 9, 2022.


A group of Republican voters and officials filed a lawsuit on January 10, 2023, arguing that letting over 800,000 non-U.S. citizens vote would dilute the votes of legitimate U.S. citizens.


On June 27, 2022, the New York State Supreme Court for Staten Island overturned the law, stating it violated the state's constitution.


Mayor Adams and the City Council appealed to a higher court, and the case has been stuck in court ever since.


Meanwhile, President Biden is fast-tracking work authorizations for non-U.S. citizens, potentially giving them the right to vote if Mayor Adams succeeds in the appeal.


Mayor Adams has a chance at winning.


As of June 2023, more than a dozen communities across the U.S., including Washington, DC, and municipalities in California, Maryland, and Vermont, allow noncitizens to vote in local elections.


Vermont’s top court supported noncitizen voting in municipal elections despite restrictions in the state constitution.


In Connecticut, Democrats aim to amend the state’s constitution to permit noncitizens to vote in local elections.


In December, the Boston City Council approved a proposal allowing noncitizens with "legal status" to vote in local elections.


Rogan points out that Democrats want to permanently change the voting demographics in the United States by importing as many votes as possible.


However, he finds it crazy to allow millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country each year, especially considering the increase in the number of terrorists caught at the southern border over the years:


2017: 2

2018: 6

2019: 0

2020: 3

2021: 15

2022: 98

2023: 169

2:18 PM · Feb 7, 2024


Anonymous ID: ea0755 Feb. 7, 2024, 6:16 p.m. No.20375653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5682 >>5688 >>5709 >>5764

(fuck 9/11 shill and hollywood pedo protector james woods btw, but this shit cray…)


James Woods


It would be easier to prove Fermat's Theorem than decipher this madness…

0:08 / 1:02



2:40 PM · Feb 7, 2024

Anonymous ID: ea0755 Feb. 7, 2024, 6:24 p.m. No.20375698   🗄️.is 🔗kun


==Adult with confirmed case of measles dies, HSE says=


It is the first confirmed measles case notified in Ireland this year, the HSE said

An adult with a confirmed case of measles has died in Leinster, the Health Service Executive has said.


The adult died in a hospital in the Dublin and Midlands health region.


It is the first confirmed measles case notified in Ireland this year, the HSE said.


Public health teams and the Measles National Incident Management Team (IMT) "are taking all necessary public health actions in relation to the case," a statement added.


The IMT was established in response to a recent spike in measles cases across the UK and Europe.


There were four measles cases reported in 2023, two in 2022, none in 2021 and five in 2020.


No deaths were reported in any of those years.


The HSE said it offers the MMR vaccine to protect against measles to all children and a catch-up option for those aged ten and under who may have missed out on a vaccination.


"The HSE will keep the public informed of further measures and, in the meantime, anyone with concerns should contact their GP," it said.


Read more:

Explained: Why there is renewed concern about measles

MMR vaccine catch-up programme for students being explored


Chief Medical Officer Professor Breda Smyth said she is "very concerned" that Ireland is "at high risk" of a measles outbreak.


In a social media post, Prof Smyth said: "We need 95% of the population to be vaccinated in order to prevent measles infection from spreading.


"Unfortunately, the uptake rate for the MMR vaccine in Ireland has fallen below 90% nationally and, in some counties, the rate is as low as below 80%.


"Also, we know from recent studies that nearly 20% of males aged 18 or 19 years do not have immunity to measles.


"This is particularly concerning as currently we're seeing a rise in cases in the UK and across Europe.


"If you're considering travelling to these areas, I would strongly urge you to ensure that you and/or your child are protected.


"The MMR is a safe and very effective vaccine," Prof Smyth added.


Measles is a highly infectious disease that can cause serious complications, particularly in children aged under one, pregnant women and the immunosuppressed.


The signs and symptoms include:


Cold-like symptoms such as aches and pains, a runny nose, sneezing and a cough

Sore red eyes that may be sensitive to light

A temperature of 38C or above, which may reach around 40C

Small greyish-white spots in the mouth

Loss of appetite

Tiredness, irritability and a general lack of energy

Rash, which usually appears on head and neck first, and spreads to the rest of the body

The HSE said the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has reported a resurgence of measles cases in England, particularly in the West Midlands and London.


According to the HSE's Health Protection Surveillance Centre, most confirmed cases since 2020 reported recent travel to countries where outbreaks were ongoing.

Anonymous ID: ea0755 Feb. 7, 2024, 6:31 p.m. No.20375725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5763


IMHO this is more of an expose and commentary on the industry and social engineering/manipulation than any race.


Not like she, or Cardi B, or Taylor Swift, or insert any celeb are 'talented' more than the next million in line behond them.


While there are talented entertainers and artists, pop music and television are not where you are likely to find them, by and large. And the truly talented, while they do have to 'play ball' to varying degrees, are not dependent on 'fame' to make a living as an artist.