Dont fill out the name field leave it blank just reply because they will shit on you. Newfag is what they call you dont take it personal. Welcome Newfag!
Lose the name FAGGOT!
It wont let me upload the video but look up Q by Mental CubeโฆFUTURISTIC!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF
That's the fucking JFK speech!!!
The little pieces of paper on James comeys tweet is the speech Q posted about JFKโฆ.
It even stops when he stopped itโฆ.Q cut the speech short
Q cut the speech shortโฆ..look where Comey ends it
Dude Comey ends his tweet the same spot as the video both didnt complete the speech
I understand its the Declaration but he ends it at the same words as the vid they both cut the speech short at the same spotโฆ.
I didnt think it was his speech but for some reason I Thought it went on I must be wrong my fault anons
For the 50th time I know its the DOI I just thought for aome reason they cut the words shirt. I was referencing Q posting JFK speaking those words.
Rigjt It was my mistake I thought it went on a little bit
Thick skin anon no worries happy 4th. Just being a bit dumb today had a few kek
That has been has been in this Country for 50 fucking years and still sounds like a retard. And he is absolutely wrong about coal being bad for us.FAKE NEWS
What did Pompeo discuss with Kim Dot Com last year? Why extradition now?
He asked Who is this guy?
Comey went ahead of him to NZ remember?