First warm day up in Big Sky region.
Just in time for POTUS.
Better stay that way.
Would explain a lot.
Having something like that taken from you, not to mention in a violent attack, leaves a lifelong sting you don't just 'get over.'
And yes….MANY of the popular icons over the years have been raped. Violently. Control. Power. Disgusting. And then they get the public to trash on the victims…..classy. Pisses me the fuck off, seeing the press and even US attack rape and literal torture victims because they're acting insane…I WONDER WHY.
None of that was shouting.
Slightly buzzed from a bowl.
I'm going to grab an ice cream….bless.
Knew something fucked had happened to that girl…
There are tons of artists and performers who aren't perverts. There are likely many more who are controlled into using shitty symbolism.
And then there are the Heathers.
I think we can agree, we relate more to Heather than this #MeToo bullshit.
<3 nohomo
If any SailorAnons get in the mood feel free to belt out the Steamroller cadence ;)
Rather appropriate!
Damn now I'm having moments.
Trump train is a steamroller, baby.
Just a'rollin' down the line.
But you better get out of my way now…
before I roll right over you.
Ahhhhhhh, boom. (Damn, none of the versions I found sounded anything like my div….)
(fuck it, Vetanons period. Damn that's a popular one!)
I've had that in my head since Q first said Sky Event.
Then again…..Big Sky or go home.
Is it bad that I've lived in MT 2 yrs now and I'm still not sure how far away that particular city is KEK.
This state is so weird.
To the point I can't name shit near me.
It'd be that obv.
Cause it's like…couple blips and then just heavenly NATURE. And the BIG SKY. (I'm 4500 ft up…MAKE IT BIG GUYS!)
I need tougher skin.
It bothers me someone would take a pic rather than rushing to help.
God, yes, I am a pussy.
Make. Us. All. Proud.
-whispers- especially us Big Sky bastards who couldn't get away for it.
Big difference between having ability to shit talk and enjoying seeing animals in absolute pain or dead.
And no, I'm actually not trashing on anyone who finds it funny.
But I won't apologize, either, as I'm not very young and I've learned to love and care for the people and animals around me.
I see it as a gift.