Independent voters
Free from brainwashing
However this ends up, we will all be better for it not being tied to D's or R's that have lied to us for decades
Independent voters
Free from brainwashing
However this ends up, we will all be better for it not being tied to D's or R's that have lied to us for decades
Rep. Smith and Rep. Jayapal working on bill to abolish ICE
Smith needs to be looked into and exposed
Drug through the social media mud
I'm first in line to help do that
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat
Video of incident
Why This Democrat Wants to Ban State of the Union Addresses
Smith is on the Armed Services Committee
yet is drafting a bill to abolish ICE
Yes I know, two different entities
Protecting our country is protecting our country
June 21: No Plans to Abolish ICE
Today: Co Sponsoring Bill to Abolish ICE
Rep. Adam Smith Helped Create ICE, Doesn't Support Abolition