dead wife story. I hope he gets to rejoin his whore in hell soon.
dead wife story. I hope he gets to rejoin his whore in hell soon.
that is why it is fun to tell them to die
they are lady nuggets damn it, lady nuggets.
why? because your god demands it.
what religion should you be
what name is that?
that does not answer the question. Whose name?
how far will the I was just doing my job and doing what I was ordered be allowed to go. Because you are fucking right the corruption is allowed to exist because people give a fuck more about their pensions and going home at the end of the day ( slightly understandable) than to stand up against the corruption, They say they will fight from the inside, but that never happens in any institution. Not fucking one. We can change it well considering the only change that has happened over how long do you want to judge shit, so when people take orders are they complicit yes, but we are talking about huge numbers of people. Just in federal government alone.
ok you at least answered?
Now who is his father if it is not the god of the jews?
If Jesus rebukes demons and he rebukes the heads of the jewish church, and not just the current version but said they have always been part of this, murderers and liars etc, paraphrasing. Who is Jesus father? Hate to put limitations on it but please try to give a name. Not just god or the father in heaven but a name.
ducks are rapists
yes , the same tetragrammaton the same as YHWH, now can you explain why you think Jesus father is the demon storm god of the Canaanites? The same god that commanded his followers to smash babies heads upon the rocks?
I saw this movie also. Interesting theories but not the total story either. The virgin birth thing appears in almost every one of these hero messianic figures, dionysis, hercules etc. So the story was there but the roman stuff you are talking about was most likely how it was attached.
Jesus when he is rebuking the Pharisees, but you already know that. Its one of those problematic bible passages that either pastors like to ignore or try to deflect from when bothersome parishioners ask them questions. Because it calls into question the entire judeo christian doctrine myth because why would any christian associate with a group of people who are of the devil. But at the same time try to tie their faith into that belief structure. So either Jesus is or is not the son of the Hebrews God.
BAAEL is only one name. Yahweh was another, just like Zeus or Enlil. Names change roles stay the same. Then there was another god in the caanaite pantheon that was like ANU who could be called GOD perhaps, but Yahweh from my understanding never had that designation as it was a lesser god of the region. The El designation is another one that is not quite understood as if EL is the most high Eloheim etc, where the fuck does Yahweh come from and why does he have a wife.
filter me like the pathetic cowardly bible fag you are.
the other word I like in this is begotten because God could have other children that were not "begotten" They say his only Begotten son, NOT his only son.
The title thing makes some sense, but when you look at the way they tried to condense a monotheistic belief from a polytheistic culture and region you end up with the concept that all these are just names and titles for GOD, toss El shadai in there, and that becomes a title vs a separate god. Illustrative purposes something like EL Bob. This gets back into the entire Elohim being plural or singular and the most common answer I have heard is it is somehow tied to the Trinity concept.
a one post triggering, authentic or not it is tasty. All that gaslighting also, feed me seymore.
I do learn these things and that is why I can speak with confidence about some of these concepts. If the bible has a paradox and or conflicting nature does that not mean it is no longer a perfect book with out flaw and or blemish. Same can be said for the other groups so please, don't play a bitch ass victim. If your book was perfect and free from confusing it should not have any, but of course you have the easy answer for those with the eyes to see and all that so then put the blame back on the observer and not the thing being observed because how dare you come and attack your precious brainwashing.
what book should I buy I just got some Hesiod is that not good enough.
might have seen that one already will check it out. The funny things is a lot of the stuff that has discovered which I am positive satan put there just like dinosaur bones, was only discovered within the last 200 years because if people knew about these stories previously they were hid and only through archeology and the study of these ancient cultures and writings realize that their cultures are more interwoven and nuanced than people have been led to believe.
it was not just that council there were councils before and after and the splits in these early christian doctrines was crazy and the more I learn about Marcion what is known it seems there was a high level attack against his ideas from the orthodoxy which was what became the power structure. The funny thing is that by the time the romans got their hands on the bible the older stories were already so jacked up over the years that the game of telephone only got more fucked up by the time the councils could decide if Jesus pooped or not.
why are you so stupid to assume I have not read it?
you have no pearls that is your brainwashing trying to protect you. Thinking what you have is special and it is not. You are a coward and a failure just like your lord who died like a bitch on a stick.
no shit I am mocking you, you are stupid. Your beliefs are a lie and if you opened a fucking book other than the bible you might learn something else of a change. Realize other people have other ideas and some are good and some are bad and some are the same. Fucking idiot.
United Nations Penal Colony. Gitmo 2 electric boogaloo. Once Trump kicks the UN out, reclaims the land, why not.
its not officially a genocide until it hits 6 million, duh. Just like there is not an invasion unless it goes over a certain number like they were proposing in the border bill. The numbers dictate what you can call that. 4 million dead whites, that is a result of apartheid and years of systemic and racial injustice, they should just all convert to Hebrew, that might help.
the problem is there is not one true god and even if you claim that other people claim the same thing that run in direct opposition to what ever belief you have. While in theory Christians and Islam and Hebrews share the same god through the line of Abraham ,each one of these groups has a very different view on the one true god and all act very differently when it comes to the expression of it. Convert to my one true god or else. you also say a local god, ok local to that region that does not make it the one true. Other localities existed and god was a franchise.
Yes and some ideas are good and some are bad and some are based on detrimental lies that turn people into hate filled blood saves all based on their ideas of who god is.
have you ever worked in an office? deal with a district manager? Kim in accounting being a cunt, Tony fucking with your lunch.
why are you so fucking stupid and continue to conflate what I am saying. I did not say there is no god I am questioning your definition of it. So everything else you ramble on about is conflation. Because the fucking supreme mother fucking being is not I REPEAT not the god of the bible. You are dealing with a cliff notes version of other stories and when you fucking accept that you will get closer to god because its not the monster in those books.
Irony is not lost on me KEK praise the debil.
well now I am not going to for sure, and you can eat a dick.
remain brainwashed.
not going to watch it because you are being a dick. So am I fun,right.
blinding rage, no its pretty pin pointed anger and frustration over a group of lies being sold to decent people who just want to know truth but then become deceived and they are even told they will be. But because of their ego they think they know the truth that will stop what will even deceive the elect.
well then filter me like the little bitch I know you to be.
so you obviously are having an issue about this, why do you trust the narrative of religion? I mean you most likely did not trust the narrative of covid and did what ever you could to red pill people and save them from that lie. Did you try to stop the gospel of fauci?
That is why I asked you fucking faggot. The bible should not be banned but it should be openly questioned and debated and not have the stupid blind faith that people put into it. Still not listening to you fucking nigger. Filter me.
Now I know what a Packer is.
take your passive aggressive nigger speak and kill yourself.
well at least I am not actively being gay like you faggot.
as long as you are not infringing that belief upon others by use of government correct. You also should have the freedom to assembly but that seems to be often out the window and active attacks on the first and second it seems daily.
which is exactly what should be happening. But its not exactly easy to talk about that with out people getting personal. It is the same emotional reaction that liberals have about Trump. Or how they think about any of the issues like abortion. So mockery is one of the few tools you have when conditioning is that deep. That is exactly what anons did in the course of this battle. The bible and the religions of the world need the same scrutiny and thoughts about the blind allegiance to ancient and often wrong and misinterpreted ideas. But often times it gets into faggot name calling because at the end of it what can you do when all groups think the other is muh devil. Social justice othering just in another sphere.