Anonymous ID: dae0b6 Feb. 8, 2024, 5:42 a.m. No.20377760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7777

Haven’t slept well in years, but for some reason fell into a deep sleep and dream last night. True story.


In the dream i went to a family reunion where i didn’t recognize anyone and all of the other attendees where trying, poorly, to pretend as if they knew each other. I had brought a bunch of old family photo albums and put them on the table and tried to ask if any could explain the incongruities.


As the debate about fake-family heated up, a couple of young ones (thirty year olds are ‘young’ to me) wanted to go out and sightsee and Party around the old town and persuaded me to accompany them. As we drove around the town that had now become a great big confusing City, we were stopped in traffic tangled in some kind of car accident. A police car running through the red light had smashed into a little old lady’s car.


The firemen were arresting this little old lady because her car had caught on fire. The police were busy because they received an anonymous call about a white man with a camera in the city park, so the cops were beating up some young black boys at the intersection who had videotaped the accident, so the cops said they needed to rape the boys to teach the lesson.


My fake-family friends wanted to go to a night club for drinking and dancing at 9am, but i just wanted to leave the city. There was an unattended fire department motorcycle, so i took that. While trying to navigate the now-impossible maze of roads and alleys and cutting through parking lots and wide open wearhouse big box outlets… i stopped to ask a guy for direction how to get out of the city. Instead of a road map he told me that there were 800 arrest warrants for me because of excessive window tint on the fire department motorcycle and I hadn’t used the turn signals for the past two hours thus impeding traffic while i was driving the posted speed.


Ugh. I finally woke up… i think .

I don’t like sharing anymore, but i thought you anons could relate and maybe enjoy the little story. I also wonder that all your memes have fucked me up a bit, so it is probably youanons fault for my silly dream. Juss Say’n

Anonymous ID: dae0b6 Feb. 8, 2024, 6:06 a.m. No.20377855   🗄️.is 🔗kun




It seemed obvious to me when i woke up, that the dream was a simple allegory of our current day America and global socioeconomic panopticon: A Clowncar packed with absurdity, lies and high treason, concomitant with galactic voltage fluctuations making life as-we-knew-it impossible to sustain indefinitely, and thus stuck upon this title blue marble, so wherever we are going we are ALL going there together, biblically speaking.


At least that’s what i got from the dream.