Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.20378302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8309

Picture: 211,958 Georgia voters in 2020 voted from inappropriate addresses

EXCLUSIVE: Who Won Georgia in 2020? New Evidence Provides Vital Clues – And How to Stop Voter Fraud in Georgia in 2024 BEFORE Election Day!

by Guest Contributor Feb. 7, 2024 7:45 am

Link to video:

1/3(reposting less red)

Six weeks ago, Georgia and Florida citizens asked Fractal to gather official Georgia 2020 election data provided by the Secretary of State to determine who won Georgia in 2020.


The Fractal team applied quantum-result Fractal technology, delivering insight impossible with obsolete SQL relational systems – currently used by every secretary of state in America – and every national voter integrity organization.


Using Fractal quantum technology – the Fractal team built a “digital sandbox” with all available Georgia data – from many sources – recreating with official records what happened in Georgia in 2020.


What you will see in this video –the first of several upcoming Georgia videos– is whyevery state in the U.S. has from 5% to 20% of its voter roll with inaccurate data.


That’s alarming when elections are determined by less than 1% of the vote!


This video below showsfirst-time voter registration rolls, cast ballot rolls, death records, known address records, Georgia county property tax records, NCOA change of address records and other databases integrated into a single Fractal “query surface” – accessible with one click – from any digital device – even a phone.


At 200 million transactions per second!


Using advanced Fractal quantum analysis, artificial intelligence techniques tested at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, similarity search, cross database search –Fractal determines how “clean” Georgia voter rolls were in 2020– and offers insight into whether the Georgia ERIC system did its purported job.


ERIC, used by Georgia to clean its voter rolls – is highlighted throughout this analysis – live for every viewer to see.


As the video shows, with a single click, a user can determine if a voter cast a ballot yet was not in the voter registration file. If they did, why didn’t ERIC catch it?


With a single click, one can determine if a Georgia voter has multiple official voter IDs – the equivalent of having multiple Social Security Numbers. If so, why didn’t ERIC catch it?


*With a single click, one can determine if a Georgia 2020 voter cast a ballot from anineligible address– like a warehouse, UPS store, Post Office, or a vacant lot – that was counted! In such a case, why didn’t ERIC catch it?


This Fractal Georgia database is the single largest database of Georgia voter data everintegrated into a single query surface – offering the user the ability to ask complex questions – from their phone – with a single click – resulting in 200 million transactions per second.


No complex programming – no expensive computers. This system was built in 3 weeks.


This Fractal system runs on a computer smaller than two packs of cigarettes – costing less than $300.

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.20378309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8320




The disruptive aspect of this Georgia Fractal system is not what you see in the video below.


The disruption is what this Fractal system does for 2024 – in Georgia – to stop ballots being mailed to ineligible recipients – who will vote – or have someone vote for them – via mail-in ballots.


Meet the Undeliverable Ballot Database!


This Fractal Georgia system is thefirst real-time voter reconciliation system ever built – now being deployed– through generous 3rdparty funding – from non-political actors.


For the first time, property tax rolls, death records, NCOA Postal change of address records, 911 records, and other databases – are cross searched – instantly – against every new voter registration – to determine if that person claims a Walmart as their home.


For the first time,every mail-in ballotgoing to an ineligible recipient isflagged BEFORE it goes out. Every new voter registration is flagged – IF the person lives in a utility shed without a bathroom – before the vote is cast – not litigated afterward.


ERIC – as you will see – misses ALL OF THIS!


People voting from colleges, universities, RV parks are identified via time series analysis – with thousands to tens of thousands – voting for 30 or 40 years – from transient addresses.


Videos are currently in production showing theGeorgia Secretary of State office changing HISTORICAL VOTER RECORDS – years after an election– to make things match. Fractal finds this with – again – one click!


In 2024 – the Undeliverable Ballot Databasecan determine who wins Georgia – and make Georgia citizens confident of the result.


The Fractal state systems for voter roll analysis and Medicaid fraud analysis are highlighted at


The Omega4America Fractal team is posting similar videos for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Alabama, Texas, Minnesota, Kansas, Mississippi, and other states with similar issues.


In several states, Secretaries of State are using Fractal to perform a data audit of their voter rolls – to fix these problems before 2024.


Any questions should be directed to the Fractal micro-website.


Fractal will demonstrate in upcoming videos for Alabama, Ohio, Texas, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, New Hampshire, and 12 other states – the same dirty voter rolls.”


Maybe in these states going to college is a 20 – year experience!


Fractal does not judge. Fractal lets citizens in these states – via time series analysis – determine if it is OK for hospital patients, rehab patients, college students, to vote for decades from these clearly “transient” addresses.


It must be OK because, in every state in America, there are thousands into tens of thousands doing it – and the government is doing NOTHING about it.


In Alabama, Fractal found people at fraternity houses, voting for decades – one was over 100 years old! Upcoming video. People – this is everywhere!


Fractal gives citizens the power to challenge anomalies – like 34 people living in an 874 square foot Alabama or Georgia home with one bath and one bedroom.


Fractal gives citizens extraordinary insight – from their phone – with one click – with more technology in their hands than their government can muster with tens of millions of dollars a year in state budgets!

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 7:38 a.m. No.20378320   🗄️.is 🔗kun




2024 is the birth of citizens fighting back with the Undeliverable Ballot Database.


For the first time,election anomalies can be stopped BEFORE votes are cast, not litigated afterward!


Georgia and Florida teams are ingesting voter rolls, new registrants, and cast ballot information for cross-search through the 2024 election.


In some states, voter rolls are ingested daily to find illegal aliens registering to vote when they get a driver’s license.


This is the first Undeliverable Ballot Database system where Georgia citizens can determine – before ballots are sent out – where ballots are being sent to illegitimate addresses – that may raise the same integrity questions in 2024 as are now raised for 2020.


Thanks are due to the Georgia county governments who provided property tax rolls for building and home identification. Thanks to the Georgia and Florida citizens who built this system using Fractal and the single organization – who wants to remain nameless – who funded this Fractal license.


The entire cost for this system –for a full year – is less than $250,000.


This is atiny fractionof what theGeorgia Secretary of State is currently spending on ERIC, on massive staffs, on Salesforce systems – none of which can catch what Fractal found with diligent citizens – in a couple of weeks – and you can see in a 50-minute demo.


The Georgia voter rolls – as Fractal shows without a doubt – are wildly inaccurate to the point where they should NEVER be used for ANY election – and Fractal looks to Georgia to provide ALL ITS DATA to prove us wrong!!!


In subsequent Georgia videos, Fractal will show the thousands of people who changed their names – slightly – to vote more than once. All missed by ERIC.


Videos are currently in production showing the Georgia Secretary of State office changing HISTORICAL VOTER RECORDS – years after an election – to make things match. Fractal finds this with – again – one click!


In 2024 – the Undeliverable Ballot Databasecan determine who wins Georgia – and make Georgia citizens confident of the result.


The Fractal state systems for voter roll analysis and Medicaid fraud analysis are highlighted at


The Omega4America Fractal team is posting similar videos for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Alabama, Texas, Minnesota, Kansas, Mississippi, and other states with similar issues.


In several states, Secretaries of State are using Fractal to perform a data audit of their voter rolls – to fix these problems before 2024.


Any questions should be directed to the Fractal micro-website.


Here is the Georgia 2020 results video. This is an incredible video.


Link to video:

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 7:54 a.m. No.20378379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8384 >>8473 >>8542

Play by play


Supreme Court weighs Trump’s eligibility to hold office

Today's hearing will be the first time the public hears how the justices are thinking about the novel issue.

(3 minutes ago)

Jackson homes in on the meaning of 'officer of the United States'


The interpretation of this pivotal phrase will determine whether the insurrection clause applies to Trump at all.

James Romoser

02/08/2024, 10:44AM ET

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson finally steered the conversation to the lead argument in Trump's legal briefs: the meaning of "officer of the United States."


Trump's fate may hinge on the court's interpretation of these seemingly innocuous five words. That's because the 14th Amendment's disqualification provision does not apply to all insurrectionists — it applies only to people who participated in an insurrection after holding certain types of public office and taking an oath to support the Constitution. As relevant to Trump, the provision applies to people who swore to support the Constitution as an "officer of the United States."

Did Trump do that? When he was sworn in as president, he did take an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the Constitution. But his lawyers have argued that the presidency is not an "officer of the United States," and so, they say, Trump isn't covered by the disqualification provision at all — even if he did commit insurrection. They argue that the phrase "officer of the United States" is a legal term of art that refers to appointed officials, not elected ones.

The Colorado challengers contend that it's both counter-intuitive and historically inaccurate to exclude the presidency from "officer of the United States." The Constitution, they note, repeatedly refers to the presidency as an "office," and they point to evidence that the drafters of the Constitution understood the term "officer of the United States" to encompass presidents.


• Well, there we go. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson tried to forge ahead to the question about whether this whole conversation applies to presidential candidates. The other justices wanted to stay on the issue of whether Section 3 is self-executing, and Chief Justice John Roberts reassured everyone — to laughs — that there will be time for every argument. Buckle up for a long argument, if you weren't already!


• Justice Samuel Alito raised questions about whether it was proper for the Colorado Supreme Court to allow the House report on the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to be used as evidence. That’s the first time the insurrection — the primary basis for the Colorado case and for all of the 14th Amendment cases — has been mentioned during these arguments.


• The first 20 minutes of questioning from the justices, liberal and conservative alike, has been about whether Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is “self-executing” — basically, which authority gets to decide when to disqualify a would-be candidate as an insurrectionist. It's notable because the main legal argument from Trump's legal team is that the amendment doesn't apply to candidates for president.


• Just a few minutes into the argument, Justice Sonia Sotomayor noted: “History proves a lot to me, and to my colleagues generally.” That's a clear reference to the court's shift in recent years toward originalism — the theory that constitutional language should be interpreted according to how it was understood when it was drafted.

This case will largely be fought on history-centered turf: the “original understanding” of the insurrection clause.


Justices ponder whether Congress must act

Trump says only Congress can disqualify a candidate under the insurrection clause.


02/08/2024, 10:16AM ET


Justice Clarence Thomas kicked off Thursday's arguments by asking about whether the 14th Amendment is “self-executing.”


Those seeking Trump’s removal from the ballot say the 14th Amendment automatically disqualifies insurrectionists from holding positions of federal power, which means there is no requirement for an act of Congress to make it happen. States can simply enforce it at their discretion. Under this reading, the insurrection clause is “self-executing,” meaning it's enforceable without an explicit authorizing federal statute.


• Trump’s team calls this a recipe for chaos, as each state could level subjective definitions of what constitutes an insurrection — and what it means to “engage” in it. Trump argues that it takes an act of Congress to throw a candidate off the ballot under the insurrection clause — and Congress, of course, has not done so with Trump.


But there is history and precedent for many aspects of the Constitution being self-executing. Colorado’s high court found that the insurrection clause is, in fact, self-executing, even though Congress is empowered to override it with a two-thirds vote….

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 8:22 a.m. No.20378542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8552 >>8698


Play by play cont

Clarence Thomas asks the first question

• His questions can be influential with the other justices.


02/08/2024, 10:14AM

It has become customary in recent years for Justice Clarence Thomas — the court’s longest-serving member — to ask the first question during arguments. Today’s argument is no different.

Thomas starts off with a question about whether Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is self-executing or Congress would be required to enforce it. Watch to see whether other members of the court pick up on that issue. Thomas is in many ways the intellectual leader of the court’s right flank, and the justices often key off his questions during oral arguments.

Court is officially in session. Buckle up.

Trump's lawyer is up first. He's best known for drafting a Texas abortion ban.


02/08/2024, 10:11AM

Chief Justice John Roberts called the court to order, saying “We'll hear argument this morning in case no. 23-719, Trump versus Anderson.”

• Up first at the lectern:Jonathan Mitchell, arguing for Trump. Mitchell is a prominent conservative lawyer from Texas who has argued five previous cases in front of the high court. He is best known as the mastermind behind a controversial Texas abortion law that allows private citizens to file civil lawsuits to enforce its restrictions.

The unusual private-enforcement mechanism allowed Texas to enact a near-total abortion ban months before the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade. And it prompted a frustrated Justice Elena Kagan, during a 2021 oral argument, to refer sarcastically to Mitchell and his allies as “some geniuses.” We'll be listening to find out whether Kagan and Mitchell spar today.

Mitchell opened his presentation to the court by saying the Colorado decision disqualifying Trump from the ballot is “wrong” for “numerous, independent reasons.”

• There are afew Republicans hanging around the courthouse today. Sens. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.)tweeted that they were out front, and an aide told me Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, who is running for governor, is there as well.

Dozens of protesters gather outside the Supreme Court

It’s mostly quiet outside the court. Occasionally, people play music or chant. CHRISTINE ZHU

02/08/2024, 9:43AM

It’s Richard Zipper’s third consecutive day outside the Supreme Court.

The retired software engineer from Crofton, Md., has driven out each morning to advocate for barring Donald Trump from the ballot. He’s one of dozens of anti-Trump protesters gathered outside on a chilly Thursday morning.

“My hope is that the Supreme Court has the courage to read the Constitution as it’s written, and not torture the text in defense of Trump,” Zipper said.

There appeared to be only two Trump supporters by about 9:30 a.m., both surrounded by members of the media. They held signs saying “MAGA” and “Trump 2024 take back America.”

It’s mostly quiet outside the court. Occasionally, people play music or chant. The different factions of protesters glare angrily at each other with their rival signs….

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 8:23 a.m. No.20378552   🗄️.is 🔗kun


play by play


What to listen for during the arguments: tension with preconceived notions

Will any conservative justices hint that they are receptive to the Colorado challengers?


02/08/2024, 9:40AM


Contrarian takes aside, most scholars and court watchers expect Donald Trump to prevail in his bid to remain on the ballot. According to this narrative, there's no chance a court with a 6-3 conservative majority will endorse the seismic consequence of disqualifying the GOP frontrunner.


That’s why the main — and really only — way to absorb today’s arguments is to listen for any lines of questioning or commentary from the justices, especially the conservative justices, that are in tension with this overwhelming expectation.


Even a whisper of open-mindedness from one or two conservative justices about the Colorado challengers' theory would be enough to scramble the preconceived notion about how the court will rule. In particular, pay attention to Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Coney Barrett: All three are conservative but have shown occasional willingness to break with the court's right flank and align with the court's three liberals.


But it’s also important not to get carried away: Justices often challenge the limits and boundaries of each side’s arguments, and while they may appear to lean in a certain direction at the outset — Trump’s attorneys will go first — that perception can turn on a dime when they begin grilling the attorneys for those seeking Trump’s removal from the ballot.


• SPOTTED: Trump attorneys Boris Epshteyn and Dean Sauerin the building waiting to be escorted up to the courtroom. Seemed to be in good spirits. (2 hours ago)


Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 8:39 a.m. No.20378628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8733

Brazil's ex-leader Bolsonaro to have passport seized over coup probe

27 minutes ago


Brazil's ex-President Jair Bolsonaro has been given 24 hours to surrender his passport amid an ongoing investigation into the 2023 storming by his supporters of Brazil's Congress.


A lawyer for the former leader said Mr Bolsonaro would comply with the order, which was authorised by Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes.


Mr Bolsonaro was in the US when the attack on Congress happened.

He has said in the past that he was the target of a legal witch hunt.


In March 2023, two months after the Congress storming, the former president returned to Brazil where he faces a number of investigations.


In June, he was banned from running for office for eight years for casting unfounded doubts on Brazil's electronic voting system.


But interest has been greatest in the investigation into the events of 8 January 2023, when his supporters - angry that he had narrowly lost the election to his left-wing rival - stormed Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential palace in Brasília.


Brazil's federal police only gave limited details but said it was carrying out an operation on Thursday targeting a "criminal organisation involved in the attempted coup".

As part of that operation, it was searching dozens of premises and executing four arrest warrants, it said, without providing the names of those arrested.


Local media has reported thattwo of Mr Bolsonaro's former advisers, Filipe Martins and Marcelo Câmara, are among those detained.

Over the past year, more than 1,400 people have been charged over their alleged role in the riots but so far only a few dozen have been convicted.

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 8:46 a.m. No.20378677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Silva is doing the same play of Bidan and Zelensky, jail your enemies.The Trump treatment)

Brazil's Lula sacks deputy intelligence chief amid spying probe

31 January 2024

Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has sacked the deputy director of the national intelligence agency and four department heads.


Investigations continue into claims the agency, Abin, illegally spied on ex-president Jair Bolsonaro's enemies.


The deputy, Alessandro Moretti, is accused of passing information to former Abin boss Alexandre Ramagem, a politician for Mr Bolsonaro's party.


Mr Bolsonaro says he and his family are being persecuted.Lula has rejected that claim, saying his government does not give orders to the federal police.


The scandal first broke on Thursday when Brazil's Supreme Court unsealed documents in which Abin was accused of carrying out surveillance on key political and judicial figures critical of the former president.


Among the alleged targets of the illegal eavesdroppingwere three Supreme Court justices and a speaker of Brazil's lower house of Congress.


Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes said police had identified Mr Bolsonaro's son Carlos as part of the "political nucleus" suspected of ordering the illegal spying.


The judge authorised raids on Monday on the home and offices of Carlos, who is a Rio de Janeiro city councillor.


Carlos Bolsonaro's lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Associated Press news agency.


Last week, police searched the office and home of Mr Ramagem, who has denied wrongdoing, Reuters news agency reports.


Police suspect Abin used Israeli software known as FirstMile to monitor mobile phones illegally.


Veteran leftist Lula narrowly beat Mr Bolsonaro, a far-right politician, in a tense presidential run-off election on 30 October 2022.


This latest probe adds to thelegal problems of Mr Bolsonaro, who has been banned from running for office for eight years after casting unfounded doubts on Brazil's electronic voting system.

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 8:55 a.m. No.20378741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Northern Ireland’s new leaders? The daughters of rival militants

First Minister Michelle O’Neill has family ties to the IRA, her deputy Emma Little-Pengelly to Ulster Resistance. Together they’re tasked with building a new peace.


FEBRUARY 8, 2024 4:00 AM CET


BELFAST – Northern Ireland has become a tale of two daughters — one the child of an Irish Republican Army veteran, the other of a loyalist gun-runner determined to keep his homeland British.


Against the odds of history, First Minister Michelle O’Neill of the Irish republican Sinn Féin and Emma Little-Pengelly of the Democratic Unionist Party have spent their first days as co-leaders of Northern Ireland’s cross-community government proclaiming common ground.


It’s an open question how long O’Neill and Little-Pengelly can maintain this united front in public and keep Stormont, the hilltop base for their four-party administration overlooking Belfast, from collapsing. Their parties have taken turns wrecking the coalition — Sinn Féin in 2017, the DUP in 2022 — and both hug close their respective power, as the largest party on each side of the communal divide, to bring the house down again if politically advantageous.


Yet together, these two children of the Troubles may represent the best chance in decades to make a belated success of power-sharing and leave their society’s bloody divisions behind.


Growing up through the final years of a 30-year conflict that claimed 3,600 lives followed by a quarter-century of imperfect peace, theirs are parallel lives that have finally intersected.


Before Michelle Doris was even born, her father Brendan was already in prison for his involvement in the Provisional IRA, the outlawed group responsible for nearly half the Troubles’ death toll and thousands of bombings. Along the way her dad’s East Tyrone unit suffered exceptional losses from British army ambushes, including Michelle’s cousin Tony, riddled with bullets and burned beyond recognition as he drove an IRA hit squad on a mission.


Barely 20 miles down the road, when Emma was only nine, her father Noel Little left for a secret rendezvous in France — and didn’t come home for two years.


Little, a former British soldier, was the co-founder of a militant anti-IRA group called Ulster Resistance with strong links to the DUP. In 1989, French anti-terrorist police caught him as he tried to negotiate a missile tech-for-guns deal with a defense official from apartheid-era South Africa at a Paris hotel.


Children of violence

By the time of Little’s arrest and conviction for conspiracy to import arms, Ulster Resistance had already smuggled an arsenal from South Africa and distributed hundredsof assault rifles and other weaponry to loyalist gangs terrorizing the Catholic side of the community.


Police ultimately linked these guns to more than 70 murders, including a trio of massacres in rural pubs and a Belfast betting shop.


It is telling how O’Neill, 47, and Little-Pengelly, 44, now talk about their fathers and their loyalties — as members of communities who have been traumatized and victimized, not aggressors responsible for making the horrors worse.


On the rare occasions they have broached the topic, typically in self-penned or party-filmed PR puffs, O’Neill and Little-Pengelly have minimized the paramilitary pasts of their fathers — and, in O’Neill’s case, continued paying wider tribute to the Provisional IRA as heroes….




(Anything that happens in Ireland that is bad, Bill and Hilary Clinton are behind it.)

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 9:02 a.m. No.20378781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disney+ Mocked Over Subscriber Loss

Published Feb 08, 2024 at 7:38 AM

Disney has been plagued by more drama, after its streaming platform, Disney+, lost more than a million subscribers—and social media users are saying that it's due to the company going "woke."


The poor numbers were the latest blow to the entertainment giant. Its Lucasfilm unit is facing a lawsuit by former The Mandalorian star Gina Carano, while a long-running battle with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over its right to self-govern Orlando's Disney World continues. The company may also be planning layoffs at its Pixar business, it has faced boycott calls after a dispute with X, formerly Twitter, and many customers have been criticizing its lack of original content and high prices.


Disney+ lost 1.3 million subscribers in the final quarter of 2023, as reported by Variety.


X account @ScreenTime shared the statement: "Disney+ lost 1.3 Million subscribers in Q4 2023," alongside the brand's logo, which at the time this article was published had been viewed over 221,000 times by users of the app and had them talking.


"It will lose more if they don't stop their wokeness,"one user said.Woke was then a key word thrown at the brand in the comments that flowed in under the post.


A second said: "That what happens when you go woke." "Go woke. Go broke," a social media user jabbed, with another echoing that sentiment: "Go woke, go broke baby."


Jumping on the "woke" train of insults, an individual said: "That's what you get for your woke s***."


The term woke is a colloquialism that has grown in popularity over the past few years and according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is defined as "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)."


Other concerns and thoughts were shared, with the price of subscribing to the platform coming up: "Hopefully they lower them crazy a** prices now."


The choices available on the platform were not interesting enough for a viewer: "Not enough creative, original content. Can't just rely solely on MCU and Star Wars," while one TV addict pointed out: "We're over streaming services."


Some deserters of the platform did tease that they would return from time to time. "And I was one of them. I'll be back when more quality Marvel and Star Wars content drops," a hopeful person shared.


It appears fresh content on Disney's biggest franchise would attract one spectator back: "I dropped it then because the content was poor and not enough new quality stuff was being added.I will get it for a month in the summer and catch up on the Marvel and Star Wars stuff then."


Newsweek has reached out to Disney+'s media relations team via email for comment.


Subscriber Numbers Fall


The Variety article reported that the platform's core subscribers made up of U.S. and Canadian customers, as well as international users, excluding the India-based Disney+ Hotstar,"dropped to 111.3 million from the 112.6 million reported in the previous quarter."


It also stated that Disney+ Hotstar "added 700,000 subscribers during the October-December quarter," seeing a rise to 38.3 million from the 37.6 million logged at the end of September. Disney+ Hotstar is India's largest premium streaming platform.


Disney's struggles have been publicly reported for a while, with it disclosing last month that Disney-owned animated studio Pixar could potentially lay off up to 20 percent of its workforce over the coming months. In addition, last November Iger admitted that the company had somewhat fallen short on delivering quality material in its endeavor to pump out content for its audiences.


Disney has also been at the end ofboycott calls for several monthsfor multiple reasons,such as when it announced it was removing advertisements from X due to hate speech and antisemitic rhetoricthat was being shared on the site late last year.

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 9:07 a.m. No.20378815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8844 >>8845 >>8868 >>8959 >>9015

Published February 8, 2024 9:49am EST Updated February 8, 2024 10:53am EST

2 JetBlue planes collide at Boston Logan International Airport(vaxxing pilots along with DEI to blame, or racism. Kek)


JetBlue aircraft taken out of service for repairs, two flights impacted following Boston collision


Two JetBlue planes collided on the tarmac at Boston Logan International Airport Thursday morning.


The airline and the Federal Aviation Administration both confirmed the incident.


"A JetBlue aircraft entering a de-icing pad lane at Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) came into contact with another JetBlue aircraft on an adjacent de-icing pad lane,causing damage to one aircraft’s winglet and the other aircraft’s tail section," a statement to Fox Business said.


No injuries were reported by passengers or crew members on either aircraft, JetBlue said. Both planes will be taken out of service for repairs.


"Safety is JetBlue’s priority, and we will work to determine how and why this incident occurred," the airline said.


The flights impacted are JetBlue flight 777 to Las Vegas and JetBlue flight 551 to Orlando. The airline said both will operate on other aircraft following the collision.


The FAA's account was consistent with JetBlue's statement. The agency said they will continue to investigate the incident.

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 9:12 a.m. No.20378848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8856

Biden wins Nevada primary with virtually no opposition

The president’s only major challenger did not attempt to get on the ballot. 2/6/24


Biden facednearlyno oppositionin Nevada, after Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) failed to file to appear on the ballot last year.


The next Democratic nominating contest is in Michigan, which was elevated into the early window last year by a Biden-backed plan, and it will hold its primary on Feb. 27.


Phillips, who is running a longshot bid against Biden, will appear on the Michigan ballot and is expected to campaign in the state on Feb. 8, according to a campaign spokesperson. Self-help author Marianne Williamson received just more than 3 percent of the vote in Nevada. She will also be on the Michigan ballot, according to the Michigan secretary of state’s office.


Biden is all but guaranteed to win the Michigan contest. (Of course he is.)


Nevada also held a Republican primary Tuesday, where the only major candidate to appear on the ballot was former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. But Tuesday’s contest won’t award delegates to the Republican National Convention. Instead, the party will use the results from the GOP-run caucus, which will be held on Thursday. Trump is expected to win the caucus.


(Politico covering up Dems refused to allow competition!)

Anonymous ID: 5522d3 Feb. 8, 2024, 9:17 a.m. No.20378889   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White House (blackmail) says ICE will reduce deportations, detention capacity if Republicans don't pass border bill

The White House blamed Republicans for ICE budget shortfalls

Chris Pandolfo By Chris Pandolfo Fox News

Published February 7, 2024 2:56pm EST


The White House on Thursday announced that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will soon be "forced" to reduce operations at the southern border due to lack of funds.


Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that because Republicans have not passed the bipartisan border security agreement with funding for Israel and Ukraine, the administration is left with no choice but to pull back from the border.


"Because congressional Republicans are choosing partisan politics over our national security and refusing to pass the bipartisan national security agreement that includes significant border reforms and funding, over the coming weeks, ICE will be forced to reduce operations because of budget shortfalls," Jean-Pierre said during a gaggle on Air Force One.


"We have asked Congress for additional funding and resources, and every time Congress has provided less than we asked for, or most recently, completely ignored our supplemental request," she said.


The announcement that ICE will reduce enforcement operations comes after U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported more than 3.2 million encounters with illegal immigrants at the border, the highest ever recorded.


Jean-Pierre said that without additional appropriations, "ICE would be forced to reduce its removal operations, its total detention capacity and more."


"When ICE can't conduct these operations, our national security and public safety will be harmed. Speaker Johnson and congressional Republicans should be held accountable. This was their choice,"she said.


The bipartisan border security bill Jean-Pierre referenced, negotiated by Sens. James Lankford, R-Okla., Krysten Sinema, I-Ariz., and Chris Muprhy, D-Conn., has drawn backlash from more than 20 GOP senators since its release, who argue it would not stem the historic levels of illegal migrant crossings. Several Democrats also oppose the bill, saying it would hurt migrants seeking asylum.


The border agreement was tied to funding for Israel and Ukraien in a $118 billion national security supplemental package. The immigration portion of the bill includes heightened asylum restrictions and gives President Biden the authority to suspend the bill on an emergency basis.


The emergency bill introduces a new three-year authority, akin to COVID-era Title 42, enabling officials to shut down entries into the U.S. at the southern border.


This provision occurs when there is a seven-day average of 5,000 daily encounters or 8,500 in a single day. DHS must then expel all migrants, except unaccompanied children, until encounters drop at least 25% for seven consecutive days, with a 14-day deadline for ending the authority.


However, the bill states that if the president "finds that it is in the national interest to temporarily suspend the border emergency authority, the President may direct the Secretary to suspend use of the border emergency authority on an emergency basis." Essentially, the "border emergency" triggered at 5,000 crossings per day within a week can be overturned by Biden.


House Republicans, including Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., have declared the bill "dead on arrival,'" arguing that the 5,000 daily crossings threshold is an invitation for illegal immigration, not a deterrent.