The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison
Federalist Paper #2:
This paper, written by John Jay, discusses the unity of the states under one government. Jay argues that a single union would provide stronger defense against foreign adversaries and prevent conflicts among states. He emphasizes the similarities among the states and the advantages of unity in dealing with external threats.
Federalist Paper #3:
Authored by John Jay, this paper continues the discussion on the benefits of union. Jay highlights the dangers of disunity, particularly in terms of vulnerability to foreign influence and aggression. He argues that a strong federal government is necessary to protect the states from external threats and maintain peace and stability.
Federalist Paper #4:
Written by John Jay, this paper addresses the importance of a unified government for the defense and security of the nation. Jay argues that a divided government would leave the states vulnerable to foreign invasion and internal conflicts. He emphasizes the need for a strong federal authority to ensure the safety and stability of the country.
Federalist Paper #5:
James Madison authored this paper, discussing the dangers of disunity and factionalism among the states. Madison argues that a single union would prevent the rise of regional interests and conflicts. He highlights the benefits of a national government in promoting the common good and preventing the tyranny of the majority.
Federalist Paper #6:
James Madison continues the discussion on the necessity of union in this paper. He warns against the dangers of disunity, particularly in terms of economic prosperity and defense against foreign adversaries. Madison emphasizes the importance of a strong federal government in maintaining the unity and security of the nation.
Federalist Paper #7:
Authored by Alexander Hamilton, this paper focuses on the benefits of a unified economic system under the proposed Constitution. Hamilton argues that a single commercial system would promote economic growth, facilitate trade, and prevent conflicts among the states. He advocates for a strong federal authority to regulate commerce and ensure the prosperity of the nation.