Implying the elections in America are legit.
They aren't
Would like to hear Turdeau's definition of misinformation
AI is literally retarded.
If California actually had honest elections Gavon Newsom would be toast. He's a socialist nightmare.
You need a thriving industrial base and exports to need a commercial ship industry.
Congress blames Grampa Biden.
i like the part where picking your nose will cause FuckBidenitis, but jamming a 6 inch Q-tip up someone's nose for a "test" isn't harmful.
>Sams; The conclusion has been obvious from the very beginning.
Boy either doesn't know when to shut up, or he's exposing the corruption.
The same reason Agent Obama was suddenly trending on all news channels just before he announced his candidacy for pResident. Likely also by the same outfit.
Think phosphorescent brothers.
The government the Founders created was for honorable men, and it began to break down almost immediately. There was enough honorable men in power to at least make it look like it still worked according to plan, whatever that plan really was. Now there is no honor left and the whole thing is crumbling. Termites are in the foundations of the Republic and the beams holding it all together are drilled clear through with bugholes.
While Germany was fighting Communism, America was fighting Germany.
Disney is not only injecting money into the gaming industry, soon the levels of suck will magnify a thousand-fold.
Casa Inalco or Residencia Inalco.