What would you do if you once lived a very long time between incarnations.
But you are still acting out separation from God.
So, every life, you degenerate more and more. Collapsing upon yourself.
All so you can stay away from the God-Mind (impossible) for as long as you can (impossible).
What would you do to elongate your life so you can avoid the karmic line of reintegration?
Would you, perhaps, splice your genetic code with that of other species?
Would it make you sick?
What happens when a donkey and a horse mate?
A mule?
Can a mule procreate?
What must happen be done to keep the nephilim line alive?
To avoid the karma-tango-line?
To avoid God?
These people are stupid because there is no separation from God.
Separation from God is an illusion.
That is why they worship Satan.
Satan is the Prince of Lies.
He is the Prince of Lies because God Wills Satan as a manifestation of the belief of Separation from God.
He sells the ultimate lie.
That we can be without God.
There are many of my kin and those that they have fooled that are on the side we battle.
They presume that they can know better than God with their limited perception.
They desire it all while denying God.