This is utter nonsense about reptilians
The first one in this bread (not linked here)
Was a studio lighting problem, i.e. technical glitch
Something like a monitor with very bright image hanging from ceiling was switched on when it should not have been, and we saw it reflected in the announcer's eyes.
The two that are linked are more interesting
They are of a person with DID switching personas
DID is Dissociative Identity Disorder also called
Multiple Personality Syndrome. MK Ultra mind control slaves
Are created by Artificially Inducing DID
And the cabal make all kinds of spooky references to AI
When they really mean MK Ultra slaves.
When the person switches personas,
The one that comes to the front is disoriented
For a moment because they do not know
Where they are.
In the second one, you can see that it is a
Beta Sex Kitten persona that has stepped forward.
Please read the attached text fully to understand
What these DID people are like.
The members of Illuminati bloodlines are ALL
given AI DID although they use a different
Methodology than MK Ultra. The CIA researchers
That came up with MK Ultra were looking for a quicker
Way to artificially induce DID. In the Illuminati they use
childhood conditioning and abuse for many years
To create a bloodline member. Failures in this process
Are killed and sometimes eaten.