To All Anons and Those Seeking Truth, This is Your Courtesy Call from God
We are living in an amazing time to be alive. The truth is finally being revealed about all the knowledge which has been so desperately kept from us. All the lies, all the evil, all the hate and corruption, all the hidden knowledge, it's all being exposed in droves. Every day we're flooded with more and more. How awesome is this?
People always say, "well where is God with all the horrible things going on?" There's no doubt God is pouring truth into the world right now. If you're looking for God, seek truth and you'll find him. If you refuse to seek truth, you'll be without excuse. The truth is out there, you just have to look. The more and more you wake up, you realize there's no such thing as coincidence and happenstance, and the truth really does set you free.
If you lose you keys or cell phone, you look & look & always find it in the last place you look. You've found it so there's no need to continue looking. That's what's so beautiful about finding the truth. Once you start finding out the truth about this world, you don't have to spend another second looking for what you've found.
The truth will enter you in all levels. It will enter your mind, your heart, your behavior, how you react with others. The truth will remove those who should have never been there in the first place. And the truth brings you way closer to God than you've ever thought imaginable. Jesus Christ shared the truth with others and God wants you to share and enjoy what he is offering in abundance. The truth is not to be feared, being kept in the dark is.