you guys and your tears of impotent narcissistic rage
always have to sully virtue to hide your own vices
No, you're not a Christian but I'm sure you've got plenty of pics of dead Christian kids you've fucked and eaten on your hard drive.
It has all been explained repeatedly today. Very sorry you are to busy sucking off poodles to behave like an adult and pay fucking attention.
why do all you concern fags say "greatly shaken"?
is that what your bosses imagine real people say one to another?
I give up. Something Lovecraft? Chelsea Clinton's period cramp face?
HRC said she did. She says a lot of things. She also brought up Alex Jones to millions of people that had never heard of him.
Wonder why she did that? I have no idea.
So what conclusions have you drawn from the fact that you were able to show they are not original? What about the ease with which this was cracked? Did you think how fast the smoking guns were found and how soon outside sources began to trumpet 2 fake photos suggestive?
Did that one fact about this cause you to think of all the other Q posts? They might be "fake", manipulated?
Has your "confidence" been dented?
A very very very stupid thing for Q to do don't you think to try and pull the wool over so many genius anons eyes…?
Amazing work.
great training exercise for anons dont you think?
I learned a lot.
I do not understand the plan, but I trust the planners, the persons behind all this. thanks for talking.
In essence.
I suppose FBI Anon was…General Flynn…essentially? Meh. I like to try and get to the nub of the gist.
If you think we've been led this far and you see all the work outside of Q and you believe POTUS et al to be good guys you know they would never leave us hanging cos they know were are mad for it
this is from the fall of 2016:
DNC 94,000 DONOR LIST / https://www.softwar.net/November.html
DNC INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE / https://www.softwar.net/whlist.html
Nearly 50,000 DNC DONORS / https://www.softwar.net/near50.html
DNC 100,000 DONOR CELL PHONE NAME ADDRESS 14 meg TEXT FILE / https://www.softwar.net/iusa_cellphone_eval.out.txt
87,000 DNC DONOR NAME ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL / https://www.softwar.net/GDSA11A.html
93,000 DNC NAME EMAIL DNC RECORDS / https://www.softwar.net/93000.html
thanks for your concern