Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to bring people from the Congo into the US?? Its like they picked the most barbaric shitholes ravaged by civil war and started shipping people from there into US.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to bring people from the Congo into the US?? Its like they picked the most barbaric shitholes ravaged by civil war and started shipping people from there into US.
This isnt about race or what the UN did. Im saying why not bring people from Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, Tanzania instead of animals from Congo, Somalia, Sudan?
Its like they bring Chechens and Uzbeks and then they wonder why the poor darlings went and did some dumbshit. State Dept is either morons or they do this on purpose.
Cabal didnt destroy Congo or Somalia you dumb leftist faggot. Learn a bit about the world.
An Iraqi migrant from Saddams era is a whole lot different than one from today. A Vietnamese catholic from the 70s is nothing like a Viet commie from today. People bring their problems with them. Mexico is fast becoming a place where you want 0 people from.
For the pro open borders leftist with 40 posts. Article is from 2 days ago. Beautiful Congo. By the way this isnt part of the old civil wars i was thinking about.