Women are more sex crazed than Men these days
Internet Sleuths solve the problem in seconds
Semen = Man
Chalk up another Victory for Anons
>France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Romania, Spain, Portugal, and more.
& Yet not a single MSM outlet is covering it
Isn't that odd
A World Wide Movement
Not a Single Reporter, no news coverage or an article
A Total news Blackout on the greatest happening in Years
This is Lockstep but in Reverse
>"How Can You Be Not Competent Enough To Stand Trial And Still Be Commander In Chief"
It's Black History Month & Trump has the Black vote
Reparations will be back on the menu
Quick Trial, Death Penalty
1.4 Billion People & no Drug Problem
The Death Sentence for
-Drug Dealers
-Human Traffickers
Would end these problems very quickly
God Bless the Police, Sheriffs & Military members
no thank you
Hire 400,000 more Police
unleash the Police on Gangs & Cartels
& Can't Sue
The Tide is Turning