predictive analytics will be their downfall
ChatGPT is your new government
aren't they saxe coburg gotha usurpers anyways?
Let’s look at some significant happenings in 1917:
The infamous Zimmerman telegram drew America into war;
The British Royal Family changed their name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor,
The family of the future husband of Queen Elizabeth II changed their name from Battenberg to Mountbatten,
The Kaiser gave Lenin millions to finance his campaign of Bolshevik Red terror in Russia,
The Balfour declaration was signed.
These seemingly minor actions served two purposes: (1) Hide all sign of the Kaiser’s markings in the world, and (2) unleash a chain of chaos upon the world that made the 20th Century potentially the bloodiest of all human history.
However, all of this paled in comparison to the mother-of-all-weapons that was to be bestowed on humanity: A weaponized mass psychosis for the express-purpose of transferring unimaginable wealth and power to global Corporations and those who controlled them.
Fascism was born.
The Death of the State of Prussia – the birth of the Horrible Invisible Enemy:
The decisions made in 1917 by the Kaiser set the world on a pathway to one of the worst centuries in human history. These horrific decisions were made by a Kaiser who had been entrusted to oversee the most powerful treaties in the world. The most significant powers on earth had placed their trust in the Kaiser, due to an impeccable family heritage of military and diplomatic success. The war economy was in full-swing. It is almost inconceivable that these decisions were made, but even more inconceivable, was what followed.
The Kaiser, now abdicated, retreated back to the House of Orange in the Netherlands, where he spent the rest of his days.
Russia was in the midst of a bloody civil war involving the Bolshevik Reds. A campaign led by Lenin, financed by the Kaiser, was not dissimilar to modern-day color-revolutions.
The Middle East was beginning a tumultuous century between Jews and Muslims.
Adolph Hitler, in 1919, as a loyal German military man (despite coming from Austria) was assigned to infiltrate and spy on the German Workers Party (DAP). Remember: Infiltration instead of invasion.
The economic disaster that befell Germany through the 1920s, known as the Weimar Hyperinflation, was not an accident, but a planned event. The war reparations were impossible to pay back. History shows that the hyperinflation wiped out the entire middle class.
When faced with nothing, the German people were forcefully opened-up to the ideologies of socialism and its radicalised Bolshevik companion. Faced with abject poverty, moral depravity began to blossom, especially in Berlin (known as the Sin City). Outbreaks of violence between rival ideologies increased. Corruption was rampant and was being coupled with thuggery.
Above: Symbols of Hitler’s Brownshirts. Below: A Symbol of their “enemy”, Antifa
When the German people lost everything, they lost hope. They desired a strong man; someone that could unite them as they once were under the might Kaiser. That man was Adolph Hitler. He espoused a new type of socialism: National Socialism. This was a form of Governance where, if everyone complied and moved in lock-step, people would be rewarded with a new era of prosperity.
Germany would implement the socialist principles that the people wanted [needed], by issuing contracts to perform the tasks needed to achieve that end. Those contracts would be issued to none other than some of the largest corporations on the planet. So was born the Fascist Nazi regime.
The psychology of fascism was first documented by Wilhelm Reich’s, “The Mass Psychosis of Fascism”. Hitler had the book publicly burnt and Reich fled Germany, finally reaching the US. Oddly enough, in stark contrast to the 1st Amendment, the FDA ordered ALL of Reich’s books be destroyed in the 1950s. Were the US and Germany already in lock-step?
After the historic economic hardship and violence faced by the German people, fascism arrived as a solution, not a problem. Amidst the current violence, economic misery and moral depravity, fascism also provided the answer. It provided jobs, crushed the violence in the streets, banned the homosexuality and rampant drug-use from its streets.
Problem. Reaction. Solution. The Prussians were not gone; they were just invisible.
The mass psychosis had the Germans moving in lock-step; in fear of falling back into the abyss of the 20s; brimming with the false empowerment Hitler had given them. This false empowerment would see them remain silent in front of the greatest atrocities to occur in human history. Consider, that if everyone commits a war crime, then no one does. This is lock-step; this the virus of fascism; this was a nation under mass psychosis.
1917 had commenced the great pandemic of fascism and did not end until the end of WW2.
As Germany, once again, collapsed under the weight of horrendous military decisions by a leader who was completely enamored with Hohenzollern nostalgia and the return of the Prussian era, the atrocities undertaken by a nation under mass psychosis shocked the world.
Ironically, trials were held at one of the Hohenzollern’s first territories, Nuremberg. Executions were carried out and in 1947 the world witnessed the totally removal of Prussia from existence.
With the Kaiser abdicating in 1918 and the Prussian state abolished, the entire history of Prussia and its war-time culture had disappeared.
From the ashes of WW2, only one thing remained: The Corporations that all carried the fascist virus. They were now the largest corporations on the planet and commence the task of penetrating every aspect of human existence.
I wonder how much kompromat is being leveraged against rothschild
A team niggers?
Turner Construction, who supervised the 2000 demolition of the Seattle Kingdome, participated in the post-9/11 Ground Zero clean-up and performed extensive renovations within the World Trade Center towers just prior to 9/11, was in fact performing unspecified renovation work throughout the WTC complex until the very morning of September 11, 2001. The Port Authority of NY/NJ now claims that records describing such work or other projects were destroyed on September 11, 2001. A December 2000 WTC property assessment described required renovation work to be completed within one year, upon steel columns within elevator shafts of both WTC towers that was immediately pending or already underway. Terror devastates A/E/C firms 12 employees of Turner Construction were located in an office in the third subbasement of Tower 1, the north tower. Turner had been performing renovation work in various parts of the center and had occupied various office spaces.
In 1997 Turner Construction also constructed the new headquarters for the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA). The Indian Head Naval Surface Warfare Center, a laboratory managed by NAVSEA was described during the 1990s as the "National Center for Energetics", the "Pentagon's jargon to broadly describe explosive materials, propellants and pyrotechnics" and as the "only reliable source of aluminum nanopowders in the United States".
ntersting, Turner Construcion parent company is Hotchtief… who are german, founded by a couple of brothers from… which is of course in Hesse, roman empire until disbanded in 1806
A small snippet fromt the Hochtief artcile
"The CEO, Eugen Vögler, did not join the Nazi party until 1937, however, he did offer his services to the Nazis as leader of the "Construction Industry Business Group" and took a position in the Hitler Youth. The construction business flourished under the Four year plan, with its vast public works programme, including the Autobahn network, and the industrial build-up in preparation for war, for example the construction of a new truck factory for Opel in Brandenberg. Hochtief also worked on a new centre for Nazi rallies in Nuremberg. In 1936 it moved its Essen headquarters from the Pferdemarkt to its current location in Rellinghauser Straße. "
Also says they were using forced labour after 1939
And one from Turner
"In August 1999, Hochtief AG of Germany purchased The Turner Corporation for $370 million.[2] By extension, Turner Construction Company gained access to Hochtief’s operations in Australia, the United Kingdom and the heavy construction field. In 2002, Turner Construction expanded its presence in the Washington D.C. area by acquiring J.A. Jones-Tompkins Builders, Inc., the former subsidiary of J.A. Jones Construction Company. Tompkins Builders, Inc., a new entity, is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Turner Construction."
I see they built a lot of stadiums and things like the JFK library, a tad ironic perhaps? Maybe they have deep connections with the Bushes and considering George H W Bush probably oversaw the the CIA led assasination of JFK…..
I think multiple conspircies, JFK, RFK, 9/11 and many other events can be connected by 3 generations of Bush
In this instance we have a Nazi/Roman empire connection here that would fit well with the Bush Nazi connections?
uh oh
whatever happened to the hot dog stand in NK?