Interesting video while we wait for the rally
Past life hypnosis session 179
Man describes his past life is a reptilian who lives inside mars where there are human slaves that are being trafficked off planet earth.
12:20 - I'm a reptilian
14:30 - My work as an Tech Engineer and Security
17:20 - Earl
17:58 - Red Planet
18:17 - Purpose on mars
18:35 - Where I live
20:50 - Living quarters
22:22 - Food
22:40 - People / Beings around
24:30 - Receiving an award
26:00 - Slave labor on mars
26:46 - Trading with Government and Military
29:15 - Outside another planet
30:30 - Fish-like beings on legs
32:30 - Teachings about a better way
34:20 - Receiving love from the fish-beings
37:20 - Mutiny, Refusing our work
38:50 - Consequences
40:00 - Back to mars
42:20 - Digging the caves for minerals
45:30 - Friends with the humans
46:50 - reptilian age
47:25 - Escape!
48:50 - Afterlife - Light Being
1:01:30 - Awakening
1:03:30 - An atomic bomb of energy affecting everyone
1:05:30 - Abilities
1:06:00 - Trying to awaken Egypt and buildning pyramids
1:09:30 - Being a higher density being
1:12:00 - Hidden knowledge, Lost writings
1:13:00 - Unfolding disclosure / False Flag Las Vegas
1:17:00 - The plan of ascension
1:18:30 - Be in your presence - Meditation is inside you
1:20:20 - About not liking your place
1:22:20 - Even tiny things are important
1:23:30 - Knowledge of technologies
1:27:00 - Dream of scroll
1:28:00 - Purpose of his meditation
1:29:10 - Body changes, Low-Vibration Relationships
1:31:40 - Isolation
1:32:50 - How he can help others
1:33:25 - Family, not fitting in
179 Alba Weinman - A reptilian from mars