Anonymous ID: 0289d1 Feb. 10, 2024, 3:34 p.m. No.20392418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2563 >>2707 >>2760 >>2809

Patriot Donald J. Trump Jr. just CONFIRMED yesterday's Q Proof from Q post #699 by posting "STUPID" in quotes!


6 year delta with next day confirmation from Patriot Donald J. Trump Jr!


Yesterday's 2-9-24 Q Proof!
Patriot Don Jr. reacts to Joe Biden being stupid by posting 9 Ha's with 1 missing "a" totaling 17 letters and Q posts "You are stupid" with 9 Ha's. Coincidence? 2 hour and 9 minute timestamp difference on 2-9-24… Coincidence? Then the next day, Patriot Donald J. Trump CONFIRMS the previous day's Q Proof by posting "STUPID" in quotes referencing Q post #699 from the Q Proof. Coincidence? Patriot Donald J. Trump Jr. is clever! He has his father's intelligence.