I cannot find sauce on this anywhere, almost like YouTube is hiding who their "Chief Content Officer" is
not to slide, but
https://archive.ph/F8q6H The CIA and the Vatican’s Intelligence Apparatus
There are lots more if you want to look, Take it for what you will
From Gab.ai:
Q: how is israel a proxy for the vatican?
A: Israel is not a direct proxy for the Vatican, but some argue that the two entities have shared interests and goals in the Middle East. The Vatican, as the center of the Roman Catholic Church, has a long history of involvement in the region, including its support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Israel, as a Jewish state, has a unique relationship with the Vatican, as well as with other Christian communities. Both the Vatican and Israel are concerned about the well-being of Christian communities in the region, particularly in light of the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Some argue that the Vatican's support for Israel is driven in part by a desire to protect these Christian communities, as well as to maintain good relations with the Israeli government. Additionally, both the Vatican and Israel are seen as allies by the United States and other Western nations, which may contribute to the perception that they are working together to advance shared goals in the Middle East. However, it is important to note that the Vatican and Israel are independent entities with their own unique interests and agendas, and their relationship is influenced by a variety of factors beyond their shared concern for Christian communities in the region.
No doubt the history of the Vatican's role in the creation of Israel in 1948 has been obscured tremendously, but I'd bet there's a lot there if one were to dig deep enough. Rothschild was the Vatican banker family, yes? Think on the Balfour Declaration. Think on Vatican involvement in WW1 and 2, Hitler & Vatican, etc. It would be silly to think they weren't involved.
How the Vatican created Islam (can't use Gab.ai for this one kek, still love you Torba..)
Alberto Rivera https://www.scribd.com/document/37728455/How-the-Vatican-Created-Islam
Basically, they created a Messiah for the Arabs (Mohammed) and used Islam to attack true Christians and Jews who both would not submit to the Papacy. They seem to have somewhat lost control over the Muslims these days though… Insert the CIA!
more stuff
I do not endorse or claim to know the entire beliefs of any website / writer linked here, just found these articles noteworthy on the subject.