Anonymous ID: cf2933 July 5, 2018, 4:21 a.m. No.2039651   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This a continuation of an old post a few weeks ago >>1891574 and >>1892828

The second post shows how one the sub contracted accountants has a connection to Rosatom, so I kept looking at the other firms.

RSM US LLP is an audit, tax, and consulting firm, focused on the middle market in the United States and a member of the global accounting network RSM International. It is the 5th largest accounting firm in the United States.


RSM was one of the firms Loop Capital sub contracted out for their accounting which they hired for a many years, under different names. One of their Clients stoop out the Boys & Girls Club of Boston. Have a quick search on them and found this.

> Hillary Clinton reportedly charged a Boys and Girls Club chapter $200,000 for an appearance, then left the premise without saying hello to children who benefit from the program.

>The massive fee, which she donated back to her family foundation, was the largest the Long Beach, California, organization had ever paid a public figure for a speech,Politico reports.


But after looking through the BOD at RSM. This guy popped up (pics related).

Looking into RSM and Iran.

>Advocacy group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) said it has succeeded in getting global accounting firm network RSM International to cut ties with an Iranian firm. Washington, D.C.-based UANI said RSM agreed to end its relationship with Dayarayan Auditing & Financial Services Firm in Tehran as of April 30. Chicago-based McGladrey, formerly headquartered in Minneapolis, is RSM's only member firm in the United States. UANI CEO Mark Wallace, a former ambassador to the United Nations, asked RSM and McGladrey to sever the network's relationship with Dayarayan in March. He applauded RSM's decision Friday." (Minneapolis/St.Paul Business Journal, "McGladrey's accounting network will drop Iranian firm, 4/26/2013)


Im pretty confused at the moment cause we have a Loop Capital subcontractor that got out of Iran pretty quick. In 2013 Loop Capital’s subcontractor was McGladreys, which is RSMs old name. But we have other subcontractors with links to Rosatom. Im guessing RSM knew some of dodgy shit going on in Iran at the time and got out quick. If anyone wants to dig please do.