Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or theright of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
The only reason most Americans know the names of stadiums in other cities is TV. TV was in its infancy during world war 2.
City government is not Congress and the only reason to protest in a city is to get press coverage.
Easiest way to bypass the first amendment is to inject bad actors into the crowd and make a peaceful protest appear violent. That is what the FBI, BLM and Antifa are all about. See Charlottesville.
I stand correctedโฆ.
We are gonna need some more of that.
I see Media Matters is out to prove the board is anti semetic againโฆ
Usual level of hard facts and evidence supporting their position too.
Of course this means the board remains a threat to the One World Government crew.
Al Capone Italian Mafiaโฆ.
So what is your point exactly?
Look up "confirmation bias". It might help.
I can't help noticing you skipped the whole JIDF reference again and moved to the verifiable Unit 8200 group.
You must be the smart shill.
Just noticed it's Cletus.
Hey Cletus, how's your hate and paranoia filled world this fine Sunday?
Are you here for a full dedicated day of MuhJooing or do you plan to watch the game?
Actually no. You decided to argue as if the only Mafia were Jewish when we all know there were plenty of non-Jewish mafiosos.
You do it all the time. If there were 500 murders and two were done by Jews, you would yell "All the murderers are Jewishโฆlook!" and show the picture of the two.
That's why you are a total moran and any true Anon laughs in your face.
Which Jew.
Or is this just a bullshit device like "the Jewish Question" where the subject remains conveniently non-specific so you can adjust your argument depending on which facts you have to counter?
Let's look at that quote in context.
The phrase Mossad attempts failed is immediately followed by "Clown attempts failed" and the drop goes on the discuss the FBI.
Yet you only call out the Mossad piece.
That my antisemitic friend is a perfect example of confirmation bias.
Filter me too!
Filter me too!
Then I will shine a bright spotlight on your intellectually crippled posts and ridicule you for your hate, paranoia, and bigotry while you have no clue what a retard you look like.
Wrong, Q is very specific Clowns In America.
Clowns are CIA.
You would know that if you hadn't just searched the drops for Jewish references.
I bet (You) get to go to all the best parties.
I bet all the hot girls wanna date (You).
Nothing gets their panties off faster than demonstrating how stubborn a bigot you really areโฆ.