Anonymous ID: 7b6826 Feb. 11, 2024, 4:23 p.m. No.20398362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8380 >>8411

11 Feb, 2024 14:00

Kremlin feared Carlson would face ‘persecution’

The West is becoming increasingly unpredictable and “could stoop to anything,” Dmitry Peskov has claimed


Moscow was concerned that US journalist Tucker Carlson could face “persecution” even before his interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has revealed.


In an interview released by journalist Pavel Zarubin on Sunday, Peskov noted that it was Carlson who asked Putin for a sit-down, adding that the president quickly agreed to the idea.


However, the spokesman admitted that “there was some concern that there would besome kind of persecution of poor Carlsoneven before the interview,” given that the West “is becoming increasingly unpredictable and could stoop to anything.” (Sure “poor Carlson”. I don’t believe a word of this!)


He noted that the journalist is no stranger to this kind of pressure, saying Carlson is smart enough to know that “emotions would run high.” The interview, however, brought the reporter a lot of popularity, according to the spokesman.


Peskov also responded to critics who accused the journalist of not asking Putin tough questions. “Western viewers were lucky that Carlson did not escalate… If the questions had been extremely sharp, so would have been the answers.. Some might not have liked that.” (Carlson came very close, but Putin was on to him from the beginning, thats the reason for 30 minutes of Russian history.)


The spokesman noted that Putin’s interview has generated a great deal of interest in the West despite US attempts to downplay its significance. Officials in Washington, he added, “don’t want Putin’s true worldview to be accessible to ordinary Americans… but this cannot be suppressed.”


Carlson released the interview with Putin on Thursday. He had previously stated that his duty is “to inform people,” especially when it comes to the Ukraine conflict, since many Americans have little knowledge about “a war they are implicated in.”


In the two-hour interview, which has garnered tens of millions of views, the Russian leader described in detail how modern Ukraine – which he called an “artificial state” – was established by the actions of the Soviet authorities. He also explained that the conflict between Moscow and Kiev is rooted in the Western-backed coup in 2014 and the Ukrainian government’s campaign to suppress the population of Donbass. The region, along with two other former Ukrainian territories, voted to join Russia in 2022. (Russia calls Ukraine “country 404”)


The interview drew sharp criticism in the West. Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called Carlson a “useful idiot” who parrots Putin’s narrative. Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson – who has been accused of derailing Ukraine peace talks early on in the conflict – called the reporter a “traitor to journalism.”


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has called the US and Western reaction to the interview “hysteria” which “reveals the mendacity of their approach.”


(Now this is propaganda piggybacking on Western Media “supposedly attacking him”, when the Kremlin and Putin knew this was an antagonistic interview with Tucker.


The only one that bought into it was Boris, because his crimes were revealed.Do you know Boris opened a non profit in Ukraine after leaving office. That is why Putin saidwhere is Boris Johnson today?Real life is stranger than fiction!)

Anonymous ID: 7b6826 Feb. 11, 2024, 4:27 p.m. No.20398411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8827


Medvedev: Ukraine will 'disappear', nobody in the world cares about 'country 404', not even the US


Sat, 08 Apr 2023 20:31 UTC


Ukraine will disappear because its Western backers, the rest of the world, and even its own citizens have no need for the troubled country to keep existing, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has implied.


"Why would Ukraine disappear? Because nobody needs it,"Medvedev, who now holds the position of deputy head of Russia's Security Council, wrote in a post on the VK social network on Saturday.


The EU doesn't need Ukraine because supporting the country amid the conflict with Russia "on the order of their American mentor, plunged the Europeans into a real financial and political hell," he insisted. Detrimental anti-Russia sanctions, spiking inflation, high energy prices and the "decay" of businesses have already led to protests in various parts of the continent, the official pointed out.


"The prospect of decisivelyplanting Ukrainian blood-sucking parasites on the neck of the shriveling EU"is real and, if it happens, it's going to signal the demise of the bloc, Medvedev warned.


Kiev's prime backer, the US, doesn't need Ukraine either, because most ordinary Americans have no idea where it's located and consider it "some abstract part of Russia," the post read. They wonder "why the establishment in the US isn't trying to deal with inflation and [the lack of] jobs or emergencies in their home states, but is instead occupied with this 404 country," the former president wrote, referring to the "404 error" protocol in network communications.


Only "political demagogues" in Washington, "who have long conceded their impotence and dementia, are trying to make PR gains from military and sanctions campaigns," he added.


Africa and Latin America reject Ukraine because the "billions that the US is wasting on senseless battles somewhere in Ukraine would've been enough to fund many social-development programs" in those regions, Medvedev wrote.


Asian countries don't need Ukraine because, through the example of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev, "they see how the technologies of 'color revolutions' are being developed to eliminate the largest competing powers. They understand what scenario the collective West, led by the US, has prepared for them in case of disobedience," the official explained. Besides, Russia is much closer to such nations as China and India in a geopolitical sense and has historically proven to be their reliable partner, he added.


Russia doesn't needUkraine because the country is "a mistake created by the collapse of the Soviet Union," Medvedev also claimed. "Millions of our compatriots, who live here, have for many years been subjected to abuse by the Nazi Kiev regime. It's them that we're protecting in the course of a special military operation," his post read.


"Finally, Ukraine, with its Nazi elite at the helm, is not needed by its own citizens. That's why, out of 45 million, a little more than 20 million people remain there now," he wrote. The Ukrainians don't want to help President Vladimir Zelensky and his associates put even more stolen Western money in their offshore accounts; instead, they're eagerto move to Poland or elsewhere in the EU, "to become the 52nd state of the US or even join the penguins in Antarctica," Medvedev concluded.


(He’s right you know!)

Anonymous ID: 7b6826 Feb. 11, 2024, 5:18 p.m. No.20398827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8901


Country 404 - what does this mean? What happens to Ukraine?


The expression "country 404 ". What does it mean? Why does the state code incomprehensible for many figures?Why do they say that Ukraine is Country 404?Is it such a strange humor or a reflection of reality? How do the Ukrainians themselves - residents of this state education - relate to this? Let's think together. It is desirable that all this unhappy country join our reasoning.


404 - what does this mean?

Subtitled combination of users Networks sometimes see on their screens. If you dig into the directories, find out:error 404 means that the link leads to a non-existent page or resource. That is, these data previously existed, but were removed from the Web by the author or other users. Sometimes, together with a combination of numbers, they write "not found". The search engine does not have the ability to display the requested page, site, picture or other information. In fact, this does not mean that they are not at all. Some pages are scrambled to restrict access to them. Search engine robots sometimes punish unscrupulous site owners by prohibiting users from accessing them. The Internet is a serious and complex organism. There are a lot of nuances in it, which are incomprehensible to the layman.


We see the inscription "error 404" and understand: we will have to look for another way to get the information of interest. In principle, to understand the terminology this will be enough. Let's move on to Ukraine.


Geopolitical background

Do you remember when this state became widespread to discuss in the world? Political scientists believe that throughout the years of independence the collective West has not left its eyes on its territory.Representatives of almost all intelligence services of the world worked in Ukraine. The fact is that geographically it is almost the center of Europe. More importantly, the republic is located between eternal rivals: Russia and part of the West - the European Union. This is the most important strategic point, for the influence on which there is an ongoing struggle. Almost all the years of independence the Ukrainian public tried to tune against the Russian Federation, despite very close family and friendly ties. The purpose of this operation is simple only at first glance. In fact, thecollective West needs to tear Ukraine away from Russiain order to create, as they say today, a cordon between Russia and Europe. The economic situation in the world is such that not all will be able to live normally. Everything is elementary. Overproduction of goods created two mutually exclusive problems:

• resources are being spent too quickly;

• all sales markets have already been mastered.


To overcome the crisis, it is necessary redistribute buyers, according to the West. That is, take the market from the one who has mastered it. Hence the gas wars, the desire to join new countries to the EU, the initiation of "color revolutions" and even the creation and proliferation of IGIL (banned in the Russian Federation). These are battles for the redistribution of markets between global players. But we are far from asking: the country 404 - what does this mean and how is it connected with Ukraine. Let's return to the point.


Highlights from 2013

Let's remind the reader what happened before Ukraine was called "the country of 404". We will outline the important points in chronological order:

• Autumn 2013 - the beginning of the Maidan, people opposed the current regime.

• Winter of 2014 - an attempt was made to settle the situation with the assistance of foreign ministers of European powers.

• February of the same year - President Yanukovych left the country together with the head of government and head of the Verkhovna Rada.

Immediately - Turchinov is charged with fulfilling the duties of all three main posts in Ukraine.

Further, Crimea, the name of its own autonomy as part of thethe state, voted to withdraw from it and was asked to go to Russia. On the Donbas, hostilities have begun against the "separatists". All these events affected the attitude towards Ukraine. How? Let's go further.

Anonymous ID: 7b6826 Feb. 11, 2024, 5:27 p.m. No.20398901   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Why Ukraine is called "country 404"?

If you think about the above events, then understand: inUkraine there was an unconstitutional change of power.

The president fled, and his power was seized by a man who did not have any rights to do so.

There is no law in the state that allows this to be done both to one and the other. We will not go deep, and it is clear that the country has changed.This is not the state that knew the world before February 2014. From that moment it has an illegal power.This can be justified, which Ukrainians do, but one should recognize the correctness of those who argue that the change of power was not based on legislation.

And if Turchinov, and then Poroshenko,tried to resume the work of the state machine, then no one would call this education "country 404". What this means will be clearer if we investigate yet another definition.

What is the state?

Let's digress from poor Ukraine. Thestate refers to a superstructure over a societythat is created to manage the processes in it with the goal of organizing people's lives. If it is easier, the system of all kinds of institutions (government, legislative and judicial system) works for citizens. Their goal is to make people comfortable and comfortable to live. For this, laws are written, programs are accepted and implemented, and so on. Each state body performs its function.

The center (the president, the government, the legislator) controls and regulates them. The mechanism is described in a simplistic and sketchy way, but that's enough to understand: in Ukraine, no one does anything like this. And not because people do not want to work. They do not have the right to make and implement decisions. They lost it because of an illegal coup.

What is happening in Ukraine?

Political scientists from this country are trying to convince the public, that they are all right. The state is working, doing everything possible for citizens. However, some of their decisions cause a strange feeling. Tell me, why rename settlements in the republic, which does not have money? Have you ever wondered how much it costs? And most importantly, why are citizens of Ukraine?

And the authorities believe that it is more important to brand the "separatists" and get rid of the Soviet legacy.No one deals with the problems of citizens. Or rather, the Ukrainians will confirm that local authorities work. You can go to the village or city council, to the district administration with your own trouble.

They will try to help, as much as possible. But the local authorities have no mone. That is, people with their problems are left to themselves. As you want, so survive. So it turns out thatCountry 404 - Ukraine. People can not discover the support of the state, to which they have every right.

About weapons and war

We Especially did not touch this painful topic, which made the main contribution to the destruction of the state. This basic structure has, so to speak, exclusive rights.No one, except the state, can use violence with impunity. What do we see in Ukraine? Unidentified, unacknowledged or semi-legal armed formations shoot, kill, intimidate citizens. This is not the invention of propagandists. On the Internet, so many materials published by the Ukrainians themselves, accumulated over two years, that it is impossible to deny theexistence of battalions. That is, thestate transferred part of its right to violence to the masses.

And this is an importantsign of his absence. It can be assumed that some organizations are entitled to the use of weapons. But this must be done by law. And in Ukraine there are no documents proving that the government or Verkhovna Rada was officially allowed to shoot battalions.

Emotional component

Ukrainians certainly confirm: it's very painful when people say "not found" or "404" about your country. And many supporters of the inhabitants of Donbass use these expressions in order to hurt, hurt the opponent. Probably, this should not be done. However, it should be admitted, distracted from emotions, that thestate in Ukraine is completely destroyed. And it happened from above. In villages and cities there are still signs of power, but in the center they are almost completely absent. You know, people fight in verbal battles, insult and offend former friends to prove their case. Think, why waste your energy on this nonsense? Ukraine is a great European state. If in it the present chaos begins, all neighbors will suffer. It is necessary for the people not to be angry with their opponents, but to think about how to prevent a catastrophe.


So it happens: the state is destroyed, it needs to be recreated. And no one, except residents of this territory, can cope with this task.