Are you ever going to restore this?
Seems like just another pipe dream to me.
40 some odd years and it's still setting in the weed row and you've never touched it. All talk, no action.
Are you ever going to restore this?
Seems like just another pipe dream to me.
40 some odd years and it's still setting in the weed row and you've never touched it. All talk, no action.
More MSM depression
Does not compute.
Think about it.
I know you won't.
Very wise anon.
Thank you.
Aside: Please reconsider your believe in Jesus.
I would like to submit, only for consideration, that Christianity is the only belief system that I am aware of that offers life eternal in a place that someone would want to be, save Islam and 72 virgins. If I am wrong in my belief, the worst that has happened is I did not capitalize on several immoral acts on this earth and my material gains were limited. If I am right, and Jesus does exist and the Bible is correct, I will be spared the eternity in a place I would not want to be. Eternity is a long time, and outweighs, i my view, the loss of any material or pleasurable gain I'd get on earth.
Illegal Immigrant.
What is required to qualify for that term?
Against a law, code or statute currently enacted.
If we have an illegal immigration problem, why are the laws on the books not being enforced?
If we have terrible laws that do not define or punish improper immigration, we then do not have illegal immigrants.
If Judges do not enforce existing law. Impeach and or fire them.
If DA's are not charging them, Fire them.
If LEO's are not detaining them. Fire them.
At what point does simple logical proper action fail?
Why is this so damn hard to figure out??