Anonymous ID: ce5a8f July 5, 2018, 7:36 a.m. No.2040808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0824



>"Will the truth come out about 9/11 via Trump?"


>to paraphrase ~" no because then TRUMP [Steve says] will have to explain why he was silent for so long"


>What does this tell me?


>There is so much deep guilt spread so far and wide they will do anything to avoid the inevitable.


>Yes, and why didn't anyone talk up earlier?


>They knew it would do no good?


>So now, they excuse they used, "We didn't say it before now, so now we must stay quiet, still, to avoid embarrassment? When everyone else went along too? Then the world will know we've known for years and never said" Too embarrassing.


What a bunch of Fucking Coward!


This is why the "Plan" will fail. Those so call Guardian who watch in silence cowardly all kind of act of treason, and worst. They have great power and responsibility trusted on them by the state. Don't want to quote Spider man but… "With great power come great responsibility."


They failed us hard on 911 and other failed us even harder before. Fearing that the status quo would be better than exposing the truth. The more they cowardly accept the unacceptable the worst it become. It's a trap and they play right in it. And they are still in the same Cowardly mindset.


They are fucking coward! I will not be kissing theirs ass! A lot of men do dangerous work for an honest pay just to feed theirs family. Foundry men, ,metal worker etc.. We don't have anybody kissing our ass when we get hurt or worst. We just do it for an honest day pay. And when our boss tell us to do something stupid and dangerous we tell him to go fuck himself. Because if we don't someone will get hurt or even get killed.


So Fuck you all! Coward all of them for letting those in power get away with the unacceptable. They don't deserve our respect!