Anonymous ID: 451c05 Feb. 12, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.20403959   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Why do anons think Q lied about being in full control?

Presumably, Q was fulfilling the mission objectives. Why did Q lead an effort to hype 'D5' on December 5th? It was a feint. Per Q#2553: 'Bait expends ammunition'.


"A feint is an offensive action involving contact with the adversary conducted for the purpose of deceiving the adversary as to the location and/or time of the actual main offensive action." (JP 3-13.4 I-9)

The 'D5' feint resulted in the GHWB funeral. The opposing force wasted 'ammunition' (Q#2553). The following objective was achieved:

"Causing the adversary to misallocate personnel, fiscal, and material resources in ways that were advantageous to the friendly force." (JP 3 - 13.4 I-6)


Who was Q trying to convince, Anon. (You) or the OpFor?


D5 (

Referenced doc: