Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 9:01 a.m. No.20406796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7165


The $61 billion sending to Ukraine, is almost twice the budget of the state of Missouri. And the $8 billion to Ukraine professors, is the entire budget annually in our schools in MO

Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 9:19 a.m. No.20406873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6877 >>7028 >>7128 >>7349 >>7509 >>7600

February 13, 2024

What Trump’s ‘Retribution’ Really Means

By Matt Kane.1/2

Many have discussed a second Trump presidency revolving around “retribution.” Trump’s Republican primary opponents have claimed that Trump, if re-elected, would be consumed with “personal grievances” at the expense of “real issues.” Across the aisle, leftists have attempted to program the masses into believing that any form of “retribution” — more on what they mean by that later — would render President Trump a dictator.However, both narratives contain easily exposed flaws.


The media have been champing at the bit to twist Trump’s words to advance their dictator narrative. In response, Trump has given smart political answers in sayingwinning the election, as well as success, will be his retribution. There is no doubting that winning and undoing detrimental Biden policies, similar to how he succeeded the Obama administration, would be one form of retribution. However, no amount of politically nuanced attacks by his “fellow” Republicans, or mainstream leftist gaslighting, can alter reality.Attacks on Trump are real issues that need to be addressed.


Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley were predictably the loudest Republican voices echoing the “real issues” talking point.DeSantis has saidTrump becoming the nominee would make theelection “about legal issues, criminal trials, and January 6,” suggesting that those issues, as well as people who have been wrongly harmed as collateral damage for aligning with Trump— such as January 6 prisoners who continue to rot in prison, or Douglass Mackey, who was sentenced to seven months in prison after the newly inaugurated illegitimate Biden regime raided his home for a meme he had posted five years prior — will never receive the justice they deserve.


As for Haley, after continuing to be soundly defeated in every primary election, including in Nevada, where she came in a distant second to “None of These Candidates,”she continues to point out all of the “dysfunction” that comes with Trump, essentially placing the blame on him for being the target of increasingly obvious political persecution.


Both were unique in how they demonstrated their lack of understanding of the seriousness of our newly weaponized government. Trump’s entrance into politics began as a mockery but has now progressed into impeachments, indictments, ballot removals, arrests, and God knows what else to come between now and November.These are real issues, and any candidate who suggests that these things should be “left in the past” concedes that he either isn’t aware of the legitimacy of voter concerns about these issues or is willfully ignoring them for political gain. Either explanation is disqualifying.


Republicans ignoring or not recognizing these attacks as real issues is a wrong. But Democrats’ current and most brazenly hypocritical instance of gaslighting to date is even more alarming. Leftist TV panels can frequently be heard shrieking at the thought of Trump indicting his political opponents. Yes, they somehow say thiswithout ever noting that Biden and his cronies have already set the precedent for this. They almost deserve credit for getting through their TV segments with a straight face. But despite all their theatre,it isn’t “retribution” they truly fear, but rather accountability, and perhaps with good reason….

Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 9:20 a.m. No.20406877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7028 >>7128 >>7349 >>7509 >>7600




Joe Biden has presided over a blatant, unconstitutionally weaponized government. His former (and likely current) boss,Barack Hussein Obama, began this tactic of American politicking by allowing his FBI to spy on an incoming president, which Hillary Clinton and her campaign masterminded. Nancy Pelosi willfully failed to secure proper security measures in the lead up to January 6, prioritizing optics instead, which has led to the unconstitutional denial of due process for many Americans. This was followed by an obviously biased January 6th Select Committee, which was recently revealed to have operated in a less than ethical manner.When you consider all of this, and too much more to mention, it is no surprise that they are hammering the retribution talking point, trying to convince the America that any instance of them finally being held accountable for their own conduct would undoubtedly be a product of a dictatorial regime. The irony.


Despite their attempts, the truth remains the same.The oath of office mandates that a president “faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and to the best of their ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” That oath is broad by design, as each president faces a unique set of challenges at the time of their reign, and is entrusted by voters to be able to recognize, and determine how to properly address them.


Lincoln dealt with slavery and the Civil War, FDR Hitler and World War II, Reagan the Cold War and the USSR, and the list goes on.There is now a new war that has begun inside the United States by those who have weaponized their power. Getting answers from and delivering justice to those who have carried out these harmful acts on Trump, and by extension the United States, to prevent it from occurring further would not be a distraction, nor would it be dictatorial.


Trump would be just as obligated to attempt to fix this new problem, known as the weaponization of government, as other presidents were to fix the problems of their time. In fact, Trump would be derelict in his duty if he were to not address these issues at least in some way, as he has already stated he believes that the problem will continue in perpetuity if not addressed.



How one defines retribution in political terms is ambiguous. So how should we expect Trump to address this if he returns to office? Last year, he pulled no punches in stating, “I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.” Then, asked by Glenn Beck if he would “lock people up,” Trump said, “The answer is, you have no choice, because they’re doing it to us.” Further, during his post–New Hampshire victory speech, when referencing an embarrassing Nikki Haley celebratory I-came-in-last address to her astroturfed Democrat supporters,Trump said, “I don’t get angry. I get even.” Trump, ever the believer in “an eye for an eye,” in a business sense, to prevent misdeeds from continuing, seems to understand the long-term importance of how what has taken place must be rectified.


If Trump fulfills his constitutional duty in this regard, he will not be using government as a weapon for payback, or “personal grievances,” as Biden has. Instead, he will be cleaning up the deeply rooted, decades-long corruption in government that now plagues America, which would certainly fall under “success,” as he regularly references.


No, Trump will not be going after “journalists” or “the media” or any given “political opponent” who has criticized him, as the media suggest.Instead, he will, within the confines of the law and presidency, aim to protect America from enemies seeking to destroy it,whether they be foreign or domestic, as all presidents are required to do.That is something all Americans, regardless of candidate preference or political affiliation, should demand from their commander in chief.


Matt Kane graduated from Stony Brook University with a bachelor’s degree in political science. His work has been posted by President Trump and published by RealClearPolitics. Follow on Truth Social: @MattKane. X: @MattKaneUSA

Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.20406949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6963 >>6975 >>7028 >>7128 >>7349 >>7509 >>7600

February 13, 2024

The Obama Doctrine vs. the West

By Steve McCann.1/2

The global and domestic landscape is one of turmoil and indecision. Everywhere one looks there is chaos and potential disaster, whether in the financial, economic, political, or military sphere. Since the beginning of the post-World War II era there has been one constant that has been the stabilizing force in the world: the stature, power, and influence of the United States. The twelve years of Barack Obama and his ventriloquist dummy, Joe Biden, have overwhelmingly eroded America and dramatically accelerated the demise of western civilization.

Barack Obama assumed the office of the presidency as a man brought up and steeped in 1960s radicalism as well as his Kenyan father’s rabid anti-colonialism, a combination which advanced the doctrine that America, as the current Western super-power, represents the evil nature of colonialism, western civilization, and capitalism’s exploitation of the masses.

The intellectual, material, and military success of America and the West could only have come about from expropriating the wealth and labor of the peoples of the world, therefore what is defined as western civilization must be destroyed and replaced. But that can only come about if the United States is dismantled.

Themindset of Barack Obama and his ideological fellow-travelersis such that under no circumstances can they defend the West; instead, they must not only transform theUnited States, but destroy any vestiges of its accomplishments. By doing so they, in their addled thinking, exact revenge for thealleged transgressions of the fictitious “White Race” and their dominate global culture.

Barack Obama and these indoctrinated malcontents have spent their entire lives, from birth to the present wallowing in this mindset. Due to his preeminence in the movement, this philosophy, and tactics to overthrow American culture and society as the final step in destroying western culture can be rightfully captioned as the Obama Doctrine.

• The ongoing chaos in the United States is a direct result of their tactical methodology. Which is to:

Tribalize the American populace through an incessant drumbeat of the iniquities of the so-called white race and their attendant “white supremacy and privilege,”

• Infiltrate the universities in order to indoctrinate the younger generations about America’s supposed role in the evils of exploitation and “colonialism,”

Collapse the economy through the exploitation of unsubstantiated “climate change” and an equally fatuous “green agenda,”

• Undermine the Judeo-Christian foundation of the nation by promoting unfettered sexual and lifestyle “freedoms,”

Manipulate the voting process in order to achieve permanent government power,

• Flood the nation with untold millions of illegal immigrants who will refuse to assimilate and will create massive dislocations in the society and the economy.


The suffering of the average American citizen facing economic ruin and the very real threat of Islamic terrorism within this, or any western nation’s borders, are mere means to an end.


To Obama and his confederates, the radical jihadist movement is the tip of the spear to bring down the United States and the West.


ThusObama, and his alliedneo-Marxists that control the Biden Administration,can justify bankrupting the countryas well as promoting unfettered illegal immigration of those who will not assimilate and are from non-European nations around the globe, including those who harbor Islamic terrorists.


Primarily because it is an outpost of western civilization in the Middle East and despite the brutality of Hamas on October 7, 2023, Obama and these racially radicalized collectivists have no compunction in forcing Israel to compromise with the Palestinians for a so-called two-state solution knowing those concessions will eventually spell the end of the Jewish state…

Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 9:40 a.m. No.20406963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7028 >>7128 >>7349 >>7509 >>7600




To this cabal there is no overriding American interest in international affairs except to take a back seat and surrender its influence to other non-western powers, in particular Communist China.


The acolytes of the Obama Doctrine are well awarethat over the past three decades theUnited States has been increasingly alonein carrying the banner for western civilization. Far too many western nations are incompetent and easily intimidated democracies. The leadership in Europe has been essentially nonexistent, as those nations are on what is now a path of inevitable societal suicide. A path upon which the United States has also embarked.7_74_19.gif

The population of the European continent is rapidly aging as the result of a catastrophically negative birth rate – the end product of nearly 160 million abortions since 1980 asnearly 45% of Europeans believe there are no moral absolutes.


As a solution to this dilemma, the countries of Western Europe have, over the years, flung open their borders to waves of legal and illegal immigrants from primarily Muslim nations in Africa and the Middle East. The bulk of them adamantly refuse to assimilate and are currently and deliberately fomenting societal upheaval with an eye to eventually dominating a majority of European nations.


TheObama cabal are also counting on the factthat among the most insidious traits of the =America’s and the West’s so-called “best and brightest” is that they are incredibly self-absorbed== and, thus incapable of admitting their mistakes and taking corrective actions. Instead of dealing with the harsh realities of what is happening in their respective societies today, far too many seek shelter in unknowingly abetting the downfall of their nations and the West by collapsing their societies and economies in the quixotic pursuit of vague and unproven climate-change theories.


There are only a handful of leaders in the United States and other Western countries willing to repudiate the tenetsof these racially-inspired neo-Marxists as well as telling their citizenries the unadulterated truth about the accelerating demise of the West. The rest are incapable of handling the truth themselves, much less knowing what to do about the situations and dilemmas at hand. They react instead with futile collectivist theories promulgated by self-proclaimed and egocentric intellectuals who themselves have no worldly experience except self-induced guilt and, for some, a desire to be part of the in-crowd in the thrall of the Obama Doctrine.


This mindset, combined with a lack of forceful and determined leadership by the United States,will eventuate in another global financial catastrophe,a hegemonic Communist China, an inevitable full-blown military conflict in the Middle East, and theunchecked spread of radical Islam.The ultimate goal of the fall of western civilization will then be realized, but at a massive and bloody cost.


Until the narcissism and ideologyof today’s American ruling class is replaced bythose willing to repudiate and expose the Obama Doctrineand act accordingly, the world will continue to evolve into an exceedingly dangerous place as once the United States is lost there will be no turning back.


Due to the base nature of the human race, with its failings and foibles, all societies have shortcomings, butthe key measure of any civilization is what it does to control these tendenciesand strive for a culture of equality. No nation or civilization in history has done more to assimilate virtually all races and ethnicities and advance the well-being of mankind than the United States and western civilization.


In 2024 the American people have the unique opportunityto overwhelmingly reject the ideology andmachinations of Barack Obama, the addled treachery of Joe Biden, and the complicity of a neo-Marxist Democrat Party and essentially save western civilization.

Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 10:22 a.m. No.20407178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7189 >>7349 >>7509 >>7600

This is too good not to post!

February 13, 2024

Biden's rage and crapulence, staff's cowardice and ignorance, all worsened border crisis –Axios

By Monica Showalter.1/3


Is embattled Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas leaking to Axios now?That's my opinion, but more about that in a minute.


Axios reports that Joe Biden's White House was a complete clown show on the matter of the border crisis, with Joe himself blowing up at staff over impossible things, staff oozily doing all they could to cravenly pass the problem onto some other guy, andsome of them with decision-making power flamingly ignorant and incompetent.


The idiocy worsened the border crisis, Axios argued. The title of their piece is "How Biden Botched the Border."


It's an exclusive scoop, and it starts like this:


Aboard Air Force One en route to tour the southern border in January 2023, President Biden sat at the head of his conference table and exploded with fury.


The president lit into his team, which included then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jen O'Malley Dillon, Homeland Security adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall and other immigration officials.He demanded obscure immigration data points — and vented when his staff didn't have them handy. (That sounds like BS, he can’t remember anything)

Why it matters: The previously unreported meeting, recounted to Axios by three people familiar with the events, is emblematic of the Biden administration's struggle with the border crisis during the past three years — infighting, blame-shifting and indecision.


Biden's fury subsided, and aides scrambled for the information he wanted. People in the meeting later toldothers in frustration that his winding process and irritabilitywere making it more difficult to reach decisions about the border.

What a jackass. Any questions about his fitness to lead the United States? Senile or not, someone like that is no leader and obviously doesn't know what he's doing. Other reports have stated thathe took his marching orders solely from open-borders activists. (He’s in love with Morning Joe!)


As far as White House staff go, it was a nest of stinking, slinking, weasels.


The idea that no one wanted to "own it" came up repeatedly in interviews about the border crisis. But the problem required a robust and coordinated response at several levels of the federal government.



"•=There are definite incentives … to not be the person who owns the scary issue with no solutions==," a former government official close to the issue told Axios.


Kamala Harris was particularly craven:


Vice President Kamala Harris and her office made clear to others in the administration that her responsibilities began and ended with the factors driving people to leave Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador — the issue Biden had assigned her to examine.

As the migration became more global, Harris' team remained focused on the Northern Triangle and Mexico.

Not my circus, not my monkey.


Meanwhile, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan turned his end of the migration crisis over to someone named Liz Sherwood-Randall whose title was Homeland Security advisor, andwho was so ignorant about the matter she didn't know the difference between an asylum-seeker and a refugee. Rather than cover her tracks by secretly googling the difference, she asked staff to prepare a briefing for her on this Wikipedia-level matter.


There was finger-pointing at the Department of State for "dragging its feet" on migrant intake centers in countries of origin,which is baloney, and State rightly denied it because we have been following this issue, and there was constant staff turnover since everyone knew it was a mess and nobody wanted to have their name on it. They fought with each other, with some clearly cognizant of what was happening and others in the throes of the open-borders activists who obviously have a monetary interest in perpetuating the crisis.


Susan Rice eventually ended up running the mess, and she bickered and fought with Sherwood-Randall and Harris, as well as connived against sleazy Housing and Urban Development Secretary Xavier Becerra, who never bothered to do his job at all on migrant housing. According to the report,she called him a "bitch-ass" and an "idiot" in private. When Rice left her post, she was replaced by another viper,Neera Tanden who paid little attention to the matter.

Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 10:24 a.m. No.20407189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7200 >>7349 >>7509 >>7600




One guy who comes out smelling like a rose here in all this organizational sewage is Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkaswho famously assured us all through this White House infighting that "The border is secure." He repeated that talking point from at least March 2021, two months into Biden's presidency.


It makes me suspect he is the primary leaker of the story to Axios.


The Axios report claims that Mayorkas was Mister Responsible here, being against Biden's early executive order putting a 100-day moratorium on migrant deportations to start.


Really? Sounds a little convenient for him at this juncture with a second congressional impeachment on him.


That sure as heck wasn't his story when he was out assuring the public that the border was "secure," there was no border crisis, and oh, he was against Biden's halt on deportations. It's at odds with his current behavior, shielding more than a million deportable illegal aliens from deportation right now. He could deport them … and won't.


Color me skeptical that he was against any Biden moratorium on deportations.


There's also alaughable claimin the Axios report that the Bidenites muzzled Mayorkas from speaking to the press and allowed Biden's opponents to define the issue.Really?A Google search shows that he was talking all the time, constantly defending the indefensible to the point where he seemed as though he lived on another planet. His own Border Patrol grew to hate him in these years, too, back when he was out hanging them out to dry in the press. As for opponents defining the issue, did he notice the 2022 election midterms, when much of always-blue southern Texas counties flipped red? Did he think that was GOP campaign prowess or television ads? He must have missed the detail about voters feeling the actual lived effects of open borders.


Give us a break.


The worst of it is when Axios excuses him from the entire border crisis, claiming the whole thing was out of anyone's control, a global phenomenon:


Reality check: Much of the current crisis is rooted in factors Biden's team has had little control over — including unprecedented global calamities that have pushed millions of migrants to the U.S., decades of congressional inaction, and the state of key agencies after the Trump administration.


Many current and former Biden officials say they believe they've done their best considering the circumstances. But others told Axios they think the administration has fallen far short on matters within its control.

This is pure fiction-writing. What global calamities explain migrants from Congo and China and Togo and Mexico and India and more than 100 other countries from flooding on in? Are they all in calamities? Or did Joe Biden invite them on in, which is what the presidents of Mexico and Guatemala have openly stated. Funny how all the "calamities" they claim weren't there when President Trump was in office, and they only started when Joe Biden took the helm.


It's ridiculous.


But it is … what Mayorkas has been saying for a while in all those supposedly muzzled press appearances. That's his talking point, something he has been claiming since 2023, according to this recent gushing Associated Press piece:


Mayorkas sat down with Arulanantham nearly a year ago for what at times was a contentious interview. Arulanantham pressed him on issues such as the treatment of children in the immigration court system and policies on asylum. But, Arulanantham said, he did not doubt that Mayorkas would speak to him again if he asked.


Mayorkas and many immigration experts argue that what is happening on the southern border is part of a global phenomenon where people around the world, aided by social media and smugglers, are more likely to move in search of a better life.


That's his talking point for weaseling out of responsibility for his own role in enabling millions of unvetted illegal migrants into the U.S….

Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 10:26 a.m. No.20407200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7349 >>7509 >>7600




Yep, the global phenomenon did it,as if the curious pause in wild migration numbers between the hordes invading Europe on Angela Merkel's watch, and the hordes invading the U.S. on Biden's watch, during President Trump's administration didn't happen.


That Axios has laid that out that ridiculous claim as if it were a newsroom fact now pretty wellsuggests that they are in Mayorkas' tree.


Obviously,Mayorkas has become the designated fall guy at Joe Biden's chaos-filled White Houseand now faces his second impeachment in Congress as the process ramps up again. Nobody from the Biden administration is seriously defending him.


That's why it looks to me like he's leaking all the dirt about how bad the White House is, in order to make himself look like Mister Responsible, when in fact he was probably one of the most malevolent drivers of the crisis.


Feel free to leak, Secretary Mayorkas, if you are indeed the leaker, it's good that this information gets out there.


Just don't imagine that the mud of the pigs in that place isn't all over you, too.


Everyone is running for cover!

Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 10:42 a.m. No.20407269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7386

According to the report released last week by Special Counsel Robert Hur, Joe Biden has a long history of mishandling classified material.


Witnesses told Hur during the course of his year-long investigation that as vice president, Biden routinely took classified files and did not return them as required. “Mr. Biden was known to remove and keep classified material from his briefing books for future use, and his staff struggledand sometimes failedto retrieve these materials,” Hur disclosed in the special counsel’s damning 388-page report.


Even the nation’s most guarded secrets were unsafe in Biden’s hands. “[In] August 2010… Mr. Biden failed to return Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information (also referred to as ‘codeword’) contents of a classified briefing book that he had received during a trip to the Hamptons.” His reckless management of classified papers so alarmed White House officials that they scheduled a briefing with Biden that same month to review the necessary protocol.


Despite the briefing, Biden’s carelessness continued throughout his term. He would “frequently…leave classified documents unattended, outside of safes, at the Naval Observatory and his Delaware home,” former aides told investigators.


New details from Hur’s investigation, which involved interviews with 147 witnesses and Biden himself, indicate Biden’s bad habits didn’t stop after his vice presidency ended.



“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. These materials included (1) marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and (2) notebooks containing Mr. Biden's handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods.”


Hur then explained why he would not indict Biden aside from settled law that prohibits the prosecution of a sitting president: Biden, Hur concluded, lacks the mental acuity to face trial. Among other lapses, Biden “did not remember when he was vice president” and “did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.”


Biden is lucky to be protected from prosecution by the presidency and an apparent case of dementia. Donald Trump on the other hand is not so lucky. And despite Hur’s clumsy attempt to draw what he described in the report as “several material distinctions between Mr. Trump's case and Mr. Biden's” in an effort to downplay Biden’s criminality, a review of both cases clearly shows how Biden’s case is far more egregious and worthy of prosecution than Trump’s.


Two-Tiered System of Justice Again in Full Sight


(I’d post the whole article but it’s too long, but a good read)

Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 11:06 a.m. No.20407386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7509 >>7513 >>7600


Kash was right, he said early on 2020 NARA notified Bidan he had top secret papers and had to return them,So that was the reason NARA and FBI got contentious with Trump in May 2020 and raided Mar a Lago in Augustand didn’t reveal Bidan’s stolen documents to past the election deadline.


Bidan accused Trump of what he had been doing since his senate days

“Witnesses told Hur during the course of his year-long investigation that as vice president, Biden routinely took classified files and did not return them as required. “Mr. Biden was known to remove and keep classified material from his briefing books for future use, and his staff struggledand sometimes failedto retrieve these materials,” Hur disclosed in the special counsel’s damning 388-page report.


“Even the nation’s most guarded secrets were unsafe in Biden’s hands. “[In] August 2010… Mr. Biden failed to return Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information (also referred to as ‘codeword’) contents of a classified briefing book that he had received during a trip to the Hamptons.”His reckless management of classified papers so alarmed White House officials that they scheduled a briefing with Biden that same month to review the necessary protocol.


Despite the briefing, Biden’s carelessness continued throughout his term.He would “frequently…leave classified documents unattended, outside of safes, at the Naval Observatoryand his Delaware home,” former aides told investigators.


New details from Hur’s investigation, which involved interviews with 147 witnesses and Biden himself, indicate Biden’s bad habits didn’t stop after his vice presidency ended.



“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. These materials included (1) marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and (2) notebooks containing Mr. Biden's handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods.”


Hur then explained why he would not indict Biden aside from settled law that prohibits the prosecution of a sitting president: Biden, Hur concluded, lacks the mental acuity to face trial. Among other lapses, Biden “did not remember when he was vice president” and “did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.”


Biden is lucky to be protected from prosecution by the presidency and an apparent case of dementia. Donald Trump on the other hand is not so lucky. And despite Hur’s clumsy attempt to draw what he described in the report as “several material distinctions between Mr. Trump's case and Mr. Biden's” in an effort to downplay Biden’s criminality, a review of both cases clearly shows how Biden’s case is far more egregious and worthy of prosecution than Trump’s….

Anonymous ID: 33a1e6 Feb. 13, 2024, 11:15 a.m. No.20407433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7446 >>7455 >>7465 >>7509 >>7565 >>7600

There's something extremely important here that is not being recognized, but those who can read between the lines are realizing it and it's scaring the shit out of people:


Elements of the Davos class are preparing to defect to the Trump/populist movement.


The world right now is terrifying to the Davos Class. Everything is going wrong, the populists have entered the inner sanctum and are openly saying "you guys are the problem your doom is coming," and there's a feeling the neoliberal intl. system is at the edge of the abyss.


The economy — which is what is keeping the US-led international order (i.e., neoliberal order, aka the American empire) afloat for now — is looking BAD. Even if Trump were to lose the presidential election, its understood that things would break.


…and they don't think Trump is going to lose. These people, clueless as they can be, also see the opinion polls and can sense where things are going.


This sense of impending doom is creating A LOT of panic/denial in Democrat and neoliberal circles.


Election's unwinnable, stealing it again is harder this time because everyone's wised up…


Charlie Kirk


Blackstone CEO Stephen A. Schwarzman tells the Davos crowd that the US is not prepared for four more years of Biden's $2 trillion deficits, 8 million illegals invading America, and a debt-to-GDP ratio going higher and higher.


He's right.


1:58 PM · Jan 19, 2024
