Anonymous ID: 524f9b July 5, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.2041030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1084 >>1541

>>2040403 (pb)

That email IS and should be disturbing for ALL of us. Perhaps an AMA with the author? OR..CM addressing this directly?


OR, perhaps Q taking matters in hand? This should not be permitted to stand...because we stand for the matter what the truth is...right? (it could explain the JIDF shit we've had to put up with...considering many of the CBTS folks are in fact Jewish....? Corsi, Beanz...others?)


We cannot stick our heads in the sand..even if what we're doing here is helping expose and spread information for people..we should want to stand in truth no matter what the truth is.


The email could be the truth, or it could be someone trying to stop the movement. But either way, we shouldn't stick our heads in the sand.


This could explain a lot of what we're NOT seeing (action)...but being promised. I think all of us should be interested in this...because we claim to stand for the truth.

Anonymous ID: 524f9b July 5, 2018, 8:25 a.m. No.2041195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1363 >>1367 >>1465 >>1496


I don't doubt what you're saying…a butthurt CBTS insider..etc…to verify it was even an email it would need the KEY and tracing made public, as well as the author putting on big boy pants..etc…however we have known for ages CBTS is comp't…


I find it difficult to believe merely due to the pics…but it shouldn't be swept under the rug. I'd love to read a debunking of this…solely because the speed at which Q was ejected from half…it made me feel there was some back channel shit going on by which half learned Q's "identity" and thus they ejected him…today I believe half is comp'd..but I was there yesterday, and have been there since the old flashing gore days…and one thing I noted, that even tho comp'd (more heavily modded)….the spirit was mostly the is that spirit I am completely missing here….so that's why I'm asking. I've seen other emails that said similar from back in the half days…the fact that we eject/reject CBTS from here and the PAYtriots…that's quite a lot of points in our favor. I've been "on to" Corsi since the very first time I listened to him bumbling about trying to "interpret" Q posts and his incompetence was….but CBTS seemed to suck his dick (I posted about Corsi last night and his apparent bumbling)….it's entirely possible he could have been being used, but honestly just listening to him…one has to wonder….


one thing that would go a long way to solving this and I have sadly not checked up on…is..IS CORSI still a part of CBTS while at the same time dissing Q? IF he is still a part of it, then that debunks the email straight off.


There was way too much in FBIanon…the freaking of Meganon….and other things to dismiss this outright….that's why I'm asking.


Kindly direct me to the debunk.

Anonymous ID: 524f9b July 5, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.2041297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1321



Have you actually READ most of this CDAN poster's comments? KEK…I've no interest in what a Muz has to say…he's like a muzzy missionary there.


Tricia is legend, DDonna on team Trump, Plot is just an angry butthurt asshole…Boo..old time hollywood…I've been reading there for years, never comment because honestly…I'm looking for drops regarding clams, and pedos…could care less about reality shit, athletes, and Kartrashians…or which actress is willingly trading cooch for roles.


However the pedo stuff…Geffin…Speilburgh, and other things…dig super deep into the corruption (((THEY))) have been running in hollywierd.

Anonymous ID: 524f9b July 5, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.2041386   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I was so pissed when they murdered him. You know his wife and bodyguard were in on that.

I made an error last night when posting about that blind….it is Chester Bennington, Cornell's close friend, NOT Cornell, who is rumored to be the son of Podesta. The words "related to you" caught my attention in the blind….there's something here…perhaps Bennington TOLD Cornell about this shit or what he suspected. If I was Bennington…I'd be hole up.

Anonymous ID: 524f9b July 5, 2018, 8:55 a.m. No.2041517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1523 >>1540


CDAN has a few different "church" blinds..diffentiates between them but hard to catch. I actually FOUND the damn school he was talking about…and fuckitol if I can't find it now. There were a shit ton of reviews about abuse on YELP…it's expensive, for "troubled" teens…now closed and or rebranded…but it is linked to one of the "churches" in CDAN blinds…just not this one. I tried redigging and completely failed. I believe it started with an F….and yes I deserve all possible shitting on for not screen shotting. Sorry.

Anonymous ID: 524f9b July 5, 2018, 9 a.m. No.2041559   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>FOX NEWS: HHS Secy Azar Says They Are Doing DNA Testing on Every Detained Illegal Immigrant Parent


Read that this morning, the left is screaming bloody murder…I fail at meme…however there is lots of ripe meme material in this…they are literally screaming…how can a baby consent to a DNA test…waaaa…well same way a baby cannot consent to being raped…at least if they discover the real parent it has less a chance of being raped…wonder how many adults backtracking and refusing DNA testing on themselves and the kids they're claiming?

Anonymous ID: 524f9b July 5, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.2041603   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Creepy shit came from



I hate to burst your bubble..but worldcorp has a shit ton of what that poster feels is "creepy acting" scary videos. Was on VOAT when that shit it, saw the original…yes they're creepy, but the version that started hitting the waves is so heavily altered…slowly over time the audio was altered, the video was "cleared up"…to the point it no longer resembled the original and was "clear proof" Podesta was the man in the video….considering that at the time one of Alefantes's BFFs was moding at VOAT /PG one wonders why..people pointing out the video was heavily altered….just either got banned or gave up…

Anonymous ID: 524f9b July 5, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.2041631   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Then shut your cake-hole and let the men get back to work. KEK!

KEK that will eliminate the MUZ problem…go for it son…but I've been reading that asshole for a very long time…be careful who you follow.

Anonymous ID: 524f9b July 5, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.2041671   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BTW, again been reading at CDAN for years and I've not seen any JW blinds but holy kek the posters there literally hate him and keep asking Enty to out him as the monster they know he is…I like him…saucy and doesn't afraid of nothin!

Anonymous ID: 524f9b July 5, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.2041709   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>like many autists you over think everything

possible..but I do like to have all my bases of possibility covered.


I have my personal reasons for believing Q is not a LARP…very personal…because of some "tips" I've posted…that were immediately reacted to….but that does not mean someone UP THERE is not reading here, saw the tips..reacted…know what I mean…I like things to be tidy….CBTS is a cancer…and they're butthurt…but still I am completely open to the sauce here…so sauce me!