They were very good actors to be able to do those characters.
Each Senator supposedly gets 15 minutes to speak so . . . It'll be quite a show.
I posted him the other week. I did a search on Trudeau and he came up. It was an image search and
the headline on his photo was . . .
just released from prison for fraud.
I'd done a search to find the canadaian primeminster in jail.
Monitors of AI Psyops are collecting data for tribunals and AI psyop posters need to realize
every lie they tell is monitored.
that moment when they realize that the crappy graphics that they post
will be used as evidence . . .
a joke, or is it?
oh no! I did not put (PB) on the >>2049011 (PB) link! sorry
you're not a psycho pathic psyop, Mr. Pig, claiming your product will murder whole nations . . .
why would I want to scare you when I have always enjoyed your presence . . .
except when you piss me off (but it passes).
you have me confused with someone else, is my guess.
are you a crappy AI Warfare meme?
I don't care if a meme is made with AI, anon. I dislike people who post about murdering whole nations with AI warfare.
when you posted 'Mr. Nig'