The Afterlife and Selling Your Soul Clarification
Dear people of Earth,
As you may have realized: creation was set up with the central value of free will. Creation wasn’t set up with the central value of niceness, or comfort, or of people being protected from bad or destructive choices. Instead, it was set up with the central value of free will, and the amount of free will you can exercise is actually quite extreme when you think about it.
For example, I am a mother and I think it’s quite outrageous that a person is able to intentionally kill a baby. That is clearly a very destructive and hurtful choice. Yet, it is possible. You can do all kinds of horrible things to other people, and in general no law of nature or angel will step in to stop you.
Similarly, nothing in the universe stops you from using hard drugs, or stops you from drinking alcohol until it kills you. Nothing in the universe stops you from grabbing a knife and wounding or even mutilating yourself. I think this illustrates that creation is set up to allow for an extreme amount of free will, including allowing actions that are clearly destructive to others or yourself.
With this in mind, is it possible to make a deal with a demon along the lines of: “give me riches and fame now, and in exchange after this life I, as a soul, will agree to go to a dark place and / or serve you”? Yes, that is possible. You have an extreme amount of free will in creation, why wouldn’t this be possible? If you make such a deal, the demon will attempt to pull you down to a dark place after your death, feeling justified in doing so. And it will probably succeed in doing so. What would normally prevent a demon from trying to pull you down, will not protect you in this case because you made a free-will choice. And higher consciousness beings are pretty big on allowing people to make free-will choices, even destructive ones.
And that is what is called: selling your soul.
Now, selling your soul is not an irrevocable or a forever-process. Even after you do it, you can call on for example Jesus for help, and he will help you. Or if you raise your vibration and level of consciousness sufficiently through spiritual practice, you can end up in a situation where you can either resist being pulled down because the dark place doesn’t energetically fit you. Or if you already were pulled down you can become high-conscious enough that you just drift up and out of the dark place you were in. Or you can grow to become powerful enough that you can defeat and usurp the dark master you promised to serve.
Still, I don’t recommend selling your soul.
But yes, selling your soul is a real thing. You can do a search and note just how many people talk about or sing about selling their soul.
Now, yes, I do know what a metaphor is, but metaphors don’t spring up out of nothing. If selling your soul wasn’t possible, then the term “selling your soul” wouldn’t have any kind of emotional resonance — then that would just be a combination of words that no one would ever actually say, similar to how no one says the words “duplicating your soul.” Because, you know, duplicating your soul is impossible, which is why no one says the words “duplicating your soul.” Well, similarly, if there wasn’t such a thing as selling your soul, then no one would say those words, and instead people would talk about “selling your freedom” or “selling your principles” to refer to the idea of a person giving up their freedom or principles to become rich or famous.
That’s a good rule of thumb in general: if a term has emotional resonance, then there’s probably something real though possibly misunderstood there.
Now, maybe the words “selling your soul” create a picture in people’s minds of their soul being irrevocably lost forever. Maybe that is why some people have a strong reaction against this concept, why they perhaps feel that “selling your soul” doesn’t resonate to such a strong degree that they feel they can say it’s nonsense. Indeed: it is true that you selling your soul doesn’t mean that it’s irrevocably lost forever.
So, selling your soul is one thing you can do. Another thing you can do is what Elizabeth April called “selling your body.” That is when you make a deal, and a hostile extraterrestrial or a demon enters your body and pushes your soul to the back. Then you can do nothing but watch, as the demon or hostile extraterrestrial takes control of your body and starts moving it. If there is no intervention, you can remain like that for a long time or even until death, at which point you go to the afterlife as normal.