It's not even a Punishment under the Constitution…
You can remove the psychopath from in front of the Camera capturing the Smirk.
But The Smirk can never come off the psychopath..
Who has the Aerial photo of Gaza (with a little water/coast in the background)
I seen one with a bunch of Bulldozer roads.. But then Nothing. Trying to get an update on gods chosen lunatics.
there shoud be like 51 agents goin up for capital punishment already.. but….Na Julian Assange is white supremacist Violent Racist and Antisemetickite a drumf boater because he did the same thing as WAPO and others.
Imagine if Donie O Sulivan was locked in a bolivian embassy tryin to stay alive.. that would be funny. And smelly..
Imagine Don o LEMMON with the same information Julian had, and IN The same JUlian Assange shit hole (wishing he could get that embassy door knob to humb his bum for decades)
On a long enough time-line locked in an embassy being witch hunted could make Julian, Don Lemon and Donie O Sullivan ALL GAY…
Today we're going to save water in the Embassy, and take a shower together said, Julian, Don Lemon and Donie O Sullivan